Would you say a "Drug dealer car" ?

Funny,I love the description. I never knew there was a 1997 Dodge Aspen,and even having a 5.7L Hemi in it. Man that is Super Rare.
That screams 'low level drug dealer trying to appear high level while making my way up the ladder'...
Regardless what year it is or what engine that thing has ... is it ever UGGGLLLYY, especially the wheels. If it really has a 5.7 hemi, it would be worth buying for the engine and then sell the rest of it for parts. I'm sure some ricer would buy the wheels and tires.
I see these all over Atlanta all the time.

They must really be something in their neighborhoods among their people's, but on the highway, they are a laughing stock to the rest of us normal commuters.

I guess if you watch too many rap video's, this is one thing you just gotta have to earn them street cred's.
The drug dealer's version of a 'Popcorn Pimp Daddy's' ride.......................
Take a POS, throw some cheap bling at it and look 'cool'.
At least they didn't waste a good A Body.
:vom::vom::vom::vom::vom::vom::vom::pukeleft: :pukeleft: :pukeleft: :pukeleft: :pukeleft: :pukeleft: :pukeleft:
That is kinda ugly...........strange though, it's a siezed car (probably drug related) and yet they block out the tags in the pictures.......who cares?????
that is a badass car u guys should buy it for me and i will let u guys wash it and if u are nice u can ride in it
We have several days left on this auction. Does any one want to guess how much this car will sell for?

I say $4,275.00

Your turn

3,300 i would take the engine out of this bad boy...
the next city over from where I live has a large pop. of those kinda folks
$1000 radio,,dvd player,,24"s on a $500 pos
Theres even a place where they can rent the rims and tires on a weekly payment..prob. money plus crack..