Stop in for a cup of coffee

Everyday for about 6-7 months. And I still do from time to time if my knee is acting up. There are days every now and again where I can barely press the pedal with my knee not giving out.

As for the tractors, usually only drive with both feet during planting/tilling seasons. You're actually working both hands and both feet all at the same time. One on the clutch, one of the brake, one on the wheel and one on the hand throttle. Doing so is why you don't see tractors cutting giant ruts in the fresh plowed soil. Don't do it that way and the front tires will dig as they turn and cut a rut 2-3 feet deep
Clutch is always on the right.
Everyday for about 6-7 months. And I still do from time to time if my knee is acting up. There are days every now and again where I can barely press the pedal with my knee not giving out.

As for the tractors, usually only drive with both feet during planting/tilling seasons. You're actually working both hands and both feet all at the same time. One on the clutch, one of the brake, one on the wheel and one on the hand throttle. Doing so is why you don't see tractors cutting giant ruts in the fresh plowed soil. Don't do it that way and the front tires will dig as they turn and cut a rut 2-3 feet deep
Ummmm...we are talking cars here, not farm tractors. :poke:
I drove Semi's for years, no way I would use my left foot on the brake...
I drove Semi's for years, no way I would use my left foot on the brake...
It takes practice. Some road race aces actually press the clutch with their toes of their left foot and heel brake while their right foot never leaves the gas pedal
I drove Semi's for years, no way I would use my left foot on the brake...
Some of the new military cargo trucks, the brake is on the left side of the steering column. Forces you to left foot brake with air brakes
It takes practice. Some road race aces actually press the clutch with their toes of their left foot and heel brake while their right foot never leaves the gas pedal
I can do that.....learned to drive offensively in the Navy. Same course the Secret Service do...
It takes practice. Some road race aces actually press the clutch with their toes of their left foot and heel brake while their right foot never leaves the gas pedal
Did you ever do that...or did you just read about it somewhere? :poke:

You say “it takes practice” like you have learned to do it in a real road race.
Dang, I'm dying tonight. Sciatic nerve pinch. Right leg.
I feel your pain. I somehow torqued my right ankle and knee and I have no idea how I did it. I have been limping around in pain all week and can’t sleep at night because of it. I hope the weekend to rest it will help.
I feel your pain. I somehow torqued my right ankle and knee and I have no idea how I did it. I have been limping around in pain all week and can’t sleep at night because of it. I hope the weekend to rest it will help.
I'm sorry buddy...:(
B John Deere lever LOL I know the clutch is usually on the left.
Did you ever do that...or did you just read about it somewhere? :poke:

You say “it takes practice” like you have learned to do it in a real road race.
I was talking about braking left footed.

That said, I tried a few times years ago when I was doing SCCA heavily But couldn't get the hang of it. Dang near flipped a car once while trying. Ended up in the grass

I was talking about braking left footed.

That said, I tried a few times years ago when I was doing SCCA heavily But couldn't get the hang of it. Dang near flipped a car once while trying. Ended up in the grass
So the answer is “no”.

You asked if I tried it, the answer is yes. You didn't ask if I mastered it or was successful with it, both of which are no

Not quite, What I said was...

Did you ever do that...or did you just read about it somewhere? :poke:

You say “it takes practice” like you have learned to do it in a real road race.

I asked if you “learned” to do it, not “tried” to do it. You might want to brush up on those reading comprehension skills...:poke: