Stop in for a cup of coffee

Nope!! It took to long to train this one. :p
Those that have met her clearly see she married up, and couldn't make it without me.:rolleyes:
Hey Craig...if you would decide to divorce or something happens to ya...ask Cheryl if she would pencil me in.
Ya, no comment
See this is my one complaint with the classified rules, site encourages one item per ad. So you end up with 50 ads when it could just say “engine parts” . I mean, it does make it quick to browse so I do see the benefit.
See this is my one complaint with the classified rules, site encourages one item per ad. So you end up with 50 ads when it could just say “engine parts” . I mean, it does make it quick to browse so I do see the benefit.
Yep. No good way to do that. I just read the titles and scroll on by.
I scratched my last good out of glasses to hell yesterday in those briars. Hopefully the can be polished out and not have to be replaced.
Wow looks like I got the WHOLE place to where are those cinnamon rolls.:D
Man sent most of the day looking for slant parts in the shop! I knew where the stuff was then I bought shelves to get organized! Never do that again!:lol:
Gmc van for axle seals and a block heater. Should be a fun day. At least its in shop and warm.
Mitch got a sports betting buddy. Think I'll give him a couple hundred $$ and the Chiefs on an over. I understand the points part, but do have to win for me to get a payout. Do they set odds for the over/under??