Folks and cars



Fusing with fire
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
San Jose, Ca.
I wanna ask why folks seem to hate the fact that im building a car.
Even my friends hate me for building it, why? My car dont affect your life. The amout I chose to spend dont affect you. Im not better than you, im just a normal guy with a normal job. The only difference is I eat top ramen and buy nice stuff for my car...

Yeah I look forward to the day I pull out of the shop with huge slicks and that Harwood scoop. That is what makes each day at work worth it.. (I look over that scoop in my head every day in traffic on my way home while driving my normal car back from work)

Dam it all, Its my car and I think they all just jealous that they cant make their own dreams come true....

Cheers to making dreams come true and thanks for all the help along the way...

Vent over..
Well I understand exactly what you mean, so, I bother not with those bums. I don't tell'em anything anymore. They just drag my good mood down. I celebrate my new part or the advancement of the project, they ask why Inwaste so much money.

HUH? But it is ok for you to do what you do and spend what you spend but it's not OK for me to do my thing?!?!?!?!

Leave them in the dark and make sure you talk to your fellow car nuts!

As for me to you, congrats on every little victory towards your goal and when you get there, a big congrats! Then do what you wanted to do with that build. Drive the ever living socks out of it. Then rebuild it and do it again and again.
drove mine around when I first got it with the car in three different colors, rust holes and a 273 2 barrel automatic, always getting ribbed by co-workers in their shiny new trucks. a couple of years later, good interior,new paint, new motor , 4 speed pistol grip,car actually not bad, co-workers now in used run of the mill trucks, who's ribbing who now? !!!!! :blob:
I wanna ask why folks seem to hate the fact that im building a car.
Even my friends hate me for building it, why? My car dont affect your life. The amout I chose to spend dont affect you. Im not better than you, im just a normal guy with a normal job. The only difference is I eat top ramen and buy nice stuff for my car...

Yeah I look forward to the day I pull out of the shop with huge slicks and that Harwood scoop. That is what makes each day at work worth it.. (I look over that scoop in my head every day in traffic on my way home while driving my normal car back from work)

Dam it all, Its my car and I think they all just jealous that they cant make their own dreams come true....

Cheers to making dreams come true and thanks for all the help along the way...

Vent over..

My own Brother acted like my car was just an old car and wouldn't compliment it for anything till everywhere we went when he was with me there were people staring, pointing and complimenting it.

Jealous little girls is what they are, and you will have the last laugh believe it.

Here's mine, how's yours coming?


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drove mine around when I first got it with the car in three different colors, rust holes and a 273 2 barrel automatic, always getting ribbed by co-workers in their shiny new trucks. a couple of years later, good interior,new paint, new motor , 4 speed pistol grip,car actually not bad, co-workers now in used run of the mill trucks, who's ribbing who now? !!!!! :blob:

The difference is, yours is paid for and they're probably still making those high dollar payments!!

Most people have a vice or two, one of mine is cars in general. I just enjoy pretty much anything mechanical. It's relaxing to me, don't matter if it's dirty work or not. When I'm done and see what I've accomplished. Thing I find most amusing is hearing people talk about what it costs to have things repaired and then running it thru my head what it would have cost me to do it myself.
I wanna ask why folks seem to hate the fact that im building a car.
Even my friends hate me for building it, why? My car dont affect your life. The amout I chose to spend dont affect you. Im not better than you, im just a normal guy with a normal job. The only difference is I eat top ramen and buy nice stuff for my car...

Yeah I look forward to the day I pull out of the shop with huge slicks and that Harwood scoop. That is what makes each day at work worth it.. (I look over that scoop in my head every day in traffic on my way home while driving my normal car back from work)

Dam it all, Its my car and I think they all just jealous that they cant make their own dreams come true....

Cheers to making dreams come true and thanks for all the help along the way...

Vent over..

My girlfriend seems to hate that I'm building a car. I spend more time with the car than her, she says. I said, "well maybe you can help me?" She's not interested. There's more of her where I found her, and I'm not talking about the car. ;)
My girlfriend seems to hate that I'm building a car. I spend more time with the car than her, she says. I said, "well maybe you can help me?" She's not interested. There's more of her where I found her, and I'm not talking about the car. ;)

Yes, much easier to upgrade a car than a girl, I think cheaper in the long run also.......
My girlfriend seems to hate that I'm building a car. I spend more time with the car than her, she says. I said, "well maybe you can help me?" She's not interested. There's more of her where I found her, and I'm not talking about the car. ;)

Just wait till she wants you to hang new curtains and use that one back (not interested)
you will also find finding a woman that understands you and your passions in life will be HUGE! they never understand they will nOT be able to change you , NOR them.

you have to answer to yourself, NOT what your co workers or so called friends think or want. be true to yourself and don't apologize for it. you are smart enough already to realize all this.
I used to have a buddy that had a lot of projects, and not a single one done!! He would always say to me..."you know what I would do if that car was mine"??? I would tell him..."yea, let is sit and never get it done"!! People today want to open the wallet, get out the card and pay for instant gratification! They don't understand the passion for doing the work yourself, and the satisfaction of enjoying it when it's done!! You're on the right track my friend, just ignore them and their $70k new trucks, you'll have more enjoyment in one trip around the block than they'll ever have before they finally make that last $650 payment!!!��
It's an upward trend....People are not happy when other people find something in their life that brings them joy....They get jealous and envious....
it's interesting... neither of my supposedly closest 'best friends' here have bothered to come see the Scamp since I bought it (July of last year) nor have they even asked about it.. jealousy - oh yea - 100%. For one of them it was so obvious I swear I could see him turning green when I told him about it.. LOL.. the attitude change was immediate.. and we've been best buds since Jr high school... I expected he would be happy for me - not so much.. go figure. The other 'best bud'.. he has an '88 Mustang - he is probably "mad" because he knows I could blow his doors off... I still call or text them once in a while, I have definitely noticed though, they never call or text me first..
the woman thing - I am lucky, she 100% supports me - has even given me gift certs to buy parts for BD's and Xmess.. brings me lunch when I am out in the garage.. I love my girl.
I tell my buddy about what i have purchased, or accomplished on the valiant, and he replies, that its a waste of time and money, that it will still be "crap" even after its got its paint and upgrades, and that it will still not be worth Anything when its done.
Guess what , i stopped telling him anything. Kind of disappointed as you would think people would be happy for you..
Is it jealousy ? They wish it was them? Wish you wouldnt point out that they couldnt be bothered making the effort on something? I dont know.
But ive got this site.
Not knowing any 'backstory' ... most people who are not into cars look at car guys the same way they look at the trash collectors. Oh sure, they'll oooh and aaaah at completed vintage rides but they don't show any respect for the process nor have any understanding of what it takes to make those cars possible.

Bottom line: they're stupid. ;)
Car shows and cruise ins is where you'll find people who appreciate the sweat equity. There are always "car snobs" to be found there too, but most car guys, especially the ones that build their own cars, have a common bond. There are a few that I see every summer, and I always look forward to talking shop with them. Just stay away from the snobs and know-it-alls!!
I'm fortunate to have a few good friends that actually offer to help me with my projects for free! Some do wonder why I spend so much time working on old stuff but even they seem to appreciate what I'm trying to accomplish. Keep looking around and find at least one friend that will help you with stuff from time to time and that will keep you motivated.
Most of my friends are not terribly interested in the Duster. Some of them like that it is something fun I'm into but most don't understand. We don't discuss the financial aspect of the Duster and I never ask how much they spend on the new iPhone either.

On the other hand, the neighborhood dog-walkers and people out for a stroll love it. They always stop by and ask what I'm working on, when she's gonna be finished, or just hang out and shoot the breeze for a few minutes then continue on their way!
i get messed with at work all the time about my car. i always tell them it will still be running down the road long after theirs is in the local salvage yard. for the most part the parts are inexpensive and they are way easier to work on unlike the new ones.
i had a girlfriend once that would always start a fight with me whenever id finish something on the duster, picking up the 440, or when i finally got it painted, didnt seem to matter just seemed she couldnt stand to see me happy or not have 100% attention on her, even though id really only work on it when she was busy at work or doing something else she always seemed jealous of that car... shes gone now, duster is still there, i dont have time for haters
The problem goes back to when the haters were young. When they where in their teens they wanted a cool car but daddy said " no way you can park that thing at the house" and because they could not have a cool car noone else can.
My own Brother acted like my car was just an old car and wouldn't compliment it for anything till everywhere we went when he was with me there were people staring, pointing and complimenting it.

Jealous little girls is what they are, and you will have the last laugh believe it.

Here's mine, how's yours coming?

Personally driven Greg's car,in California.. People who don't know you,compliment & chat you up. (on this car,in four hours) Sometimes people you know,don't understand you're personal passions,about a certain topic. They are human,they may not understand/or respect your background, or beliefs. Enjoy those person's good qualities,accept their short comings in your hobbies. I 'm normally a bastard on some beliefs, not on hobbies,or relaxation/stress release subjects. Understanding the rant, take the time,& enjoy the project(S).
I wanna ask why folks seem to hate the fact that im building a car.
Even my friends hate me for building it, why? My car dont affect your life. The amout I chose to spend dont affect you. Im not better than you, im just a normal guy with a normal job. The only difference is I eat top ramen and buy nice stuff for my car...

Yeah I look forward to the day I pull out of the shop with huge slicks and that Harwood scoop. That is what makes each day at work worth it.. (I look over that scoop in my head every day in traffic on my way home while driving my normal car back from work)

Dam it all, Its my car and I think they all just jealous that they cant make their own dreams come true....

Cheers to making dreams come true and thanks for all the help along the way...

Vent over..

I get the same ration of crap from my mom and girlfriend about my 68 fastback.
1) A two door isn't practical with a 3 1/2 year old.
Bullshit! He can climb back to his kiddieseat. I can fit his balance bike in the back, or the trunk as needed. It's something my son and I can work on together. So what if he only has little toy tools and pretends to take out invisible screws. We are having fun together.
2) An old car isn't reliable, "Why did you buy that piece of ****?"
Bullshit! When something breaks I can fix it. CHEAPLY! I paid what? $300 for a nice radiator for my mopar. When I had to replace some chickenshit stuff on my 2001 540i (a thermostat and water pump) I had to have a shop do it and it cost upwards of $1000, PLUS the radiators on those kick the bucket every 100,000 miles or so ($800 or so). :finga: to BMW. My mom still has her 98 528i and her maintenance bills are THE SUCK!
3) You're wasting money on that car when you could be buying me jewelry.
Well honey, if you weren't making monthly payments of $383 (nifty eh?) plus $93 a month on insurance (I pay $41 a month), plus $150+ a month on your dumbass iPhone, you'd be able to buy yourself all kinds of crap. I spend less every month fixing my car up the way I want than a new car costs, and at the end of it, I'll have something to show for it PLUS good memories for my son for the time we spend together on it.
4) It's not safe, no airbags et cetera...
So I should live my life in fear? I prefer to ENJOY life and accept the risks involved in doing so, whether it's in my mopar, or on my motorcycle. Motorcycles don't have airbags either, OR SEATBELTS!!! OH NO!
5) ***** ***** ***** *****...
I've stopped listening to the women in my life because they very judgmental and aren't supportive of my choices.