Stop in for a cup of coffee

It's Hump Day!

I'm great. Get to law rock on the outside of the house and maybe crank up one of my small block mopars this time home.
It will work, but I have that kit and the center hole in the degree wheel is larger than the vibration damper bolt...

I used it to degree a bunch of cams, but it's difficult to line up the hole on center by hand/eye... I did go to a local home improvement store and find some bushings that I can use to adapt the hole down to the damper bolt diameter for my next go round....
Is their another kit you recommend instead?
Finish fixing atv this morning,then owner is dropping off a lawn tractor to have oil leaks fixed. That one i pull engine and set it on the bench. Easy.
Had quick flurries. Figures busy today in the shop, couple of fast turnarounds wanted, see what happens.