Early A "Brake" Warning Light?



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
Do any early Abodies have a dash light indicating the hand brake is applied or that their has been a failure in the brake hydraulic system? Thank you.
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I have seen the sending units for it on the single pot masters (there's a port for them on the bottom), but don't recall where the light was mounted- suspect it may have been a dealer installed option. Definitely not standard equipment.
I dont think so: Turn signal indicator, high beam and oil pressure lamp lights. The MC didnt have a switch on it, neither did the very basic distribution blocks. You could use a 67 4 drum prop valve that has the brake switch in it I suppose?
I do have factory warning brake light in my 65 Barracuda,but it is the for the hand brake only. It comes on when the the hand brake is operated and the key is on.

All I can say is if you caint figure out you have the parking brake on, then I'll add you to our prayer list.
I towed a Mazda GLC from El Paso to California behind a U-Haul truck on one of those dollies they lift the front tires off the ground. I guess we had left the parking brake on. When I first drove off, I was thinking, "Wow, this truck is really loaded down, it's hardly moving from a stop". My best friend, who followed right behind me the entire trip, failed to mention he noticed a little smoke during the initial part of the journey. The rear brakes were toast when we arrived to our destination. We had left late one night and were exhausted after packing up all day long (this fatigue may have affected our thinking by the time we got ready to leave).

There is no reason for a "brake warning lamp" as there is only a single master cylinder. At the time the light would have come on--had it existed, your foot would already have told you!!!!
Do any early Abodies have a dash light indicating the hand brake is applied or that their has been a failure in the brake hydraulic system? Thank you.
Hand brake, Yes.....as an option. Hydraulic system.....No.