Stop in for a cup of coffee

Our booth at Goliad Market Days, Goliad Tx

Once I roast some more coffee this next week I'll send out some 4oz sample bags to a couple more guys. Depends on how much I have extra from the batches.
Too much to do...
I have 2 outside faucets and both leak. Need to try to fix those today, before it freezes. I really should write down a to do list. or I will be thinking what I did not get done when the snow starts falling. LOL. I did ‘finish’ my big summer project yesterday. With second coat on the lower deck, the entire thing is done! (Kinda like a Mopar, never really done)All the boards on the main walk area are new. Now I am back to a point I can just change one board at a time as they get bad. There is still a piece at lower step, and 2 short pieces in one corner of the top deck that need done, couple rotted ends at the back end...but all those can wait till spring if they have to. At least the rest is solid and sealed.

Looks great! Hey a dripping faucet wont freeze!:poke::rofl:
The pipe won't freeze, but it would look like an ice sculpture. I could drip some food color in it like they do on the ice coming off the rock cuts aside the roads sometimes. LOL​
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Good morning coffee crew. Chatty bunch. Unknown amount of pages and 400ish posts bit all caught up. Glad the draft is going to be back and all is good there. Snow....not ready for that. Coffee sounds great....need to make more. My lungs havnt cleared like they hoped with the steroid pack. Up most of the night coughing **** up.
Have you "winterguys" in north America ever seen covers for the grill, some kind of means to stop the snow, but also to reduce cooling to the radiator to keep the engine warmer and in turn the heater working better too ? It was very popular in Norway on trucks and buses in the 60ties and 70ties, maybe it was used later too.


I have a front grill cover for my diesel truck daily driver. Helps a ton in the winter for warming up.
Tim's truck and trailer makes for a pretty big rig already. Add a car on the back and.. well good luck. LOL
Yep then you'd have to make sure the little car had good tires. Just pay to have it hauled home, or leave it somewhere and pick it up in July???
Yep then you'd have to make sure the little car had good tires. Just pay to have it hauled home, or leave it somewhere and pick it up in July???
He could leave it at my place. I'd get some big flower stickers and make a clown car out of it. :rofl:
I can hardly wait for the painter to get done so I can get the BBQ pit out from under the drop cloths. There is some Andouille in the freezer screamin to get cooked :lol: