Stop in for a drink.

If it smells like the underside of a saddle or a hockey locker room that’s Peaty!
Why in the FLOCK would I drink THAT? I got no problem with just drinkin black coffee. It just might be that alkeehawl ain't for me. I've tried a lot through the years and never found one I thought was "good". Just "drinkable". I guess the original Southern Comfort and Fireball were the two I like "the best".
Why in the FLOCK would I drink THAT? I got no problem with just drinkin black coffee. It just might be that alkeehawl ain't for me. I've tried a lot through the years and never found one I thought was "good". Just "drinkable". I guess the original Southern Comfort and Fireball were the two I like "the best".
Taste is whiskeys is directly proportionate to price.
You Scotch guys. Peated Scotch tastes like the inside of Harbor Freight smells. If you try it, try it last because it will ruin your palate for at least a day.
Ya know what really turns ya off to peated Scotch? When a brush fire about 6 or 7 miles from the house ignites a peat bog in a creek and the daily breeze blows that odor into your house every morning until the wind switches :lol: Worst part was it took the fire fighting community about 3 weeks to figger out how to extinguish it :rofl:
New glassware arrived today

I missed this one. Not necessarily so. I have may $30 bottles that can go toe to toe with a $100 bottle.

My SiL is not a Bourbon fan... says it burns..

Poured him a glass of Tarnished Truth distillery's "Discretion' and he loved it. That's a $45 bottle.
I got my spread sheet done. Never have messed with Microsoft office or Excel before. 67 and still learning new stuff.

I am getting smarter. Now if I can remember how I did it for next time. I alphabetized it. Makes more sense now.