Seed truck??

Get well man.
Nothing sucks worse than crappy health, I just got back from a dermatologist appointment from a horrendous rash I have on my whole body.
The tests come back UN-conclusive but the Dr thinks it may be my high blood pressure medicine.
They want me to stop taking the medicine that actually has my blood pressure under control.
So what do you do, take a chance of having a stroke or massive heart attack, or itching really bad.
What really scares me is the chance of stroke or heart attack, my mom fell over dead at 42 years old from a heart attack, and she was a RN and should have seen any sign of it.
I know this will sound crazy but a bowl of oatmeal and an 81 mg baby aspirin controls my blood pressure.
I know this will sound crazy but a bowl of oatmeal and an 81 mg baby aspirin controls my blood pressure.

That is good to know.
I got really scared one time when a co-worker of mine, said sit down, and roll your sleeve up.
She pulled the little machine out of her desk and took my blood pressure, it was like 190/160.
She said by everything she knew, I should be having a stroke.
I took her advice and got my butt to a Dr. asap.
That is good to know.
I got really scared one time when a co-worker of mine, said sit down, and roll your sleeve up.
She pulled the little machine out of her desk and took my blood pressure, it was like 190/160.
She said by everything she knew, I should be having a stroke.
I took her advice and got my butt to a Dr. asap.
Sireland 67, I'm sure you've already thought of this but a second doc's opinion before stopping your medication? I'd be a little concerned myself.
Yes going to contact my family Dr, who prescribed the medication.
It was the dermatologist who said quit taking the meds.
Had my left eyeball lasered for the second time last month. Doesn't hurt too much just makes things blurry for a while. Hopefully it will stop the bleeding in the back of my eye.
We have rain turning to ice hope your weather is better soon.
Just raining like heck now today it was just nonstop pouring. On top of all that melting snow. They talk about the veins in the back of my eye leaking but they're trying to get them to strengthen and work instead of what will naturally happen and have more veins grow they don't want that because those are just weaker than the original ones.
Get well man.
Nothing sucks worse than crappy health, I just got back from a dermatologist appointment from a horrendous rash I have on my whole body.
The tests come back UN-conclusive but the Dr thinks it may be my high blood pressure medicine.
They want me to stop taking the medicine that actually has my blood pressure under control.
So what do you do, take a chance of having a stroke or massive heart attack, or itching really bad.
What really scares me is the chance of stroke or heart attack, my mom fell over dead at 42 years old from a heart attack, and she was a RN and should have seen any sign of it.
after this happen I talked to my mom and she said one of my uncles had quite a few strokes and was actually able to recover from a few of them. When I went in to have my eye checked everybody's making me make faces and twitch my nose and cheeks around to make sure my whole face didn't drop.
after this happen I talked to my mom and she said one of my uncles had quite a few strokes and was actually able to recover from a few of them. When I went in to have my eye checked everybody's making me make faces and twitch my nose and cheeks around to make sure my whole face didn't drop.
Being a supermodel this must be very hard on you. So you get well soon.
I know this will sound crazy but a bowl of oatmeal and an 81 mg baby aspirin controls my blood pressure.
yeah my doctor wants me to take what she called a baby aspirin also I took it for a while and even now I get a little forgetful about this extremely low dose of blood pressure medicine that I'm talking.
I was showing 130 something and apparently the new standard is 120 something so they want me on that small dose. My heart beats are extremely slow though..
yeah my doctor wants me to take what she called a baby aspirin also I took it for a while and even now I get a little forgetful about this extremely low dose of blood pressure medicine that I'm talking.
I was showing 130 something and apparently the new standard is 120 something so they want me on that small dose. My heart beats are extremely slow though..
Maybe you're like Secretariat. They say that his heart is twice the size of a normal horse. That's why that son-of-a-gun could run the way he did.
I know when my blood pressure was high, I was like jimmy jack rabbit.
Tons of energy, could not wear myself out.
Now its like I have to force myself to do stuff.
yeah my doctor wants me to take what she called a baby aspirin also I took it for a while and even now I get a little forgetful about this extremely low dose of blood pressure medicine that I'm talking.
I was showing 130 something and apparently the new standard is 120 something so they want me on that small dose. My heart beats are extremely slow though..
Sounds like we are all getting to "that age" where we can't get away with the "crap" that we use to in our younger days. JPAR - Nice truck by the way. A buddy back in high school had a 76 with 440 4 speed, MAN DID IT GO!! Danced sideways!
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Sounds like we are all getting to "that age" where we can't get away with the "crap" that we use to in our younger days. JPAR - Nice truck by the way. A buddy back in high school had a 76 with 440 speed, MAN DID IT GO!! Danced sideways!
Thank you,
Yes my son has the 76 Power Wagon that I gave him and when I told him about this big block he was asking about a bellhousing to make it to put his truck. LOL I had to break the news to him that automatics don't have a separate bell housing...
Well back to the truck...
If I get some weather brakes tomorrow I'll be all over it. I might start by putting it up on 4 jack stands so I can take all the rims off and bring them inside to start getting them dried up. I need to get my snowmobile out and turned around and shove back into its hole. it's taking up some Prime real estate that I'll need for getting this thing done. At least that'll give me something to do inside in case the weather's not right and I can get that mirror popped off as well. I'm also looking to walk that seat out of there and start ripping that wet carpet off the floor board before it tries to do any more damage. I would really like to get some rattle can paint to match up that stuff on the bottom of the truck also. Not go wild rattle canning but at least I can dab some of the scratches and stuff like that. Just kind of generally clean it and make it look as presentable as possible. I think that's really where the previous owner failed completely.
Also to throw it out there I got a cheap 10/30 weight.
One tidbit of progress today I got a set of valve cover gaskets in an old Parts lot. Just pouring rain endlessly today so hopefully tomorrow like they're saying it should clear up and I can really get a big push forward on this thing.
Just a suggestion, but I wouldn’t bother spending the time and effort pulling the front seat to take the carpet out. Just cut out whatever you can get to so that any potential buyer can see the condition of the floor pan. They will need to pull the seat themselves if they decide to put new carpet in.
Just a suggestion, but I wouldn’t bother spending the time and effort pulling the front seat to take the carpet out. Just cut out whatever you can get to so that any potential buyer can see the condition of the floor pan. They will need to pull the seat themselves if they decide to put new carpet in.
since the campers been off of it for a little time now the carpet is just completely saturated and very ugly and tattered. For me just to pull the 4 1/2 inch nuts and walk the seat out and get that nasty stuff out there isn't that big of a chore. Is there any other reason besides just the labor itself? That you're thinking?
since the campers been off of it for a little time now the carpet is just completely saturated and very ugly and tattered. For me just to pull the 4 1/2 inch nuts and walk the seat out and get that nasty stuff out there isn't that big of a chore. Is there any other reason besides just the labor itself? That you're thinking?
Time and labor is all. You want to flip it quickly and no need to spend any extra time and effort that won’t yield any real benefit. Getting rid of most of the carpet accomplishes the goal and saves time and effort. Just thinking you have bigger fish to fry to get it ready for a buyer.

Also, if you break a bolt or something else, you are just adding headaches you don’t need.
Time and labor is all. You want to flip it quickly and no need to spend any extra time and effort that won’t yield any real benefit. Getting rid of most of the carpet accomplishes the goal and saves time and effort. Just thinking you have bigger fish to fry to get it ready for a buyer.

Also, if you break a bolt or something else, you are just adding headaches you don’t need.
thank you I just wasn't sure if you thought I was going to create more of a disadvantage for selling it. I feel that the time and the effort is the thing that I really have to put into it. My thinking was instead of them seeing a heavily completely soaked tethered worn out ripped nasty carpet that revealing the painted non-rusted floorboards which most all of them have would be an advantage? Of course breaking a bolt or something like that just on that seat isn't a big challenge for me if something like that was to happen. It seems like I've already doubled the value of it by washing the outside LOL I figure I may triple it by cleaning the inside LOL..
thank you I just wasn't sure if you thought I was going to create more of a disadvantage for selling it. I feel that the time and the effort is the thing that I really have to put into it. My thinking was instead of them seeing a heavily completely soaked tethered worn out ripped nasty carpet that revealing the painted non-rusted floorboards which most all of them have would be an advantage? Of course breaking a bolt or something like that just on that seat isn't a big challenge for me if something like that was to happen. It seems like I've already doubled the value of it by washing the outside LOL I figure I may triple it by cleaning the inside LOL..
I’m not saying don’t remove the carpet, just cut it out and don’t worry about the edges. Faster, less effort and accomplishes the same goal.
I’m not saying don’t remove the carpet, just cut it out and don’t worry about the edges. Faster, less effort and accomplishes the same goal.
This thing keeps ringing in my head that my uncle always told me about selling cars. He worked at the Cadillac dealership here locally as a detailer for about 35 years. He said in all that time he'd seen so many people Overlook so many things because the car was clean. I kind of believe it cuz you know how people are they have no vision whatsoever, all they see is clean and shiny and they want it. I guess that's kind of what's going in my mind to make sure it's just as clean as I possibly can get it.
^^^^that's why I was thinking before I even take a picture of it to paint those rims and touch up all those scratches in the white down below and take away all those little eye catchers so there's nothing really look at but the nice clean truck. That dirty Rusty looking diamond plate bumper just needs to be scrubbed taped off and repainted silver again. Maybe even getting some hard wax and waxing the truck and giving it a real super shine.
This thing keeps ringing in my head that my uncle always told me about selling cars. He worked at the Cadillac dealership here locally as a detailer for about 35 years. He said in all that time he'd seen so many people Overlook so many things because the car was clean. I kind of believe it cuz you know how people are they have no vision whatsoever, all they see is clean and shiny and they want it. I guess that's kind of what's going in my mind to make sure it's just as clean as I possibly can get it.
I agree with the idea, and also know that people’s vision is superficial. Make it a 20 footer...and nothing more. They will decide the rest.

Making it more won’t pay you back. Time is money and effort not repaid isn’t worth it.
I agree with the idea, and also know that people’s vision is superficial. Make it a 20 footer...and nothing more. They will decide the rest.

Making it more won’t pay you back. Time is money and effort not repaid isn’t worth it.
the object also of the truck so you know is to keep me busy when I don't have work. And lately I haven't had much. Time and effort is very much in my side and if I can use every bit of it to my advantage to get a quick sale first time and not have a bunch of Tire kickers over here that would be good. I'm really hoping to be able to make it less than a 20-footer like be able to come right up on it and take pictures of the non Rusty doors the non Rusty rocker panels and then on Rusty floor boards and the paint still in the bed kind of thing. And then yes standoff on a stunning day and take some 20 foot pictures of that gleaming nice. Put it up for a good sale under 2K price and hopefully it will go quick. But I would like to take two or three days of time I have anyways instead of sitting on my thumb. Scrubbing and cleaning and being able to put that best foot forward first?