How bad?

Tested some twice like 5 and 7 to be sure.

Time to pull the intake?

Number 8...a little wet? Could it all be dripping into that one cylinder?
Getting some lunch before I take it apart, and give you guys a few to tell me your thoughts.
Worry about nothing. Check head gaskets and replace as needed along with the intake gaskets.
You’ll be back up and running quick.
well within 10% deviation, and the overall number is good
I had a 360 with a blown head gasket compression test good cold, so there still could be a issue.
Opened it and dry pressure escaped, no coolant to be seen.

so, uhh, do you know how much coolant you have actually lost?
it sounds to me like there is coolant in the system it's just below the cores in the radiator, so you've lost "some" ???
so, uhh, do you know how much coolant you have actually lost?
it sounds to me like there is coolant in the system it's just below the cores in the radiator, so you've lost "some" ???

There is coolant in the head, and on the head. There is a trail all the way across to the #8 intake port on the head. It is green, NOT OIL. I had a hard time getting good pics. There is some oil under the front two ports, but what is under #8 is definitely green.










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Looks to me like the gasket sealed to the intake but not to the head, and coolant ran along the bottom of the gasket inbetween.





I hope so. Won't get it back together for a few days due to work schedule.
If it still smokes, I guess I'll get to pull it all again, plus the alternator, head and headers. I was very meticulous with the heads, but after that front corner leak I got in a sloppy rush on the intake the second time.

I have been afraid it would come back to bite me...that's why I was pretty sure I knew what had happened once I really thought about it.
Fluid does weird stuff in tight spaces under pressure.
Yeah....when I could not find that missing intake bolt, I looked in all the intake ports... the little SOB was hiding behind a valve stem. You can guess what happened next LOL
At least all my cars have always had the decency to break down at home.
The Duster broke down the very first time out when the coil died and got a ramp truck ride, but that's the only time one ever stranded me.
At least all my cars have always had the decency to break down at home.
The Duster broke down the very first time out when the coil died and got a ramp truck ride, but that's the only time one ever stranded me.

I would be ok with being wrong about the head gasket, just so you know.:D
Still amazed that it didn't get more in the oil.
I hope you are, no offense. ;-)
I do appreciate the advice, regardless.

Maybe it opened up yesterday and sucked it into the head as fast as it leaked?
I did not see any smoke behind the car Sunday. The way I drive it, I am constantly watching my rearview mirror. I would have seen anything significant.
Yesterday it fogged my garage like a smoke machine.

We will see. If I'm wrong, it will be posted here.
When things are hot, and the outside air not too cold, it will go out the pipes as pure water vapor, which is invisible. Cold start, cool day, will be a different matter.
I have had three different coolant leaks into the crankcase and still got 700+ runs and 65,000.very hard miles, after them, two head gaskets. 1) because the heads didn’t get retorqued after the initial build. 2) I did just what you did, but froze the bottom radiator hose while towing it on an open trailer. Got it warm and crushed the head gasket enough for it to push the fire ring towards the valley. 3) was a leak in an intake port. All were caught very early. the bearings were definitey done when I pulled it apart to refresh it years later.
Well...since the seeds of doubt about my own deductions were planted, they grew over the last couple of days.
I finally decided I had to pull the head to kill them...

Looks like I was right all along. The gasket looks fine to me. At least I get a peek in the cylinders. Now, I am curious about the buildup on the pistons in so few miles( maybe 400). Could it just be from the time it spent running high 10's to low 11's AFR? Or was it sucking oil? I didn't seem to be losing any.
What do you guys think?



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I would be ok with being wrong about the head gasket, just so you know.:D
Still amazed that it didn't get more in the oil.

I kept thinking if I put the intake back on and it still smoked, I was gonna be twice as pissed pulling it back apart, lol...

Cleaned up and ready to go back together. Little worried about all the coolant soaking the head gasket when I pulled the head. I thought I had sucked most of it out with my Mityvac, but there was plenty left in there.