Stop in for a cup of coffee


In this case bigger is better
Gave Fargo a tune up-ish. New plugs. Seems to run better, no misfire on part throttle…
That V8 Vega I mentioned earlier today. Buddy was goin' through the 327 for it and had the bare block sittin' in the bathtub of the house he was rentin'. I forget the reason but his landlord showed up to check something on the house unannounced and saw that block :eek: . He was not pleased :rofl:. Chris didn't do that in the next place he had to rent.
I cooked dinner tonight. I took you all's advice and fried the brussel sprouts in olive oil with butter. After I cooked the steaks. Baked potatoes here also.
I cooked dinner tonight. I took you all's advice and fried the brussel sprouts in olive oil with butter. After I cooked the steaks. Baked potatoes here also.
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I need to try that with the brussel sprouts. I can eat them raw in a salad but I hate them cooked or steamed. Olive oil, butter, and bacon may work.
So it seems like the transmission is having fits. Took it for another drive, the brake thing didn't happen this time, but this time it didn't want to shift. 1-2 shift didn't happen until 3000 or redline for the poor 7.3L.. and some noises from about the foot well area. Sigh
At the 911 museum, they talk about those elevators. A very unique design...
Haven’t been there yet, I did stop in Shanksville, PA at the flight 93 museum. I was at the time amazed at what they found vs what they never found at that crash site
The other thread? Great.
OK. Did a quick search back.

Del was helping him, and didn't see any reason to get involved other than to post a diagram.
So it seems like the transmission is having fits. Took it for another drive, the brake thing didn't happen this time, but this time it didn't want to shift. 1-2 shift didn't happen until 3000 or redline for the poor 7.3L.. and some noises from about the foot well area. Sigh
Hope you get it figured out Eric!
Well. I'm done. Later guys. Heading to Blackfoot Idaho at 3 in the morning over 9 hundred miles