Stop in for a cup of coffee

And by coffee, i mean boobs..

In a few weeks, pot will be legal here. Growing it not legal. Will have to wait and see where it can be purchased.
Time to resume an old long dead habit. Maybe i can substitute it for tobacco. Smoking that may benefit me, go figure...
Medical just went legal here, and in Harrisburg you just get a fine now up to a ounce no longer a criminal offense
Medical just went legal here, and in Harrisburg you just get a fine now up to a ounce no longer a criminal offense

All we got was some new dumb headlight law that says you have to use factory headlamps now and can't upgrade
Leaving it alone today to harden before putting it back. Also the new window cat whiskers and channel rubber should be here today.
A couple of imperfections but it is a work truck! Think it cost around 250 to do with the new wheel well patches.
If you are not use to it it will tend to do that to yeah , PSP was in one many years ago 40 , and it was a crazy high like acid :lol:
Yeahhh, That happened to me one time also. A so called buddy passed me one. I kicked his *** the next day.......:mad::mob:
just scored a pretty good deal on shifter cables for a PB 727. 25 bucks plus shipping. in good shape it appears too. Usually they go for WAY more