Wow, the Plymouth Duster FB page is just...



Moparus Fanaticus
FABO Gold Member
Dec 6, 2012
Reaction score
I recently got into a pissing match on the Plymouth Duster Facebook page.

Definitely filled with idiots.

The pissing match was how the 904 is worthless piece of junk and how it should be replaced with a 727...

Yeah I guess my 400hp 360 is going to blow up my 999, I'm riding on top of a ticking time bomb. comments like: "Its only a 6 cylinder transmission" or better yet "I've blown several 904's up with my 318."

Big deal. I've had 2nd and 3rd gear go kablooey on an A727 in my old stock 360 1988 power Ram before.

It's all how you build these damn things... Granted I'm no expert but I know quite a bit about these transmissions only because I had a grumpy, old retired transmission technician school me, oh yeah I keep an open mind and am willing to learn.
I also had a bunch of guys here on FABO school me as well.
I've rebuilt numerous engines, 318's, 360's GM 305's. AMC 401's, but when one guy made the Idiot comment of the day and said that 360's are junk boat anchors, its all about the 318's and 340's. :banghead:
I was floored on the stupidity of that comment. Yep ok, maybe in stock form, but modded up they're all neck in neck. I love 340's and 318's. BUT a 340 is rare, I would love to cruise in a 340 car. Daily drive, or race? nope. 318's a good motor, but is it so much more awesome than a 360? Umm, no not quite. Sorry.

And in no way did I say the 904 is better than the 727. All's I said is that the 904's (or 998-999's) can be made to handle decent power and last, it won't cost you much. (It only costed me a total of a little over $900) And I scored a A999 for $125 from a salvage yard and did half the rebuild work myself.
Now granted I had to recently take it back to the shop and have them re-rebuild the thing only because of the torque converter. And I only took it to the shop because he supplied the torque converter to me and I was pressed for time. And he cut me a deal. I'm going TDY and have an upcoming inspection in my unit, so I have no time.


Sorry for the Rant folks.
This is why I don't do Facebook.
It's a children's playground populated by snot-nosed, pizza-faced pissants that think they know more than their parents and teachers. Most of them weren't even conceived yet when the Duster ended production.
That crap wouldn't fly here. And that's why they don't come here. They know better.
Big block a body is cool

The person that sold my current Duster had a 73 duster with a 400 magnum. The problem was it was cancered out pretty bad. He wanted $3,000 for it.

The one I bought was in pieces but only had one quarter sized cancer spot. Got it for $2,500 with extra parts.

He also had a 68 Barracuda. He was firm at $5 grand. I was drawn to it but my wife talked me into the getting the 2,500 duster. No regrets!
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This is why I don't do Facebook.
It's a children's playground populated by snot-nosed, pizza-faced pissants that think they know more than their parents and teachers. Most of them weren't even conceived yet when the Duster ended production.
That crap wouldn't fly here. And that's why they don't come here. They know better.

Just show a picture of a 727 that looks like a grenade went off in it.

Then say "A 904 will never look like this!"
This is why I don't do Facebook.
It's a children's playground populated by snot-nosed, pizza-faced pissants that think they know more than their parents and teachers. Most of them weren't even conceived yet when the Duster ended production.
That crap wouldn't fly here. And that's why they don't come here. They know better. someone gonna beat them up??

Seriously....anyone that takes any of this internet crap seriously needs some I was told by someone here "it is the internet, why are you getting all worked up?"
It wouldn't surprise me if some of them were former members of FABO.

Even saw Justin Figgatt in it... Why does his name sound so familiar...

Ohhh... Yeah its that guy. Ok, that explains alot.
This is why I don't do Facebook.
It's a children's playground populated by snot-nosed, pizza-faced pissants that think they know more than their parents and teachers. Most of them weren't even conceived yet when the Duster ended production.
That crap wouldn't fly here. And that's why they don't come here. They know better.

I resemble a very small part of that reply... I wasn't conceived till sometime in April 1993. Lol!!
Yeah, I was conceived around the Volare/Aspen, Bee Gees era... in 78 Lol!...
My wife was in 1971. So at least she counts lol!
I just joined and all I see are cool pics of dusters. You don't have to read the can expand or collapse the comments box.

If you go looking for a bar fight, you will find one but if you just cruise by smoothly then that's all it will be.
There are all types of people out there. The thing with the 'net is its way too easy to be exposed to the idiots. Its difficult at times to ignore them, their idiocy is just begging for a response. I'm finally getting to the point where I'll just let them continue to go balls out straight for the wall head on. Then to be morbid and watch the chaos it generates.
I just joined and all I see are cool pics of dusters. You don't have to read the can expand or collapse the comments box.

If you go looking for a bar fight, you will find one but if you just cruise by smoothly then that's all it will be.

I was just offering some advice to a guy who thought he had a 727, until he found out it was a 904 instead. I told him to keep it and rebuild it and put a TF-2 kit in it. And told one guy that a Tf-2 built 904 could handle a 360.
Boy did it escalate quick!
And I was only on my first pint! sheesh!

I was just offering some advice to a guy who thought he had a 727, until he found out it was a 904 instead. I told him to keep it and rebuild it and put a TF-2 kit in it. And told one guy that a Tf-2 built 904 could handle a 360.
Boy did it escalate quick!
And I was only on my first pint! sheesh!


oh well ...if he wants to toss his 904 and cost himself money .....oh well. I am getting more selfish and I say as long as they don't screw with my cars and stuff then I don't care what they do. lol

most of them are not even doing any real work but just picking their noses talking about it.
You need to send Rusty Rat Rod over to that FB page...he would straighten them out in a few seconds...LOL
This is why I don't do Facebook.
It's a children's playground populated by snot-nosed, pizza-faced pissants that think they know more than their parents and teachers. Most of them weren't even conceived yet when the Duster ended production.
That crap wouldn't fly here. And that's why they don't come here. They know better.

I'm on Facebook. I have family and friends all over the country. The world, in fact. It's a nice tool to keep in touch.

Everything you say about Facebook can be said the same of this place.
I'm on Facebook. I have family and friends all over the country. The world, in fact. It's a nice tool to keep in touch.

Everything you say about Facebook can be said the same of this place.

Everyone I know is on FB.
Except me.
I don't have time for it. I'd rather be here annoying you!:D
i really dont give a fat frogs *** about facebook never been there and dont plan to .
but as far as 904's go they have known to live behind 1000 hp quite happily .
The pissing match was how the 904 is worthless piece of junk and how it should be replaced with a 727...

when i hear someone say that i know i'm talking to someone who is clueless.