Reproduction AGM Battery Question



Proud Conservative
FABO Gold Member
Jan 8, 2012
Reaction score
North Georgia
So my repop AGM yellow top Mopar battery is now almost 6 years old. It has worked well and have had to charge it a few times after long, mainly winter time storage. Always with the charger adjusted for AGM.

I have noticed a little discolor on the top in the last few years after charging. It wipes clean and the terminals are spotless., but! Being AGM can you add a tad “ounce or so” of distilled water in each cell to help it last a few more years? The caps do twist off.
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While the car is still in the trailer the battery is in the garage and keep it tended once a week on 2amp load.
If I remove a cap I see no liquid and know this is correct for AGM as it is absorbed in the fiberglass Mat. Question is with the small residue I see after charging will adding a tiny bit hurt it?
If I remove a cap I see no liquid and know this is correct for AGM as it is absorbed in the fiberglass Mat. Question is with the small residue I see after charging will adding a tiny bit hurt it?
I believe it will dilute and lower the specific gravity. I tried this several times when working for Harley as they all use AGM batteries but it never worked to sustain the battery life, and the battery was on a tender when the bike sat. It seems the AGM's last for about 7 years if your lucky but then leave you stranded. Others may have different results.
AGM has sealed cells and no place to add water. It may last a few more years or maybe crap out tomorrow. Your call.
AGM has sealed cells and no place to add water. It may last a few more years or maybe crap out tomorrow. Your call.
They actually have a sealed strip under one of the warning labels that remind you not to open it, at least mine do.
AGM has sealed cells and no place to add water. It may last a few more years or maybe crap out tomorrow. Your call.

Disagree a bit. The caps screw off, there is no fluid to the the naked eye. I do understand AGM but thought If a very small amount is added it may prolong death! These repo batteries are not cheap!
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Was trying to be specific but guess I failed. This is the battery.

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I Have and mat plates. No liquid visible. It is absorbed. My question is as such, with the residue from charging it seems some has escaped to evaporation. Will adding a small amount help life!
I Have and mat plates. No liquid visible. It is absorbed. My question is as such, with the residue from charging it seems some has escaped to evaporation. Will adding a small amount help life!
I don't think it will do you any good.

Clean it, use it until it fails and get a new one.
Clean it, use it until it fails and get a new one.

Here Ya! The wife hates me for batteries! We have at least 9 between the vehicles and the Coach ones are big and expensive, It is 6 years old and not cheap.i will see how long it may last!

least our 2 company cars are not on our expense list!
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#1 Contact the manufacturer and ask them for advice.
#2 when the batt does finally fail. CAREFULLY cut it open from the bottom remove the guts and turn it into a battery cover.