Stop in for a cup of coffee

I really don't want to take the engine apart but it has to be boiled out. I cannot get the rust out of the cooling system.
Ok, off to work...
install. I want it right and the rear seat looks like a ***** to do.
I know they aren't all the same but... I find the benches much easier than buckets. I separate the layers of batting. Spray well with febreeze. Restack with a new layer on the outside. Lay a length of 2X8 on the frame and have helper stand on that while I installed the hog rings. I would bet compression is how it was done on assembly line.
LOL let the dog in there is a huge box by the door. Got the carpet kit in for the Cuda. Scored on it. Had a Tamaraz? %50 off code and free shipping. 250 to the door! Usually way more than that now just where to put it!
I was quoted a grand by a local distributor.
Fukkity fuk fuk!!
some moron screwed the heat shield into the gas tank. How the hell do i fix this? Rubber washer and epoxy will have to do. 3/4 tank of gas,needs fuel pump and everything is siezed/stuck or brittle. No respect.