"Nova" has finally joined the far left fringe retardville preposterosness



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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"Nova Wonders.....Are we alone? Astronomers and enineers us telescopes, probes and robots to hunt for life on worlds near and far."

Ok that is the description, sounds somewhat reasonable, right?

Before you know it (along with the ABSOLUTELY annoying foreground music) "we" are speculating about some "megastructure" meaning something some(thing) BUILT GOOD GOD GET OUT THE TINFOIL!!!

If life is never found outside our VERY special planet, There goes proof of "evolution" and of accidental life from methane/ammonia/hydrogen/water and lightning. If we are the byproduct of some random acts, why would we be alone in the universe? I mean it could happen anywhere, right? Wrong.There are about 78 things that earth has as a system that in any absence would make the earth unliveable: from a rocky surface with a liquid iron core that produces a magnetic shield from solar radiation, to plate tectonics that constantly recycle the crust and bring up necessary minerals for life, the presence of potassium that carbon based life needs that has not been found anywhere else, to our position in the solar system that shields us from interstellar debris. Even the location within the spiral galaxy we occupy, far enough away from one of the dense 'spokes' that are full of deadly radiation. We really are unique in the universe.
If life is never found outside our VERY special planet, There goes proof of "evolution" and of accidental life from methane/ammonia/hydrogen/water and lightning. If we are the byproduct of some random acts, why would we be alone in the universe? I mean it could happen anywhere, right? Wrong.There are about 78 things that earth has as a system that in any absence would make the earth unliveable: from a rocky surface with a liquid iron core that produces a magnetic shield from solar radiation, to plate tectonics that constantly recycle the crust and bring up necessary minerals for life, the presence of potassium that carbon based life needs that has not been found anywhere else, to our position in the solar system that shields us from interstellar debris. Even the location within the spiral galaxy we occupy, far enough away from one of the dense 'spokes' that are full of deadly radiation. We really are unique in the universe.

This is true, but with, they now say, that there are over a billion systems in the universe. So the odd of things happening the same way as our system is very likely.
The new thing in science is multiple universes to keep the thought of other life out there because there is no way they will accept a creator
Well, there's another thread title I "misread".
For a moment I thought Dell had bought a Duster and people were talking to him about it.


That's one of the reasons I dropped cable.

Every other program on the History Channel was

"Space Aliens Built The Pyramids"
"A Meteor Destroyed The Dinosaurs".
And that was about it.

Never fear Adriver is hear to get that annoying PBS foreplay....er I mean foreground music out of your ear.
I can't believe the Liz Pair lost to Melissa Etheridge in the 1995 Grammy Awards.
Talk about an agenda.
Yea, check them out if you don't know the difference.
Liz Phair HOT.
Melissa Ethridge NOT.

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This is true, but with, they now say, that there are over a billion systems in the universe. So the odd of things happening the same way as our system is very likely.
start hacking away at where these systems are in their galaxy in reference to radiation, the life killer extrordinaire. you get down to like 7%, then factor in another life neccessity, proximity to a yellow dwarf star, there is another 7%...keep going about 122 more times...Billions turn to tens. Very interesting apologetics topic.



Don't know where we come from
Don't know where we're going to
But if all of this should have a reason
We would be the last to know
So let's just hope there is a promised land
Hang on…
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AJ, you gonna get in a rocket and go up 1800 feet & take us a picture to prove it?
I don't know or care from whence I came, or where I'm going.
All that matters to me is living in the moment.
Guess that makes me a dog.

Well at least I'm a happy dog.
AJ, you gonna get in a rocket and go up 1800 feet & take us a picture to prove it?
There are two camps; yours and mine, and never shall one convince the other. I'm no longer interested in that truth, I've moved on.
I'm just stirring the pot, cuz, well, I like thinking outside the box. And I am deeply comforted to think my creator can see me from his vantage point just a few thousand miles away,atop the firmament....... rather than desperately chasing after the Earth zooming thru space at umteen thousands of thousands of miles per hour.
I ain’t sayin there’s no creator, & maybe to him (or her) umpteen thousands of MPH ain’t nothin.
Just that the the world, she’s a round, Like a meataballah
There are two camps; yours and mine, and never shall one convince the other. I'm no longer interested in that truth, I've moved on.
I'm just stirring the pot, cuz, well, I like thinking outside the box. And I am deeply comforted to think my creator can see me from his vantage point just a few thousand miles away,atop the firmament....... rather than desperately chasing after the Earth zooming thru space at umteen thousands of thousands of miles per hour.
Careful on what to say. Remember the last thread? If you believe in Truth (B) and do not go along with
Truth (A) then the thread will get shut down. I will go with Truth (B). Everything is designed.

Extreme indoctrination example is even most scientist do not know is Tectonic Plates. There's NO subductions
of plates. Never observed and mathematically IMPOSSIBLE! This is imagination to set the mind for
millions of years to help make the theory of Evolution possible.

Another one is the dinosaur museums do not display birds as they DO find birds in the same layers
as dinosaurs (Penguins/flamingos and parrots) to name a few. Birds today use to be dinosaurs millions of millions of years ago < this is imagination and is NOT science!

Indoctrination happens to children when young and are like a giant sponge. Pick a dinosaur book
for children and the first things is "millions and millions of years ago". Get them young.

Old dog new trick? Very hard to relearn after all the years of this.
The cell in the grass will be millions of times more complex then the car. This happens naturally
over time? We related to bananas as evolution teaches?
If life is never found outside our VERY special planet, There goes proof of "evolution" and of accidental life from methane/ammonia/hydrogen/water and lightning. If we are the byproduct of some random acts, why would we be alone in the universe? I mean it could happen anywhere, right? Wrong.There are about 78 things that earth has as a system that in any absence would make the earth unliveable: from a rocky surface with a liquid iron core that produces a magnetic shield from solar radiation, to plate tectonics that constantly recycle the crust and bring up necessary minerals for life, the presence of potassium that carbon based life needs that has not been found anywhere else, to our position in the solar system that shields us from interstellar debris. Even the location within the spiral galaxy we occupy, far enough away from one of the dense 'spokes' that are full of deadly radiation. We really are unique in the universe.

This is based of the description of life we understand. There is a chance that if there is any other intelligent life forms or brings out there they would be COMPLETELY different than anything we would have imagined.
Maybe we smell funny because they are taking samples from the probes
I woke up to this outside my window last summer, suddenly the sore cornpipe made sense.
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