

Just An Old Motorhead
Nov 4, 2015
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N.E. Pa.
How many of You live in small towns that have a BAN Against Burning ? -- I live in a Borough of approx. 3,500 people, and The Borough Council just enacted a Burn Ban - incl burn barrels etc. - My lot is 3 acres, the last house on a dead end street, at the edge of The Borough, and My burn barrel is 150+ yards from the nearest residence. We burn clean paper, and cardboard only. in a 55 gallon burn barrel. -- Needless to say I'm not happy. -- I know all about people burning diapers, rubber items, tires etc. -- We had laws, in place, to guard against that, but - no effort was ever made to enforce that.
How many of You live in small towns that have a BAN Against Burning ? -- I live in a Borough of approx. 3,500 people, and The Borough Council just enacted a Burn Ban - incl burn barrels etc. - My lot is 3 acres, the last house on a dead end street, at the edge of The Borough, and My burn barrel is 150+ yards from the nearest residence. We burn clean paper, and cardboard only. in a 55 gallon burn barrel. -- Needless to say I'm not happy. -- I know all about people burning diapers, rubber items, tires etc. -- We had laws, in place, to guard against that, but - no effort was ever made to enforce that.
Yep, we can't have burn barrels for several years now. We are still allowed to do pit fires/bonfires for parties and stuff but not for trash burning.
IMHO clean paper and/or cardboard should be recycled. What is the reason you want to waste it by burning it?
We get horrible inversions for weeks on end. Burning makes them worse.
Back in the 80's a lot of people heated their homes with wood stoves and we wouldn't
see the sun for 2 months...it would be 15-20 degrees down here and 45 on the mountain.
-- What is the reason you want to waste it by burning it? --
-- Don't believe that recycling Will Make America Great Again. -- :D -- Very large lot, --- edge of Town --- on the edge of 10 acres of woods ---- We throw it all in a 32 gal. Rubbermaid container, in a closet - no sorting -- easy walk to burn barrel - much closer than the street, although that's good exercise -- -- No offense to others. -- Basically it's the same a country, except We are the last lot in The Borough. -- Looks like You Town is 10X the size of Ours - Possibly some lots are packed in. - That can make a difference.
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-- Don't believe that recycling Will Make America Great Again. -- :D -- Very large lot, --- edge of Town --- on the edge of 10 acres of woods ---- We throw it all in a 32 gal. Rubbermaid container, in a closet - no sorting -- easy walk to burn barrel - much closer than the street, although that's good exercise -- -- No offense to others. -- Basically it's the same a country, except We are the last lot in The Borough. -- Looks like You Town is 10X the size of Ours - Possibly some lots are packed in. - That can make a difference.
So in other words... lazy?
Not that I want to help you cheat (secretly a little maybe). But here is a statement direct from a firefighter. Wrap up a potato in foil and throw it in. It now becomes a "Cook Fire".
IMHO clean paper and/or cardboard should be recycled. What is the reason you want to waste it by burning it?

I get your point. But why do all the companies want to "waste" it in the first place by mailing me a bunch of stuff I never even wanted. Send a free electronic screen to every house and flash ads all you want. Add another minute to the already 14 minutes of ads per hour on T.V. Flash relevant ads on cell phone screens. But stop printing and sending me stuff I don't want, didn't order, or don't need.
You are in the town limits right?
They made the ban for the whole town. It's easier for them to do it this way and enforce it. Otherwise if they said this area can do it someone in another area of town is going to say well he did it why can't I.

Yes you have a big lot and live on the edge of town.
Not to be snotty but does that makes you any different then the guy who lives on a 100' x 100' lot in town. Then what happens if all the people in town light up burn barrels at the same time.

It would be kind of like if your in a room with a bunch of people and say one person light up a smoke. No big deal you can handle it. Then another and another ,etc. do the same . The air gets pretty thick and not easy to breathe. Then add in the person with respiratory problems.

Paper and cardboard have some nasty chemicals use in their processing
Bleaches, things called white and black liquor (not the stuff that's drinkable) this stuff can peel your skin off. I'm sure not all of it is gone after it's manufactured.

Sorry not to sound like a treehugger as we call the environmentalist around here. Which I'm not.

I may be a little bias because both my parent died from respiratory problems. Some of it their own doing. They smoked for many years.
By the way you don't want to hear Bambi or Bugs Bunny coughing up a lung do ya? They might send old Pepe' Le Pew over to settle the score a bit.

I hear you on the crap in the mail. Just came in from getting ours.
Nothing but crap mail. Especially credit card stuff. I'd like to tell them if I wanted your card I'd already have it!
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It costs money to transport loose paper products to the recyclers. It costs money to then bail it. It costs more money to load it on a semi , and more to deliver it to the end user. Who then spends money to clean it, and bleach it, and manufacture it into some junky product that sooner or later will end up as garbage, at your curb. Then it will cost more money to load it up, and more to transport it somewhere, like a local dump around here, where it costs money to set it on fire, and more to sweep up the ashes, and more again to dispose of those ashes. Who pays for all that?
I say save yourself a lot of money and hassles and just burn it where it sits.

That ban came to our town a over a decade ago.Everybody hated it, and everybody ignored it....for the longest time. But then they upped our taxes and hired a guy to haul our garbage to a landfill.
So noww,we have a lot of open-pit sit-around-the-campfire and roast marshmallows,and............... stuff............But we don't burn actual trash anymore.
unless the wind is juuuuust right ..............:)
Then I send my smoke right over the RM office, from my legal BBQ pit. Well, not me,exactly, but my neighbor does, and I cheer him on, while sipping a coke and holding my weeny-roasting stick. Hyup, we're just waiting for the temperature to come up. .Ok truth! I just made this last part up.
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-- Yes you have a big lot and live on the edge of town. _ _ _ _ _ Not to be snotty but does that makes you any different then the guy who lives on a 100' x 100' lot in town. --
-- Sure does - His burn barrel is up His Neighbors A _ _ There's several large lots, here. Mine is 3 acres. The one next to Me is 7 acres, and there are many, many, more, that are multiple acres. -- Not to mention the additional taxes that We pay. -- I do understand the concept of one rule for all - just don't like it. -- Thanks for Your opinion. -- Keep on Mopar'n
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Yeah, some mornings them old knees take a lil extra time to wake up,eh?

We don't have fines. If I stink out my neighbor he comes over and complains. I say sorry, and put out the fire. If some spineless un-affected so-and-so elsewhere across the neighborhood complains to the councilor, I tell him, "OK I'll look into it".lol
there is a similar laws here in the sfba in calif . but if its your heating source it okay , so move the barrel close to a tin shed . lol . and don't forget the weeners n marsh mellows , and its a cooking source as well , lol .
I know where your coming from. Sometimes I think they make some of these rules just to piss a person off.

I was just pointing out what their reasoning would be.
So in other words... lazy?
Or maybe still under the false impression the He is still in a "FREE" country. My parents were forced to pay for a recycling can and are forced to pay for someone to collect it.
They are way more Lib than I, and were already personally taking in glass & plastic directly to a recycler as far back as the early mid '70's. After the commie decree they were
now paying for something that they actually got a small bit of coin for. A pissed off resident quietly followed the "recycle" truck around one day, right to the landfill where He
observed it dumping the "precious" material w/all the other garbage....that made the paper....... If I want personal or private/sensitve papers & materials to disappear, they get
burnt, period. No, I'm not buying a f**king shredder, no I'm not using markers & whiteout, I'm using a match. I have NO recycling where I live, yet I take 2-3 garbage cans of
my own to my folks when the pick-up is due because I do believe glass & plastic should be re-used if possible, (now that scrutiny was fixed on it)I don't mind doing that. The
point is these teapot townships/boroughs/municipalities enact "ordinances" that are city/larger metro based in the middle of a f**kin' cornfield, & can't figure why nobody's
happy about it. Thermal inversions are not common in general & primarily a local phenomenon, which is fairly as predictable as the general weather. Banning something
altogether based on temporary conditions is like bringing back 85 mph speedos, 55 mph limits, & 5 mph bumpers...senseless,stupid,& ugly. When it's -5degF out, and a tree
limb takes down a powerline, or the gas main at the bottom of the hill fills w/water & blocks the adjacent street taps....My wood stove will keep Me alive, My pipes from freezin,
allow Me to cook, & heat water for some java, & a bath........
How many of You live in small towns that have a BAN Against Burning ? -- I live in a Borough of approx. 3,500 people, and The Borough Council just enacted a Burn Ban - incl burn barrels etc. - My lot is 3 acres, the last house on a dead end street, at the edge of The Borough, and My burn barrel is 150+ yards from the nearest residence. We burn clean paper, and cardboard only. in a 55 gallon burn barrel. -- Needless to say I'm not happy. -- I know all about people burning diapers, rubber items, tires etc. -- We had laws, in place, to guard against that, but - no effort was ever made to enforce that.

I didn't read all the reply's so if this was suggested I apologize. Just have a pack of hotdogs with you and tell them your cooking out. You will never get a ticket. M2Cents
We have fire bans due to lack of moisture and rain. A small ember can travel miles and light something else on fire. It sucks I know but after being in San Diego during some big fires I see the point. We do have restrictions on what u can burn and the size. We also have co trolled burning, meaning if you can burn down your grass and weeds or feed during certain times if the year
Certainly we're not talking about common sense banning in seasonally arid or drought stricken areas, of course not. Lots of lives, property & wildlife have been lost to careless
(or worse..intentional) burning in those areas, & once they're going, they can move into otherwise safer regions. How many years since the first spark arrestor mandates on
bikes/buggies/karts etc.???
Certainly we're not talking about common sense banning in seasonally arid or drought stricken areas, of course not. Lots of lives, property & wildlife have been lost to careless
(or worse..intentional) burning in those areas, & once they're going, they can move into otherwise safer regions. How many years since the first spark arrestor mandates on
bikes/buggies/karts etc.???

just look at Chile
the country is bordered by a sea to the west, and a mountain range to the east
not sure what started the wildfires there, but they have been severe enough for their president to declare a state of emergency
(i think its been burning since the middle of January)

because of the shape of the country its almost like a corridor for the fire to move north and south throughout the width of the country

last i heard, over 714.000 acres had been burned up and fire fighting planes from 4 different nations have been send in to help
(including a USAF 747-400)

Chile battles devastating wildfires: 'We have never seen anything on this scale'

Worst Wildfires in Chile's History
To put that into perspective; 714,000 acres is 714,000/640=1115.6 sq miles, which is equivalent to 100 miles long and 11.15 miles wide, or 55.78 miles long by 20 miles wide, or a square;33.4 miles by 33.4 miles . At 65mph, this is about 2 hours to drive all around.
IMHO clean paper and/or cardboard should be recycled. What is the reason you want to waste it by burning it?

From conservation of matter in chemistry, elements do not change in reactions, they just rearrange into new compounds... When you balance your equation, the same elements going in, have to come out...

So you are not wasting the elements by burning the paper/cardboard, you are just rearranging them into new forms... (smoke, ashes, and heat out...)