Stop in for a cup of coffee

They won't do crap until it will hit the ocean if shot down. Might hit the three eyed locust that is on the endangered list otherwise the legal staff said.
Yes it's in NP forum, will leave the politics there but I found this funny in there. Whoops, wrong sleeve, let me try again. Hmmm. won't save as a pic, oh well.
They won't do crap until it will hit the ocean if shot down. Might hit the three eyed locust that is on the endangered list otherwise the legal staff said.
LOL. But seriously, I wouldn't trust the bastages to not have the next virus they manufactured on board.
By I remember my friends dad loaded up a rocket with fireworks one fourth. Holy crap went sideways through a neighbor's window. We took off like good kids! That was classic!
Turned out a 22 was not enough power, 223 at a minimum to set it off. It had a ton of holes in it though.
Search Tannerite gone wrong, saw one that involved an ATV being blown up I think. Think the guy lost his foot?
That went fairly well. Got all the brake pedal supports welded in. Next is steering column. A few little weldsand its ready to wire up, drop in rad and move it.
Not sure how high a f-35 can go. I would use a gun if it has them to slow the decent rate down to save the package.