Stop in for a cup of coffee

oooh just glanced out the window at the baby bird playground, a small garter snake was checking out the empty nest and the area but a female Cardinal let the snake know it was not welcome.
oooh just glanced out the window at the baby bird playground, a small garter snake was checking out the empty nest and the area but a female Cardinal let the snake know it was not welcome.
Nice! my wife has feeders all over. Actually pretty cool to see some of the different birds that come.
Nice! my wife has feeders all over. Actually pretty cool to see some of the different birds that come.
we keep suet and regular bird seed out - hummingbird feeders -- it was more me than the wife at first, now she gets after me if any of them start to get low... LOL
well, no 64 sport fury. I thought it was crazy to sell one to just get another. Put money in my "retirement account".
Nice! my wife has feeders all over. Actually pretty cool to see some of the different birds that come.

The next unit over from mine, the lady has a feeder and a birdbath, yesterday a bunch of different kinds of baby birds were all playing in the sunny area by my window that's enclosed by low shrubs...there were Cardinals, sparrows, jays, another kind of grey and white bird, and even a female painted bunting. Today it's deserted out there, they must have been warned about the snake.
The next unit over from mine, the lady has a feeder and a birdbath, yesterday a bunch of different kinds of baby birds were all playing in the sunny area by my window that's enclosed by low shrubs...there were Cardinals, sparrows, jays, another kind of grey and white bird, and even a female painted bunting. Today it's deserted out there, they must have been warned about the snake.
oh yea - you gotta know a snake sighting will clear 'em out pronto!
well, no 64 sport fury. I thought it was crazy to sell one to just get another. Put money in my "retirement account".

I understand, you reach a stage in life where acquiring another toy just doesn't have the same appeal as before...