WTF is This?!?

Thats to funny =P~

Dude I think you gotta buzz off that carb cleaner....

See that Rott in the middle? That's Merlin's Great, great, great, great, great, great Grandfather. Here's Maxi's grandad doing what they do best, protect the owner and his country at all cost!! :read2:8)

Our scientists have reviewed your photo and are quite relieved that you have located our genetic experiment (the glowing eyes are the givaway). Our attenpts at creating a personnel/equipment transport spider have been hit and miss, we have gotten the size right, but the temprement is still much too harsh (they eat anything smaller than a camel). My advice is to set fire to everything and leave town. We'll send the black helicopters to sift through the ashes for as many of the hatchlings as we can find (like in the photo) and should be able to follow the trail of horse bones to the mother. If you happen to run across her... never mind.
My grandma just called me this after noon and asked me if I could help her get a taranchula out of her house. So thats what I am going to do after work to day. They look scary like thay could kill you just buy looking at you but they are harmless.
ugly sob.

I've got three snakes in my backyard- they are black w/bright green stripes running down them. One will even come out when I am doing yardwork and just kind of watch- the daughters think they are so cool, which they are (not poisonous, eat the pests and don't mess with the frogs, which are also welcome). Spiders? Oh, HELL no.
dont be to quick to thank them garden snakes are not poisonous they have been breeding with poisonous snakes a study showed that some are very poisonous ops sorry tp brake your hart about your little freinds lol
dont be to quick to thank them garden snakes are not poisonous they have been breeding with poisonous snakes a study showed that some are very poisonous ops sorry tp brake your hart about your little freinds lol

Every now and then I will come across a garden snake that acts just like a rattler. I was thinking they were just trying to buffalo me but I still give them plenty of room just in case.
It's a female wolf spider or similar, can't tell from the picture, but its either carrying babies ( they carry the little ones on their back till they're old enough to hunt) or it's pregnant. They are harmless, they catch grasshoppers small mice and can even dive into water to catch small fish. They don't make webs except for sometimes nests in bushes.
Their teeth aren't angled right to give you a good bite, they can only eat small critters, so you're completely safe.:cheers:
I had something similiar in my garage. I think you better make friends with that before someone gets hurt. I gave mine a tiny house and food. It's free security for your garage.

We get these bugs at work.....I think they are called "Water Scorpions"....they catch fish or frogs, latch onto them, stick their probiscus in and start pumping them with stomach fluids which in turn turns them into mush, and they suck it out.
I have never seen one fly, so I don't know how they get into the workshop.
I work permenant arvo shift.
Reckon they ugly or what?



We have fruit spiders here Joe, They get VERY big and if you walk close to there web they start bouncing the web They eat bug's I have thrown grass hoppers in there nest so the children can see what they do, They get bit and then covered totally in a web
That spder does look deferent don't it, The black color and the shape does not ring a bell , Here is a 4 eyed spider that can jump three feet in the air I bet you remember it 8) I posted it last year or so ago, I will see what I can find out about that one you have there.

You people are giving me the heeby-jeebies! I never want to click on this thread again... but I know I will several times today! Freakin' creepy stuff!
There's a good site I go to whenever I find "interesting" bugs around the house.

If you send them the pic, they'll oftentimes post it with a reply about what it is.

We have all kinds of spiders here but my favorite is a golden orb (garden spider). They are the ones that spin a big web and then put a zipper looking thing in the middle of it.
WTFUXOR! Seriously could have done without EVER seeing that! As I have posted som,ehwere else before...

Two things I hate most; Spiders and paint overspray. Both make me cry, and I have to deal with both of them damnit!