Stop in for a cup of coffee

Ain't been to sleep yet. Just caint get there from here. Oh well.
It's Wagon Wednesday!

Good morning :D
46 this morning. A tad chilly.
Have to finish jeep,
Physiotherapist mentioned her brakes are making noise, so im going to look at them, then transmission comes out of will sit on hoist til its done.
Nice cool morning up here on the Tundra in the mid fifties F. Sure wish I was at Carlisle. I get OSHA on-site all day today. Woo Hoo. I am giving some serious thought to selling my scat pack challenger. I have not started it in months and months. We have seven vehicles plated and insured. Time to thin the herd.
Looks like your cucumbers are growing like my tomatoes this year. They taste really great, but they ain't big worth snot.
These are volunteer plants. I didn’t plant any this year. They came up on their own. So I bet that’s part of why they’re so small. I’m over run with squash and zucchini though
Well no car talk here. I'm just glad I have you guys to remind me I have a classic car passion. I never thought I could pause the car passion like I have lately. This new house has consumed all my free time and I enjoy it.
I head out early every morning and come back around supper time. Every day, seven days a week. Most evenings Cheryl will go back out with me to see all I did that day, and then help me get something prepped for the next day.
She told me last night she's worried because I haven't taken a day off in months...haha!! She said she might have to have in intervention session. I reminded her that in a few weeks we were going to Toolman Mike's car show and looking forward to it!!
Working towards a goal I tell her. It's a marathon, not a sprint.
Well no car talk here. I'm just glad I have you guys to remind me I have a classic car passion. I never thought I could pause the car passion like I have lately. This new house has consumed all my free time and I enjoy it.
I head out early every morning and come back around supper time. Every day, seven days a week. Most evenings Cheryl will go back out with me to see all I did that day, and then help me get something prepped for the next day.
She told me last night she's worried because I haven't taken a day off in months...haha!! She said she might have to have in intervention session. I reminded her that in a few weeks we were going to Toolman Mike's car show and looking forward to it!!
Working towards a goal I tell her. It's a marathon, not a sprint.
And we will see you there, I got it penciled in. Jodi says we are not to be trusted without proper chaperones. We need to sort out hotel arrangements.
Forest fires north and east of here,smoke was pretty thick here this morning.