Ripped off

Be an A** and RIPPOFF more buyers! you have the tracking numbers.

I may have the tracking number but there are CERTIAN things that's needs done with that box and certian info I need from you....
like robert just said, ship parts properly, and be I said earlier my busted parts are still wrapped in the single layer of bubble wrap in the box he shipped them in that was 6 inches too short sitting on my office floor. send me your e mail justin and I will send you the pics and you can post them for all to see. personal accountability goes a long way . nw dart

Send the cluster back.. ALL OF IT and I will refund the $125... PM me...
I have the numbers off it still and pictures so it better be the right one.
ply30 & 68dodge. I have no reason to take sides in this issue. It's obvious that you're both getting really pissed off. At this point it seems unlikely that the two of you are going to end this debate with a hug and a smooch. That's life. Sometimes happy endings just don't happen. As far as I know, you're both probably great guys.

But whether or not you want to do anything more than spit on one another, you should both try to swallow your pride and compromise. It's best for both of you. When a thread such as this is made public the behavior of the parties involved is bound to get scrutinized. There are those of us out here that are hoping to see if this can turn into something positive. - An ending where you BOTH can present yourselves as stand up guys.
ply30 & 68dodge. I have no reason to take sides in this issue. It's obvious that you're both getting really pissed off. At this point it seems unlikely that the two of you are going to end this debate with a hug and a smooch. That's life. Sometimes happy endings just don't happen. As far as I know, you're both probably great guys.

But whether or not you want to do anything more than spit on one another, you should both try to swallow your pride and compromise. It's best for both of you. When a thread such as this is made public the behavior of the parties involved is bound to get scrutinized. There are those of us out here that are hoping to see if this can turn into something positive. - An ending where you BOTH can present yourselves as stand up guys.

I'm not getting pissed I'm getting frustrated because I would like to find the part and or get the insurance money. I did not pay the extra money and not be able to get it due to him not wanting to help. Both of us need to help each other Altho it don't look as though he wants to help me.
I'm not getting pissed I'm getting frustrated because I would like to find the part and or get the insurance money. I did not pay the extra money and not be able to get it due to him not wanting to help. Both of us need to help each other Altho it don't look as though he wants to help me.

Not that I'm trying to moderate this - I'M NOT. But ply30, if 68dodge paid you $65 for the part and didn't receive it, would you be willing to guarantee him that you will refund the FULL $65 back to him IF he helps you collect the $50 insurance from the postal service? I can understand your hesitating to refund any cash if he's unwilling to assist your efforts with the post office.
Not that I'm trying to moderate this - I'M NOT. But ply30, if 68dodge paid you $65 for the part and didn't receive it, would you be willing to guarantee him that you will refund the FULL $65 back to him IF he helps you collect the $50 insurance from the postal service? I can understand your hesitating to refund any cash if he's unwilling to assist your efforts with the post office.

Yes that is and was my plan!
68dodge, you are an f-ing child. He wants to help you, but you stubbornly refuse his help. See if you can understand this .... he wants to get you your part or your refund. He needs a little information from you. You say you want the part or refund, and you have the information he needs. Sounds like a match made in heaven. Get off you high horse and let him get you your part or money. The only hold up here is you, and I for one am sick of your crying.
I don't know whether or not it had ever been made clear to 68dodge that you were willing to do the FULL refund. I know that it wasn't clear to me when I was reading this thread. I could understand him being upset on a $50 refund on a $65 expenditure. I guess the ball's in his court now. Good luck you guys.
68dodge, you are an f-ing child. He wants to help you, but you stubbornly refuse his help. See if you can understand this .... he wants to get you your part or your refund. He needs a little information from you. You say you want the part or refund, and you have the information he needs. Sounds like a match made in heaven. Get off you high horse and let him get you your part or money. The only hold up here is you, and I for one am sick of your crying.

I don't understand the premise that skimping on packaging puts more money into the sellers pocket! Doesn't every seller put it in the box, packaging or not, then weigh the box and then get a quote? How else can you come up with a shipping total to give the buyer? And then you think by taking out a nominal amount of the weight by reducing the packaging saves you how much in a box the size of the one pictured! Seems like a lot of extra work to save maybe at most $1.00 on $15, which seems to be the shipping amount! Doesn't seem likely....

I also can't understand the amount of friction between two grown men instead of just working together to get this resolved! Just agree to work together...68 Dodge gets his refund and ply30 gets his insurance and covers the $15 to ship, in good faith the the buyer!! Why is this not happening?? The package just arrived yesterday?? C'mon, please try to work this out!!
I'm not getting pissed I'm getting frustrated because I would like to find the part and or get the insurance money. I did not pay the extra money and not be able to get it due to him not wanting to help. Both of us need to help each other Altho it don't look as though he wants to help me.

" (Quote) I did not pay the extra money and not be able to get it due to him not wanting to help"

Anyone who ships using priority mail knows $50.00 worth of insurance is free with the service. Also, where is the receipt issued when the package was sent?

I am holding a USPS Receipt in my hand as this is being written. On it there is the following notes.

For Tracking inquires go to or call 1-800-222-1811-----------Save this receipt as evidence of insurance. For information on filing an insurance claim go to

Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe I read somewhere in this thread that you did not retain the receipt. If so, the USPS is going to make things difficult to collect the insurance. This will most likely take several weeks. Why should the buyer need to wait for this process before getting refunded? I bet that if you were willing to end this pissing contest and offer to refund the buyer now, he would be willing to provide you with the information needed by USPS. It may be debatable whether or not the part was packaged correctly or if it was mishandled by USPS, but it is for certain that the failure of the part not being delivered is in no way, the buyers fault.

Why should you hold his $65.00 hostage pending a successful endeavor to collect an insurance claim. Just my opinion but this is not a very smart way of doing business.
" (Quote) I did not pay the extra money and not be able to get it due to him not wanting to help"

Anyone who ships using priority mail knows $50.00 worth of insurance is free with the service. Also, where is the receipt issued when the package was sent?

I am holding a USPS Receipt in my hand as this is being written. On it there is the following notes.

For Tracking inquires go to or call 1-800-222-1811-----------Save this receipt as evidence of insurance. For information on filing an insurance claim go to

Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe I read somewhere in this thread that you did not retain the receipt. If so, the USPS is going to make things difficult to collect the insurance. This will most likely take several weeks. Why should the buyer need to wait for this process before getting refunded? I bet that if you were willing to end this pissing contest and offer to refund the buyer now, he would be willing to provide you with the information needed by USPS. It may be debatable whether or not the part was packaged correctly or if it was mishandled by USPS, but it is for certain that the failure of the part not being delivered is in no way, the buyers fault.

Why should you hold his $65.00 hostage pending a successful endeavor to collect an insurance claim. Just my opinion but this is not a very smart way of doing business.

Somthing I think needs to be said loud and clear. He needs the part pretty bad there is a 99% chance I can get him the item if he would work with me. From what my post office lady told me was there is only one place in the USA where items such as this go. It it's to a big sort facility that they handle nothing but these issues. I can get the part to him and resolve the issue fairly quick if he would work with me. If the part can't be found then there is the insurance money to fall back on
And I did get the receipt was thinking of somthing else when I said i did not get it
I know your trying to work thru this with him Ply30, but I also believe you should just refund his money, take your loss and move on.

I used to be into Jeeps big time. I bought them, parted them out and rebuilt them. To fund my projects I would just part out another junk jeep. Granted most the parts sold where done so on Ebay. I had to refund money to people for what ever reason it was. Even lost parts like what your dealing with.. I almost guarantee you that part will never come back. I never found the parts that they lost when I shipped Jeep parts. Which was only 1 or 2. Ya it sucks but I still have 100% feedback there just because I was willing to take a loss.

When this is said and done if you two still cant get along there is always the ignore feature on this site.
I can get the part to him and resolve the issue fairly quick if he would work with me.

He does not want to get the issue resolved. He want to hang on to it, nurse it, and gripe to everyone else about it, hoping they take his side. You refund his $65, you are out shipping and a part, and he will still bad mouth you.

No more explanation is needed. Make a numbered list of the things you need from him, post it on this thread, and tell him to put up or shut up!


That said, if the pics on this thread are the box you sent, you should have taped it MUCH better!
He does not want to get the issue resolved. He want to hang on to it, nurse it, and gripe to everyone else about it, hoping they take his side. You refund his $65, you are out shipping and a part, and he will still bad mouth you.

No more explanation is needed. Make a numbered list of the things you need from him, post it on this thread, and tell him to put up or shut up!


That said, if the pics on this thread are the box you sent, you should have taped it MUCH better!

I will have all the info I will need from him on Monday as tomorrow I will be going out of town first thing in the morning. Altho the biggest thing I need is pictures ALL AROUND THE BOX and I need them as soon as possiable so I can email her the pictures as she asked to start the process for the missing item....
One thing to keep in mind is that 1968dodge paid $65 and has nothing to show for it right now. ply30 does have the payment so at this point he's not out any cash. It's not hard to understand why 1968dodge seems pissed off. Whether or not anyone intended to rile him up, it may take some major schmoozing to get him to calm back down. Good luck.
One thing to keep in mind is that 1968dodge paid $65 and has nothing to show for it right now. ply30 does have the payment so at this point he's not out any cash. It's not hard to understand why 1968dodge seems pissed off. Whether or not anyone intended to rile him up, it may take some major schmoozing to get him to calm back down. Good luck.

I'd be willing to bet that a message from paypal stating that 1968dodge received a $65.00 refund from ply30 would settle the matter and 1968dodge would be happy as a clam.
I'd be willing to bet that a message from paypal stating that 1968dodge received a $65.00 refund from ply30 would settle the matter and 1968dodge would be happy as a clam.

I would have NO issue with that Altho him pretty clear saying he won't help me. That is what is throwing the red flags up. If he was calm and not so rude and talked more then coming here id be all for it...
...why 1968dodge seems pissed off. Whether or not anyone intended to rile him up, it may take some major schmoozing to get him to calm back down.

Over $65!! Big Deal. Life is too short to get upset over such a pittance.

My ACA complinat health insurance went from $504 to $1174 per MONTH!! Now that's something to get riled up about.
You should mind your own business little man. The seller sold me an item I did not receive. So who is at fault, not the buyer.

Ad hominem attacks indicate your position and logic are weak. If you don't want other people's input, you should not have posted it on a public thread.

Please explain why the USPS site indicates the item has NOT been delivered yet? Have you been down to the post office? Are you sure that is the box from Justin, and not some other item you puchased?

Tracking Number: 9114901189866081783956

Screen shot below is from 6:04 pm Central time


  • Pic 01.jpg
    68.2 KB · Views: 235
just to add to people ripping you off , got a piece of trim from bigblock68 , driprail for a dart front long piece , he packaged it so baddly the post office bent it right in half at the curve then straightened it back out and tapped with postal tape , asked him for a refund and i would send it back to him if he wanted , he said he didnt have the money , but yet hes on here buying all kinds of stuff , if you package it insufficiently or are concomitant to package things dont sell stuff , or be prepared to pay out a refund . from what ive been told 68bigblock needs the money more than me anyway, but buyer beware . dartman 440
Ad hominem attacks indicate your position and logic are weak. If you don't want other people's input, you should not have posted it on a public thread.

Please explain why the USPS site indicates the item has NOT been delivered yet? Have you been down to the post office? Are you sure that is the box from Justin, and not some other item you puchased?

Tracking Number: 9114901189866081783956

Screen shot below is from 6:04 pm Central time
Tried explaining him that on the phone!!! About 8 times his responce was "it was deliverd as a empty box.... There is nothing at the post office for me..."
Tried explaining him that on the phone!!! About 8 times his responce was "it was deliverd as a empty box.... There is nothing at the post office for me..."

"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark
There is honestly nothing I can do unless he will help me. Whitch it is pretty obvious that he wont. But if he would like to help me we can try and find the part first and if that is a no go we can get the insurance money and he will be refunded the $65.
Other wise nothing I can do.

Post #95
This seems pretty straight forward. That is unless you insist on making this as painful as possible. Overblown, out of control, and way too fast

I'm not taking sides as to whom should bite the cost, but sometimes you gotta just stop and take a look at reality. Not where you were, but where you are. If a guy punches you in the face and 2 seconds later does it again, what do you think is gonna happen in another 2 seconds? Try something different I would think. Help fix the situation. He has the cash and you have nothing. Sucks for you and good for him. How about doing what is suggested above? Then your even, good for you, and he is out $15 for shipping, bad for him. See how that new reality is better for you. Seems like you can better your situation with some cooperation. This thread is way out of control. I usually don't comment on this crap, but I hate to see something like this go down. The fact is each side takes certain risks when doing transactions on line that then require shipping. Its a losing battle to demand someone to give you money without any true recourse. The guy could reasonably say, meet me half way. But he isn't. He is just saying, Hey man- can you help me not eat the whole thing by providing me some info. Help a fellow FABO member out. Both sides - put it to rest.