Any Bigfoot believers out there?

Language warning!

[ame=""]Trailer Park Boys - Sasquach / Samsquanch - YouTube[/ame]
Only because he runs to fast. Something like 80 miles an hour. So if you calculate that let's see, two feet that's 160 miles an hour, times ambient air temp. divided by forget it my head hurts already.


Dumbest show I have EVER seen--EVER Did you get that!!!!What a joke they are all probably all millionaires now from that show.No such animal EVER -You don't think with ALL the hunters and hikers.Loggers,Nature lovers,Pot growers,Someone on the face of the earth would have shot one by now????? I tell you what if some guy ever dresses up like one of these FAKE images you see and ever comes by our camp,I'll probably go to the pokey for shooting him--HUH -Really u believe in them???

What??? You don't like how they spout well known facts about S'quatches, but can't even produce a good quality pic? I agree....stupidest show ever.

keep your camp sites clean...they will flat tear you a new one for smores

:sign5:....almost literally.
I will say that I personally have heard people tell of bigfoot story's old timers that would make you wounder ,like the time a bunch of high school kids one I new personally told of a time in the 60s when they where drinking in the woods in northern cal.and head unknown screaming from a log landing up the mountain behind them, they were big time football jocks and they hauled *** ,the next day they went up the road to the landing and found 55 gallon drums of fuel thrown down the hill ...they where believers
Charlie Daniels said it all- "some things in this world you just can't explain..."
Honestly, the movie ''The legend of boggy creek'' scared the crap out of me when i was young. I always thought that the Sasquatch was more than a legend.
They are popular in Creston, B.C. with the Kokanee beer ads, there should be some on you tube. They were on t.v. a lot around here until a couple of years ago. Pretty hilarious!
Here's some random pics.


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I will say that I personally have heard people tell of bigfoot story's old timers that would make you wounder ,like the time a bunch of high school kids one I new personally told of a time in the 60s when they where drinking in the woods in northern cal.and head unknown screaming from a log landing up the mountain behind them, they were big time football jocks and they hauled *** ,the next day they went up the road to the landing and found 55 gallon drums of fuel thrown down the hill ...they where believers

OK, now hold on a minute. I was a high school kid back in the 60's. I think....
Well... wait a minute... ummmm...aaaaa... aawww... hell, I can't remember.
Never mind. :sad3:
Let's not forget the north eastern creature that spawned a Hockey team: The New Jersey Devil There is a museum dedicated to the NJ Devil down in the South Jersey Pine Barrens.

"Pineys" from all of the area believe with legends and tales going back to 1785.

here's a few pics....



btw, for those of you that think NJ is all urban sprawl here is a map and some pics of the pine barrens... Enjoy!




Why don't you tell me how you really feel.... Yes I do believe.

Dumbest show I have EVER seen--EVER Did you get that!!!!What a joke they are all probably all millionaires now from that show.No such animal EVER -You don't think with ALL the hunters and hikers.Loggers,Nature lovers,Pot growers,Someone on the face of the earth would have shot one by now????? I tell you what if some guy ever dresses up like one of these FAKE images you see and ever comes by our camp,I'll probably go to the pokey for shooting him--HUH -Really u believe in them???
i have always had a spot for beleiving in bigfoot coming from northern california where sightings used to happens alot . i havnt seen him but that dont make him not real ive never seen a tucker topidoe either but those where real.

i think they were a animal we never found i mean till this day we are discovering new specis of incests and animals and sea creatures thought to be extict for years so i beleive its totaly possible that either we will find bones one day or find him or her
Yes you are correct We are finding new species every day BUT,We are not finding 11 foot hairy creatures with 18 in footprints,FAKE every account is FAKE and people wanting the 18 seconds on the evening news and now has spawned a UN-realistic t.v. series to sell more stuff during commercials--
What are you kidding me....bag one alive???? I'm not going into wilderness with supposed 11ft hairy beasts with ape like strength, without a weapon! once I have confirmed that that 11 ft creature isnt a man , and it is coming towards me....yeah we can rule out taking it alive! hahahaha!!
I can't believe I'm responding to this.

To the poster who said something to the effect of, "I did some research and now believe." What research did you do? Because I've never seen anything even remotely resembling evidence of Bigfoot's existence. Sorry, some hillbilly's blog, doesn't count as research.

To the poster who said, "I want to believe." I want to believe in Santa Claus too, but that ain't gonna make him real.

To the poster who said, "Indians had pictures of Bigfoot." I've got pics of Santa and the Easter Bunny water skiing, don't make 'em real.

Let's look at the "evidence" for Bigfoot being real:

Sightings by drunks, same people have also seen the chupacabra, the loch ness monster, and been snipe hunting.

Footprints made by 60s hippies looking to cash in on "Bigfoot" mania in the early 70s.

Evidence that Bigfoot doesn't exist:

Not one single piece of archeological evidences has ever turned up. Not a single bone, not a single fossil, not a single piece of true physical evidence.

Keep in mind that we have physical evidence of dinosaurs from over 65 million years ago, but we can't find evidence of an 8 foot creature that lives in the Pacific Northwest?

Sorry but if you believe in Bigfoot (not the monster truck) you might as well go snipe hunting.


Joe Dokes
I believe its possible. The world isn't as small as some think. I do think there are more hoaxers than real anything tho.