Would You Use This Timing Cover?



Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2007
Reaction score
Concord, CA
It has been boiled and ready to use. Not much meat left on the left side. Maybe JB Weld makes an aluminum filler I could use? Your thoughts?


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weld it, JB would probably work to though, i use some on a thermostat housing with good results, held up for 3 years now
It has been boiled and ready to use. Not much meat left on the left side. Maybe JB Weld makes an aluminum filler I could use? Your thoughts?

I would either have it repaired or find another one. Unless it is a rare unobtainable part I would most likely find a replacement. Porosity and electrolysis aren't your friends.
If its the only one you have, Clean, clean, and JB Weld it!
I'd find another one. Yes, we all like to help.
At first glance, i'm in the get another one camp.....but upon further review...lol, I don't see why a little JB or even a high temp epoxy couldn't fill those imperfections. Goop it up, and with some light grinding or sanding back to the original form, it will probably be good as new.
The one I used on my motor was worse than that. I just cleaned it real well, roughed it up (including drilling tiny holes for anchor points), and used JB Weld. After it dried all it took was a couple minutes with a file and it was good to go. I pulled it off last year (after 4 years and ~10k miles) and looked perfect. I wouldn't hesitate to do it again.
It might have a hairline crack in some of those pits that you cannot see. It would suck to have to pull it back down. Those covers are a dime a dozen. I would replace it. JMO.
depends on which cover it is and I can't tell from the picture. early w/bolt on timing marker, fairly common. 69 w/right cast timing marker less common, 70 up left cast marker very common.
I would not use that part on my motor. How about a picture of the top and front see if we can't come up with a good one for you?
I see only 1 spot where I might remove a little more of the casting. This is to insure my JB Weld is one continuous piece and not separate small pieces. I would definitely rough up any smooth mating surfaces, creates a tooth, insures bond.
In actuality As long as the repair is stronger than the radiator cap, your golden. That's why a gob of RTV wouldn't work for me.
I would use a better one if I had one available.

If not, that one will work, but it's better safe than sorry. You will be the one walking home if it doesn't work.....