Anyone else lose interest?

My arthritis has ended "crawling around." Some time ago I bought a two -post and erected it on a frame in the back yard. It has opened a whole new world for me, although I don't have a lot of money and no shop big enough for the hoist.

If you have anyplace to put one you should seriously consider it.

Thanks, and I totally agree and understand the arthritis thing. I am paying for all of those silly injuries from playing too hard when I was young.

I am planning on doing just that. We just bought our retirement home down on Table Rock lake, and it doesn't have a garage yet. If I am in Chicagoland 15 minutes after I retire, it will be too long. I will put a lift down there, if for nothing more than to do regular service on my cars.

I still don't trust anyone to change my oil. :D
Im not really into it like I used to be.
I click on and look, but nothing really interests me.
Maybe it's just a phase..

Make sure you're not clinically depressed. Loss of interest is one of the classic symptoms. I realize some people believe depression is maybe a sign of weakness, that you can just 'get over it' but that's not true. I don't like putting meds in my body but a few years ago I realized I really was depressed and decided to get help. Now I'm a lot better. Just something to rule out if you haven't already.
There is a lot more to life then these stupid cars. I like driving mine but if I don't drive it so be it.
I'm so glad my boy doesn't seem interested in this hobby. Rather see him travel the world then dump his money into cars.
Someone had a similar post on Moparts. This reponse will be similar to the one I left on that other post.

I was dealing with the same thoughts about two years ago. Totally lost interest. Not sure what it was...lack of progress, complacency, etc. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I had just turned 36. Then I started doing other things about 6 months ago. Reconnected with some old friends. Started hiking. For some reason, the Mopar interest is coming back, which explains why I dropped off the forum for a couple years and started back up about a month ago.

My advice (as some other have mentioned already) is to step away from this hobby. Discover some new ones (even if you have other ones already). Then sooner or later, you will miss your Mopar and get back into it.

This is close, I am very distracted right now....
Make sure you're not clinically depressed. Loss of interest is one of the classic symptoms. I realize some people believe depression is maybe a sign of weakness, that you can just 'get over it' but that's not true. I don't like putting meds in my body but a few years ago I realized I really was depressed and decided to get help. Now I'm a lot better. Just something to rule out if you haven't already.

this has been off and on now for the last week...cant place almost feels like guilt...and a combination of missing/potentially missing the boat....but not directly.

but its not about cars..
In the 30+ years that I have been doing car stuff, I have never lost interest, especially in Mopars. I try to keep at least one car on the road at all times, do things in sub-assemblies and finish projects when I start them, and most of all, enjoy my time here on FABO. I check in a couple times a day, sometimes the threads are not of my interest, but every day you get about 1000 new items to read. I sell a lot of parts and this also keeps me going, sometimes I do more work on parting out a car than I do on my keepers, but I like to be involved in the hobby and selling parts provides $$ to do things I want to my cars, and gets others items they need for theirs. Sharing this hobby with great people like the ones here on FABO will never get old!!! Now, git back under dem lifts youse guys, pep talk over!!!LOL!!! Geof
priorities my friend,

work first,
work second,
work third,

oh, and more work fourth.

Cars??? last on the list I am afraid!
so therefore, lots of perusing, no time for serious playing.

it's tough to get a couple of hours and know you can't get what you and done and therefore it makes things worse!

but hey,,,,,,,,, you never lose interest!
it's healthy to break away from the car hobby for me - I have several other interests - furnature making and others where I usually take on large projects then months later go back to mopars.

even when i got in to motorcyles, 4 wheelers ,whatever - whenever a seen that perfect prime mopar it just brought back the desire.
Sometimes I wonder how people get the interested again? Because I am having a hard time trying.
I don't think I can lose interest again......I don't post much on here but I read new things every day. I always had a car to play with until I got married and after the third child was born I had to sell the 71 Challenger. After that yes, I lost interest for a lot of years, then in 2005 the three year battle with Leukemia started. After I was well enough to do things again and my children were older the urge came back and finally I am enjoying my car again. We have lots of events down here involving classic cars but I do lots of other things not involving my car. I love Crusin' The Coast and my car is not even close to being perfect but it's decent looking and it sure is fun.
working on everyone elses vehicles makes me lose intrest.seems like everytime i start to work on the dart someones car takes a ****. and my car sits waiting.also money or lack of.and being a bodyman makes it so much of a pain to do my own stuff.
I'm very close to giving up on my Dart. I started the project a long time ago and it's still not done. Three teenage kids and a more than full time job kinda took over. Sometimes I wonder what I would do with it even if I did finish it.
I went through a divorce a few years back and sold everything. I swore I was done . I couldnt stay away. I now have a Duster and even though I really dont have time or money right now the car will be here im ready.
I have never lost interest. I was raised at the circle track. Cars is who I am. If I lose interest I lose my identity.
Whenever i lose interest in anything, i just back away from it and focus on something else. I take a break.
Then i slowly come back to it and regain my interest. I find it gives me more focus.
As abodyjoe said, they are just cars.
But that goes for anything as well.
Try to find out a time in your life when you were truly happy and try to recreate that.
This usually brings me out of a slump.
And then turn your focus on to that in particular.
We all get older and need to pace ourselves, that is not a problem to me.
And throw away trying to be perfect.
That definitely doesn't work for me at all anymore.
This site has really helped me keep my interest in not only a bodies, but cars in general.
Good luck, i hope this advice helps.
Man, this thread sure is timley. I am currently finnishing up with the fine tweaking on my 65 Valiant. Seems like I can't finnish this car. So because of that, I can't seem to find the time or energy to start on a sweet 70 Challenger that I bought almost three years ago. I haven't lost interest, but I just can't get started on it. Good thing I have it in a garage. I'm retiring in two years so maybe I'll have more time then. Anyway, I just take small breaks from time to time. That seems to help. Jerry
I've been in a slump too, but I have been spending quite a bit of time on this.


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I took a 30 year break from Mopars. Been doin the Harley thing all this time. Sold a really nice project Charger back in 1980 to finish my first Harley and I have to admit, the bikes are fun. But then it happened! I had to have a hot rod again. A Mopar hot rod. Bought the Dart a couple months ago and have been in heaven ever since. I also found my mechanical and engineering talents have improved tremendously which adds to the fun. It is not as frustrating as it was when I was a young man. So the moral of the story is, don't give up. It WILL come back, when the time is right.
Harleys and Hot Rods = Heaven!
I would mess with my duster everyday, but in the summer months just too hot in havasu to drive and race. So in the summer i standup jet ski and winter I race. Maybe the rotation keeps the spark alive.......wish i could do that with the guys i date hahahaha
I go in large cycles. 88 - 95 I was heavy into it. Sold all my car stuff for dirt cheap, bought a new civic moved to the city and just worked and played. 99 got back into it for 2 years, then sold my stuff for dirt cheap, moved to San Diego and just worked and did other hobbies. Finally after city life got sickening in 09 (bay area can kiss my ***), I took up the hobby again and moved to the country for some open road haulin *** enjoyment. I will probably store the gear this time when I get over it, put it aside again in the next 3 or 4 years. Maybe I will travel and explore for a while. But currently I am using every holiday to get neck deep in car parts.

My suggestion is: organize the stuff in a storage and leave it alone for a while. Maybe a year or three. Maybe just a few months. Just start getting out and about with friends and family or go cycling rather than burning time and money on the car parts. That **** can get old sometimes when you realize money and time are flying out the window into oblivion. As long as you store it properly you will have all that you have invested in when you regain interest :)
It happens. I went about 10 years without touching my Barracuda other than starting it up about once a month and driving it once or twice a year. Got the interest back, then got the Duster, so the Barracuda still gets neglected, but not as bad as before. Now, I'm losing interest, but I think mostly because my money has be going to other things, so it's hard to do much with the cars without money.