Will you go through this in your "golden years"?



Member #9641
Mar 31, 2009
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Heart of Georgia
Several days ago as I left a meeting at our church, I desperately gave myself a personal TSA pat down. I was looking for my keys. They were not in my pockets. A quick search in the meeting room revealed nothing.

Suddenly I realized, I must have left them in the car. Frantically, I headed for the parking lot. My wife has scolded me many times for leaving the keys in the ignition. My theory is the ignition is the best place not to lose them. Her theory is that the car will be stolen. As I burst through the doors of the church, I came to a terrifying conclusion. Her theory was right. The parking lot was empty.

I immediately called the police. I gave them my location, confessed that I had left my keys in the car, and that it had been stolen. Then I made the most difficult call of all, "Honey," I stammered. I always call her "honey" in times like these. "I left my keys in the car, and it has been stolen."

There was a period of silence. I thought the call had been dropped, but then I heard her voice. "Idiot", she barked, "I dropped you off!"

Now it was my time to be silent. Embarrassed, I said, "Well, come and get me." She retorted, "I will, as soon as I convince this policeman I have not stolen your car."

Yep it's getting like that. The Golden Years.
Dude, my dad stayed with me for a month last summer and every ten minutes was like that.
I heard the same stories over and over and had to repeat myself over and over.

I had to take him to work with me and it was very hard because he is a diabetic and his sugar is so messed up so he would feel crappy and I would have to take care of him while working, then deal with his inappropriate behaviors, and there were lots of them.

It's a miracle he survives while his wife is at work, but he is a trip and I love him to death.

It's been over a year and he still can't figure out how to use his cell phone.

My phone will ring......I answer........dead silence on the other end.......hello, hello, I say....then he proceeds to leave me a message, and no his hearing is perfect..lol.

I could tell stories like this all day.
Yes and it's coming sooner than we think. I have a general list in my mind of 'firsts' on my way to becoming an old fart, such as 'first time getting senior discount (check!)...a couple days ago reached another milestone 'first time falling down in the house' LMAO.
Just a word for the wise, Dont forget your wifes name while making love to her. It hasnt happened to me yet but I can see it coming.

Yeah, that's hilarious! My Mom stay's between my house and my brothers and she's getting quite elderly, you know the type stubborn as a bull and repeats everything several times a day after hearing it the first three times, then I just start finishing what she is going to say for her! Her mom had Alzheimer's.
I spent 10 minutes this morning looking for my cell phone. Checked everywhere it could possibly be - pockets of what I'm wearing now, computer desk, kitchen, bedroom, living room, garage, car, back in the house to check pockets of what I wore yesterday, etc.
I thought about calling my cell number but remembered I'd left it on "silent".
Then I remembered I'd plugged it in to recharge it last night. Yep, there it was, still plugged into the wall.
It already began for me at 55.

I chose the R/T Charger over the R/T Challenger because I no longer want to shift gears and I wanted 4 doors for the convenience of transporting others.

I chose the R/T Charger over the SRT8 Charger (same year and color) because the SRT suspension was too stiff and transferred to much road noise into the cabin.

I look at the Duster and the convertible and see how much work I still have to do on them which causes me to grab the keys to the Charger and go for a drive and open up the Hemi and forget about everything.
As we sunset into our later years it's your body or your brain - pick one.

My 81 yo mom has Alzheimer's. It's been difficult to see her go from a vital, strong super woman to a person who can't remember what day it is. It seemed to us like the transformation took place over a short span of 1-2 years. In reality, her dementia began seeping out in small doses over the past decade but we didn't know enough about it to recognize the signs. It became apparent though when she would drive to meet some of her friends for coffee but end up in some bad part of town at some store, with a blank response of not knowing how she arrived there. A clerk would call me and ask if I could come down and pick her up.

Numerous instances occurred like that. Needless to say but it was the end of her driving privileges.:sad7:
I've actually walked around my house looking for my cellphone......while I was talking on it. LOL Well, it was only for about 10 seconds if that helps.
Here is mine = Walk out side :bball: shut the door behind me :thumblef:
What the heck did I come out here for :shock::violent1:
I walk back inside and start all over :bball: and it hits me :cheers: I needed to move Buddy (my dog) to his run leash :sign3:
short term memory hit me first, I guess that is why I wake up to a new world every day :D
That is funny as hell! I just read it to the guys at work and we all broke up laughing. Working on putting the 408 into my car, Tom or I would set down a tool or a part and then spend five minutes trying to find where we put it. It happened continually all through the install.
All I can say is eat right. Change your diet before it's too late and the damage has been done. Eat more things with omega-3 for starters. Increase your greens intake to at least 6 cups/day.9 is better. I could show you a link on what to eat. It's advise from a female doctor who cured herself of multiple sclerosis. She lives right here in town,roughly 10 minutes away. I am taking her advise,and the result's are just short of miraculous! I think all I need now is time and good food to heal my body.

Let me know if you want the link. It's a youtube video. You have to be ready for a big change though..
Here is mine = Walk out side :bball: shut the door behind me :thumblef:
What the heck did I come out here for :shock::violent1:
I walk back inside and start all over :bball: and it hits me :cheers: I needed to move Buddy (my dog) to his run leash :sign3:
short term memory hit me first, I guess that is why I wake up to a new world every day :D

Mike, the upside of Alzheimer's is that you get to meet new friends every day! lol
All I can say is eat right. Change your diet before it's too late and the damage has been done. Eat more things with omega-3 for starters. Increase your greens intake to at least 6 cups/day.9 is better. I could show you a link on what to eat. It's advise from a female doctor who cured herself of multiple sclerosis. She lives right here in town,roughly 10 minutes away. I am taking her advise,and the result's are just short of miraculous! I think all I need now is time and good food to heal my body.

Let me know if you want the link. It's a youtube video. You have to be ready for a big change though..


I actually improve my mental and physical health when I eat right. It usually lasts for about 6 months and then I start backsliding to the sugar, fat, and carbs. Right now I am planning on cleaning myself up right after Easter.
All I can say is eat right. Change your diet before it's too late and the damage has been done. Eat more things with omega-3 for starters. Increase your greens intake to at least 6 cups/day.9 is better. I could show you a link on what to eat. It's advise from a female doctor who cured herself of multiple sclerosis. She lives right here in town,roughly 10 minutes away. I am taking her advise,and the result's are just short of miraculous! I think all I need now is time and good food to heal my body.

Let me know if you want the link. It's a youtube video. You have to be ready for a big change though..

I would like the link. If nothing else to at least check it out.
Let me know if you want the link. It's a youtube video. You have to be ready for a big change though..

Yes, please post the link. I'm sure a lot of us could use the benefits of a better diet.
Wait. What were we talking about? ...and who are all you people?
I would like to see it to needsaresto :happy1:
I live my life with courage,and strength and this info is needed I bet :cheers:

A short nap a day makes a big difference for me so I get two 8 hour days in one :cheers:
Can't find my 1/2 inch drill, this is the second one I've lost!! Yep, it is fun getting older. On the other hand Mom is 86 and still sharp. She did start counting backwards after her last birthday, it makes her feel younger.
Benefit of coconut oil for memory loss: [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iScs0uzQZFk"]Dr. Newport's effective work on memory loss and Alzheimer's with coconut oil- Part I - YouTube[/ame]

Other articles:

[ame="http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=benefits+of+coconut+oil+memory&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8"]benefits of coconut oil memory - Google Search[/ame]
Safe we are all to say "creatures of habit"? Break the habit and well........Habit was start bike in garage, roll bike into driveway, put helmet on and shut the garage door. One day I started the bike up, walked out of the garage with the helmet on and shut the door. Anybody catch what I missed?? I am standing in the driveway, kind of spinning in a circle looking for the bike. Walked to the end of the driveway to see if someone stole it and was riding it away. Neighbor is walking his dog and notices me. Walks up the driveway, takes the clicker for the garage out of my hand and opens the door. Hell, I was only 32 or so when that happened....
Twice in the past year, I have walked around the house nearly in a panic, looking for my car keys. Both times, they were in my hand. IN MY HAND! Not easy to admit. And I'm only 40.

hey Needsaresto, I wouldn't mind seeing that video link.
My wife has me on a great diet, it really helps. However, my problem is on the way from point A to B I start thinking about something else, and if I am sort of programmed to head a certain way, I'll find my rut and start trogging, and my thoughts will flip off to this and that (why waste good time lol), and then when I get to where I'm heading, I'm not even sure that's where I'm going. And even if it is, I really have no idea why I'm there, so I look around hoping to see something that will rejog my mind. mmm broccoli.