Stop in for a cup of coffee

If you all ever want to have some fun, download the tvn live storm chase app for phones. It live streams videos from chasers across the country, got to watch the storms build and build all day long. I nailed the tornado touchdown by the county four hours before it did, just from tracking the storm, pretty cool

That sounds pretty cool. Im going to have to look that up.

It's just that grumpy old men like me don't like change at first and tend to grumble a bit. then we have a few beers and get over it! LOL!

You guys are making me feel like a young kid.. stop it!
I always wondered why anyone still live there? I grew up in Indiana and have been thru a few Twisters, so why are you staying?
Because indiana isn't like OK or KS where tornadoes are a daily thing. Do we get them, yes, but I chose to stay for family reasons and I also have a 5 mile cleat view to the west, any tornaders and I can book out of the way if I'm paying attention
I always wondered why anyone still live there? I grew up in Indiana and have been thru a few Twisters, so why are you staying?

I don't live there anymore. I moved there for a job and after 4 years moved back to PA.

I didn't realized how much we had become used to living with tornados until we moved into the house in PA and my 5 year old Daughter walked into it for the first time, looked around, and asked "Where do we go if there is a tornado?"

It was at that moment that I decided I never wanted to live in tornado alley again...ever.
Hey Baron Ben Rickster, PA sweet Italian sausages for dinner tonight! Cold beer to go with them too!

I don't live there anymore. I moved there for a job and after 4 years moved back to PA.

I didn't realized how much we had become used to living with tornados until we moved into the house in PA and my 5 year old Daughter walked into it for the first time, looked around, and asked "Where do we go if there is a tornado?"

It was at that moment that I decided I never wanted to live in tornado alley again...ever.

Several years ago I was on a military base that got hit with an f4. It moved 40 ton dozers, destroyed dozens of buildings, but by golly, it didn't budge the 100 ton M1 abhrams tanks. That's where I'm going for the next one lol
Because indiana isn't like OK or KS where tornadoes are a daily thing. Do we get them, yes, but I chose to stay for family reasons and I also have a 5 mile cleat view to the west, any tornaders and I can book out of the way if I'm paying attention
I lived in Worthington, Stylesville, Plainsvile as a kid. Saw a few BIG Tornadoes, First chance I got I was out of there.
I lived in Worthington, Stylesville, Plainsvile as a kid. Saw a few BIG Tornadoes, First chance I got I was out of there.
Can't blame you. I just figure if I'm gonna go, it'll at least be a fun ride
Only if you are awake to see it! Hence the reason I never slept when the sirens were going off...
Yeah I rarely sleep on nights I know it'll be bad, but I do have multiple weather radios, both fm and ham plus cell alerts. Out here, we don't hear sirens unless it's just right and the volunteer station sounds theirs
Well, it looks like everyone has gone.

"It's closing time. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. Do what you feel and keep both feet on the wheel!"


Nightshift signing off...See ya on the flip side!
So I just got a call from my dad, sounds like hes gonna end up getting a guy banned from the tracks for life. Caught a guy sabataging his race car at the track over the weekend, it blew the motor up shortly afterwards, it was caught on camera, guy slit all his vacumm tubes, caused massive detonation above 4k, cracked the pistons
What?! The guy must have been high. Road rage on a very short road ...
Hey guys. I mowed the yard here at the in laws farm. Mother in law has been so busy with her husband being sick with cancer since Labor Day of last year that no one has mowed since. I got it cut but it looks like poop all wind rowed and clumpy. It was wet this morning which didn't help any also. I was mowing off 8" clumps. I got her done anyway.
You should have had my mower.
Hang in there and be safe. I will never forget the weekend in April back in Memphis when we had 19 tornados in 36 hours.

I was run over by the first one on my way home from work on Friday evening and it picked my car up about 3 feet off the road before slamming me back down. It killed a guy in a pickup truck a half a mile further down the highway.

Once home, the sirens didn't stop until early Sunday morning. Closest one was 5 miles from my house. I could hear it passing by.
New underwear when you got back home?
Well, good morning.

I had a busy day yesterday. Parent/teacher meeting at 8:30, picked up the little one from daycare at 10 for her doctor's appointment at 10:30, meeting with authorities on my way back to work at 1 pm, made dinner at 5 pm, drove my boy to soccer at 6:30 and picked him up at 8.

I was beat by 2 pm so I sure fell asleep like a baby at 10.

The thing is that a meeting like that - even though it went smoothly and without any pressure or conflict - is a stressful event for me. I don't notice it right away but when I get home I nearly collapse.

Nothing planned today though so I'll try to finish my broken work bench.
I just realized I posted about my work bench debacle on ForTrucksOnly while FABO was down.

Here, I'll treat you to my stupidity:

"Hey guys! FABO still down, I take it.

Went down to clear out some crap on my work bench Sunday. Too lazy to saw off this piece of wood so I tried to break it off in the vice. Broke the bench in stead.

God, did I feel stupid ...

Well, I'm half way through fixin' it again. Just decided to take a break."

2016-04-25 13.40.58.jpg

2016-04-25 14.28.47.jpg

2016-04-25 15.09.39.jpg
I would hang on to the LD4B. They are hard to find. I have found more LD340's than the LD4B over the years. They are great to wake up a stock 273/318/360.

You can buy a new AirGap, but not the LD340 or LD4B....
I suddenly remembered why this was a good idea. The AirGap is for Magnum heads. My LD4B is not. And I want the Magnum heads to get the compression (and flow) up.