Fresh packed beef patties



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Apr 20, 2016
Reaction score
Freeport, PA.
A blind man would know she sat there !! Maybe if she sat on the fish...
On a side note..... I drove 2 hrs to the track today and it started raining 7 miles out. Rained out! I felt like that fat lady looks.
Oh, and almost lost the car off the back of the trailer...ratchet strap broke. Chains only from now on.

On a side note..... I drove 2 hrs to the track today and it started raining 7 miles out. Rained out! I felt like that fat lady looks.
Oh, and almost lost the car off the back of the trailer...ratchet strap broke. Chains only from now on.

View attachment 1715578867

Love the car. Sorry about the rain out and near miss.
Cooling station.....I went to Walmart today to get a pair of bike tubes. Only my 4th time there as I'm a Target guy (2 closer than this Walmart to me) and I was amazed at the lard-assness of the general population there. WTF? It just struck me as being funny as I kept remembering the "Walmart shoppers" videos I get from my kids. Their bike section was wiped out, tubes and little bike parts were behind locked glass. Sheesh!
I REALLY should know better to click on his stuff..............
Cooling station.....I went to Walmart today to get a pair of bike tubes. Only my 4th time there as I'm a Target guy (2 closer than this Walmart to me) and I was amazed at the lard-assness of the general population there. WTF? It just struck me as being funny as I kept remembering the "Walmart shoppers" videos I get from my kids. Their bike section was wiped out, tubes and little bike parts were behind locked glass. Sheesh!
Bicycle tubes behind locked glass?? Why??
Well, I'm not gonna defend what she did, BUT, as a person with certain health issues that make have to sit down RIGHT when I need to, I can maybe sympathize IF that's what she had to do. Even still though, "I" would have sat on the floor first.......and I have done it.
Well, I'm not gonna defend what she did, BUT, as a person with certain health issues that make have to sit down RIGHT when I need to, I can maybe sympathize IF that's what she had to do. Even still though, "I" would have sat on the floor first.......and I have done it.
I dont think they sell cherrypickers/engine hoists in the store at Wal-Mart . That's what it would take to get her up off the floor.
Cooling station.....I went to Walmart today to get a pair of bike tubes. Only my 4th time there as I'm a Target guy (2 closer than this Walmart to me) and I was amazed at the lard-assness of the general population there. WTF? It just struck me as being funny as I kept remembering the "Walmart shoppers" videos I get from my kids. Their bike section was wiped out, tubes and little bike parts were behind locked glass. Sheesh!
Wal Martians! :rofl:
There's a large segment of the population who don't know your expected to go through the checkout stand...
My mom's hometown of Clarksville, Tx had a Walmart forever (1975 ish) and it finally closed because the 'shrink' rate was through the roof. "Shrink" is the retail term used for theft, by customers OR employees. Seems more flat screens and A/C's were going out the back door than the front! It made the local news there as Walmart published the stats, and they were staggering. Sort of a 'F you' to that community.
My mom's hometown of Clarksville, Tx had a Walmart forever (1975 ish) and it finally closed because the 'shrink' rate was through the roof. "Shrink" is the retail term used for theft, by customers OR employees. Seems more flat screens and A/C's were going out the back door than the front! It made the local news there as Walmart published the stats, and they were staggering. Sort of a 'F you' to that community.

We have one in Macon like that. The rumor going around now is, They are going to close the store and use it as a warehouse only with a skeleton crew and no customer access. Serves them right. East Macon has been nothing but the hood for 40 years. Just gettin worse everyday.
'Defund the police', that will make everything better. Dovetails with the young lady that stated theft and looting is 'reparation' , "they got insurance...." 'They' also supplied over 100 jobs to that small community...gone. Citizens should take note of what something like this does to a small community. If industry (jobs) dry up, everything starts to fall apart and that includes quality of life. Look at Detroit when the car industry crashed. This isn't political, its just civics. LA riots of 20 years ago, there were burned out buildings 10 years later and the same community was complaining that there was no rebuilding.....So, shop at Walmart for bike tubes, 2 pack Slime brand for $14, a buck cheaper than Amazon.
My youngest brother is a produce manager at a local high end grocery store...
They caught a huge black lady steeling Cornish Game Hens, finally after a month of showing a loss in that department..
Well, she had SIX hens stashed away. GET THIS; two between her legs, one under each armpit, and one under each tit !!!!
I suppose they were thawed out enough to eat, when she got home....
Ya like the song says you don’t know what you got till it’s gone. We’re mopar guys we can fix a lot of stuff we have to but we just can’t fix stupid