Woodburner in garage

Electric goes out.......there is a generator sitting in my garage with enough extension cord to reach into the house where the pellet stove is. Been thru several sessions of Therapy this year and every time I have been in there has been at least 1 person in there for any injury that happened when they were gathering up wood. The trees that are prevalent around here, Ponderosa pine, you would have to have a death wish to burn. They are so sappy that they do not create creosote in your chimney they create tar. At 190+ a cord for red fir or tamarack, that is assuming you get a full cord, burning wood can get pricey up here. How do you control the heat with a wood burner? With our Pellet stove it is on a T-Stat....
I got one of these, well not exactly but close.


It works great. Also its easy to shut off if I want to spray paint or carb cleaner or whatever else that might go boom. Install was a little bit of a pain (and you have to figure out what code is). It worked great. It would put me out of the garage after a while.

Anyway, after I went through all of that, I ended up getting new garage doors. Because I am working out there in the winter, and I HATE the cold, I got the insulated doors with the crazy R factor or whatever. It wasn't that much more and HOLY SMOKES it makes a difference.

Say its 20* outside. My wife comes home at 6, parks the van in the garage. We have dinner, put the kids to bed. By 8:00, the garage is 50-60 degrees because the heat from the engine in the van has warmed it up. In the summer, I have her park it outside until it cools off so it doesn't heat up the house! (I have a decent sized 3.5 car, but park my driver outside so the Dart can stay toasty).

Unless its really cold out, or I have to have the door open a lot, I never run that heater anymore.
As far as the original question regarding insurance, I read a similar thread on the garage forum and many parts of the States it's a flat out no for insurance, so you would have to ask to be sure. I have a wood one and 5 acres of forest so the wood is presumably free, if I could ever get ahead of the game. Buying is around $175/cord and lasts a fair while, controlling heat is only an issue when it's just cold enough that you need it but not extremely cold. Then it tends to get too hot in there, the rest of the time if it's too hot only burn a piece or two at a time.

I plan on putting one in the shop myself once I build it.
Electric goes out.......there is a generator sitting in my garage with enough extension cord to reach into the house where the pellet stove is. Been thru several sessions of Therapy this year and every time I have been in there has been at least 1 person in there for any injury that happened when they were gathering up wood. The trees that are prevalent around here, Ponderosa pine, you would have to have a death wish to burn. They are so sappy that they do not create creosote in your chimney they create tar. At 190+ a cord for red fir or tamarack, that is assuming you get a full cord, burning wood can get pricey up here. How do you control the heat with a wood burner? With our Pellet stove it is on a T-Stat....

so now you have the added expense of a generator.. :)

i burn nothing but hard wood (99%oak) and properly seasoned it burns super clean and puts out a lot of heat.

i control my heat in my wood burner by either putting more or less wood in it and by adjusting the air. not hard to do at all. the first year there is a learning curve but after that its cake.

as far as injuries go. ya can't fix stupid. people get hurt walking down the street.
This was about insurance??

lol... what the hell does insurance have to do with wood or pellet burning?

It's funny how threads go sideways like this, here's the original post, it has nothing to do with wood or pellet just about insurance not covering him :poke:

Ok, I had my woodburner hooked up today in my garage. It works great! Then my buddy calls and tells me his brother was gonna put a woodbuner in his garage but, his insurance agent said he would not cover the garage if it was installed!
Good thing beer isn't combustible. I'm a mess. This is stressing me out!
Good thing beer isn't combustible. I'm a mess. This is stressing me out!

Only one way to find out, make the call, don't tell them it's already in, just you were thinking about getting one. If you don't tell them about it and have a fire you're not covered anyway so you may as well bite the bullet. If they say no then I guess you need another heat source. As long as it's properly installed, CSA approved and cleaned regularly it's pretty darn safe.
lol... what the hell does insurance have to do with wood or pellet burning?

Lots and lots. Many home owners policies require you notify them (and probably charge more) for a wood burning appliance, and if it's some home made barrel stove, you ain't a gonna get it

Generator? What good is a nice warm shop without "juice?" LOL
Lots and lots. Many home owners policies require you notify them (and probably charge more) for a wood burning appliance, and if it's some home made barrel stove, you ain't a gonna get it

Generator? What good is a nice warm shop without "juice?" LOL

ummm. it was a joke. i read the original post before i posted the first time
any kind of flamed heat is dangerous If the guy operating it is a ding ding.I love the wood stoves but there allot of work.and besides that if I had a wood stove I would be setting beside it asleep..............Artie:sleepy5:
I put the call in to the insurance co. Did what Rob said actually before I read his response. They said they would have to look up my policy and check with under writer. May not know til tomorrow. Til then leaving it alone. I wish I would of known before I had it installed. I would rather be safe then sorry. I also don't want to deceive the insurance co. That could be ugly. If I have to remove I will. I'll more than likely go with a reznor type gas heater. Just goes to show ya you are never to old to learn something.
ummm. it was a joke. i read the original post before i posted the first time

!!LOL!! I SAID "LOL," LOL!!!

