Wth is the world coming to?



Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2009
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Fort Scott, Kansas
I do not get to go to KU now because I am 4,000.00 short. Books and a meal plan. I do not understand why someone that makes less than 8,000 a year is only eligible for 3,300.00 for a pell grant. My parents are divorced, my father makes less than 30,000 a year.. it makes no sense at all.. Last year I received 5,700 from my pell grant at a Junior college and when I go to a major university I get practically nothing.
Sorry to hear. KU is a great school.
I don't know, but is it possible to augment your Pell Grant with a student loan for the balance?
See if there are other grants the college can help you get. There are some grants that are off the wall that are offered by private foundations. You have to research to find them.
I was in college 20 years ago, and it was the same way then. Except I got $0 in grant money. I'm still paying fo my loans.
i went to uti for 2months maybe and they charged me 7grand ive been paying 100 bucks or more a month since i left in 06 finally down to 6500 left to pay off
Still paying off my student loans, it sucks but the education was worth every dime.
Had to work a job to pay for my university, didn't know free money was even available.

what are you majoring in? my son will graduate this next year & I know he will get no assistance. I'm amazed you were able to get that kind of $$ from a juco, which one?
I do not think the next few years will be kind to anyone trying to better themselves. my pell grant came from Uncle Sam also. I served 4 years active duty before they would grant me the funds..
Do any of the other schools have your desired degree? Ft Hays/Pitt state are less expensive than Rock Chalk & both are fine schools.
don't give up--- look for other avenues to arrive at your goal. Lawrence
Had to work a job to pay for my university, didn't know free money was even available.


Yeah, when was this? Did you go to school in the States, or in Canada?

There's a lot of condescension that is bred from ignorance.

State college tuition has increased 100% since 2000 (and it was pretty high then as well).

Try and find a job (in this economy) that pays enough to "pay as you go" without a college degree..
Yes, it was a little condescending. I was simply responding to the title of the thread - "What the hell is the world coming to?" Although I understand the frustration of not being able to receive it, I fail to understand the entitlement to it.

College and university have always been expensive relatively. I know many people that were/are unable to go to post secondary because they cannot afford it. I know many people who are/have taking out large student loans in the hopes that they will be able to pay them off after they complete it.

I was not "entitled" to an education. Either I "borrowed" or "worked" to pay for it. And when I couldn't pay for it, and didn't want to "borrow" to continue, I suspended my education and "worked" to make up the difference in my shortfall.

As far as increases in the cost of education, I agree that they are way too expensive, especially for a general degree, which are churned out in the millions and don't guarantee much of anything.

As far as going.. in Canada it may be cheaper when going, but I am still paying every year (until I die) as our semi-socialist regime requires it. Pick your poison.

Well, while no one is "entitled" to a college education, there has to be some kind of offset to ensure that people from other than the top 10% can get an education. These are state schools we're talking about..

As far as "relatively expensive", yes it always has been, but NEVER has it been this expensive relative to income, so perhaps some alarm as to what "the world" is coming to might be justified.


Source: Business Insider
Where I am there is a book rental program, this saves us a bundle on books. Not bragging just a proud Pops. My son got his Ba, and currently going for a dual masters. We used to buy books on half.com and ebay site, then sell them after use. In most cases the books weren't even needed for the course. So any way Hope this helps in finding another way to skin a cat sorta speak.
I worked @ UPS for 7 1/2+ years on the graveshift in their airport facility and a couple other jobs (at certain points I had 3 jobs). Got out and owed nothing, but it took extra time and wasn't much fun at times. I get abit PO'd when I hear about the DREAM act and other freebies that I get to pay for, or hear people whine about the sacrifices they have to make to get it to happen. You have to do it, but make sure it is in something that will have demand (no 'Journalism' or such, that is a dying field).
If you're bringing in $8K a year, sounds like you're only working weekends or something. Maybe you should look at getting a couple more days a week. YES, it IS possible to work (even full time) and still go to school....Ask me how I know.
I was at FSCC when I received the large pell grant. I applied for everything that I could get, I still needed a meal plan and books. I was 4,000 short, but maybe next semester. I fell in love with Lawrence while I was there and I know it is where I want to be. I am taking a few classes at FSCC again, maybe a semester at Pitt. State University. You are never to old to go to college and I am not prone to quitting.

I am majoring in business administration with a minor in accounting.
If everyone just quit with the student loans and federal grants and just paid their way with cash the cost of tuition would go down. I have a two year degree that I paid for and now I'm working to save up for going back for a bachelors. College is a rip off in my opinion. They need to tighten their belts cut the crap and teach you what you need for a real job. I have seen many engineers that were fired from where I work because they learned less in four years than I did at tech school. I also don't believe anyone is owed a college education....
I was working at Carlisle power transmission when I make 20k, I put in over 50 hours a week on night shift and was taking 18 hours of class, I quit that job because I was only getting around three hours of sleep. I wanted to get NROTC at KU but I lost eligibility when I transferred over 30 hours. I have my Associates in Applied Science, which is Ft. Scott's business course. I have not been able to find a job worth having this year. Kansas wages are not that great, add in the heat and standard of living and it is simply not worth it, I will get a better pell next year seeing how I made less and my father also made less. If all else fails I will enlist, but everyone that I have talked to has said to pursue education first. Thank you all for you input!

I agree that if congress does not settle our debt crisis no one will have an easy life, in a way it might be a blessing from God, that I did not get enough to go to KU. Had I taken what I had and tried to work a job and go to school I would more than likely gotten the butt end of the stick from Washington.