Jon wins E/SA in a Strange Final in Vegas



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Dec 12, 2009
Reaction score
Boulder City NV.
Well there were 10 cars (Most of any Class) in E/SA this last weekend and
they were the fastest field I have ever seen in this Class.

In the final we faced a early 70s Z28 LT-1 former built and owned by Jon's
friend and Multiple World Champion Justin Lamb. It is now owned by K & N
who is a long time NHRA sponsor. Rumor has it it was purchased for a VERY
HIGH 5 figure price and worth it. Supposedly, the Ceramic Bearings in it cost
more than entire parts in our 340 engine. Of Course, they have a hundred times
the money we do and can afforded it.
We pulled 50 feet behind the staging lanes and prepared to do a final cooling on our
engine for the finals which we would be a real underdog.
The person who worked the staging lanes walked back to us and told us to get in line
even though our competition had yet to arrive. I explained that we were waiting for our competitor to show up. CONTINUED
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They said get in line now or you are DQed!!
I had Ice in my hands to put on the intake at the time
They then said if you put the Ice on you are DQed
and go back to the Pits. Most everyone else had Iced
they cars for the class runs. It was about 95 Degrees
at that moment. We worked our way up to near the front
of the staging lanes and here comes our competition = But
not with their cart but on a scooter to observe us. They pulled
our car into the water box BUT they shut us off and made us wait
for 4 minutes (Seemed like an Hour) in the box while the went to
their pits to bring their iced and chilled car up. The other Stockers sat
behind us in the lanes in the Heat and waited too!
BTW we outran them two tenths and could have gone faster if needed!!
Sometimes a Fat Checkbook do not turn on the Win Light despite the Track's helping
you as well.
After supporting them for decades, I will NEVER PURCHASE = K & N products again.
After 70 years going to the Track, I have never seen this big a load of BS before.
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Way to go John and Jon. That shows that experience and a well put together program beats all the fancy schmancy high dollar stuff they can throw at you.
As a Mopar enthusiast, I am always glad to hear we put an opposing Mftrs car on the trailer. Congratulations on a well-deserved win.
Congratulations on the win, that's some dirty play by your competition. 65'
Thanks for the story. I love to hear these "little guy makes good" stories especially in this case where the track was jacking you around. That was B/S.
Congratulations on the win, even though you were the underdog and had track management working against you. You and Jon beat them at their own game, few things are more satisfying.
Had a similar experience racing Pro at the old Moroso Motorsports Park (before it became the now ill-fated PBIR).
Luved going down there for 2-day Events, cuz it was still 1/4-mile racing, while Orlando had turned to 1/8. Easy to find a decent Hotel too.
My home track being Orlando, I would occasionally truck down to there and had some great races, went lotsa rounds.
Made some moolah, but never really won the big bucks but did put alot of locals on the trailer.

I couldn't figure out why every time I would go there, they would park me in the dirt area, while everybody else was directed to the paved areas.
Back then, there were the paved areas and the dirt. I despised being in the dirt, especially with a Black Car.

Apparently, I had hurt more feeling than I realized, cuz one of the last times I went down there, they pulled me aside for eliminations first round.
And I'm figuring, "What the hell is going on? Did I pull into the wrong lane? Did they find some kind of tech problem? Am I leaking fluid? Why is this track guy so damn mad at me?"
Anyway, it was a popular weekend with massive Car count, so I'm parked and waiting on about 20 sets of cars to race. Keep in mind, it's about 150 degrees down there in early Fall and I'm all suited up in a Black 68 Dart GTS. So finally, everybody makes their runs, they motion me to race and here comes the Track Chumpion, some orange Nova.
Turns out he was racing Super Pro and is now just getting back to the lanes to race Pro (they allowed you to race both classed back then).
So, he rips off some .000 type light and leaves me in the weeds. Seems all the Locals are smirking at me as I'm driving back to Dirtville. I get back, ring out my now totally wet from sweat race jacket and power up my alternator-less battery that is low due to me turning on the interior fan to try to cool down.

Not one to give up, yours truly buys back and you guessed it.
Same exact thing happens again. Same lane, same routine, same Orange Nova. Same result (he used his delay, obviously).

Needless to say, I didn't race Moroso for a few years after that. :icon_fU:

:mob: :wtf:

Nice "finger" without even trying.
They said get in line now or you are DQed!!
I had Ice in my hands to put on the the tim
They then said if you put the Ice on you are DQed
and go back to the Pits. Most everyone else had Iced
they cars for the class runs. It was about 95 Degrees
at that moment. We worked our way up to near the front
of the staging lanes and here comes our competition = But
not with their cart but on a scooter to observe us. They pulled
our car into the water box BUT they shut us off and made us wait
for 4 minutes (Seemed like an Hour) in the box while the went to
their pits to bring their iced and chilled car up. The other Stockers sat
behind us in the lanes in the Heat and waited too!
BTW we outran them two tenths and could have gone faster if needed!!
Sometimes a Fat Checkbook do not turn on the Win Light despite the Track's helping
you as well.
After supporting them for decades, I will NEVER PURCHASE = K & N products again.
After 70 years going to the Track, I have never seen this big a load of BS before.

John it’s been that way in that class for a long long time. I think you are finally getting your eyes open to it. What do class run offs pay to the winner now.
Complete BS.

Not sure how realistic filing a grievance or protest with the sanctioning body is.....
So if the other racer chilled his engine in the pit’s doesn’t he have to drive it to the lanes. It’s not legal to tow these cars to the lanes right???
They said get in line now or you are DQed!!
I had Ice in my hands to put on the the tim
They then said if you put the Ice on you are DQed
and go back to the Pits. Most everyone else had Iced
they cars for the class runs. It was about 95 Degrees
at that moment. We worked our way up to near the front
of the staging lanes and here comes our competition = But
not with their cart but on a scooter to observe us. They pulled
our car into the water box BUT they shut us off and made us wait
for 4 minutes (Seemed like an Hour) in the box while the went to
their pits to bring their iced and chilled car up. The other Stockers sat
behind us in the lanes in the Heat and waited too!
BTW we outran them two tenths and could have gone faster if needed!!
Sometimes a Fat Checkbook do not turn on the Win Light despite the Track's helping
you as well.
After supporting them for decades, I will NEVER PURCHASE = K & N products again.
After 70 years going to the Track, I have never seen this big a load of BS before.
congratulations ... I know how it feels to be screwed by people working the track , at a grand American race once in Tulsa , I had a black track worker stand in front of me while my competition was doing his burn out , when he started staging , the ***--le starter waved me t the line I tried to do a couple of dry hops pulling to the line , he acted like the ***--le he was and wave me on up , needless to say the hemi dint come close to hooking up.
have received a friend request on Facebook from the dumbass guy that stood in front of the water box/ironically , what a joke !
Sounds like the track was kissing their *** big time probably looking for sponsorship money. Congrats with the win.
Nice win, I hate to see personal interest from the host...
Thinking about this a little more, and with all of cameras out there in the world, not to mention on-site, it would be interesting to see if anyone caught some of this on video.

My guess is that the track "conveniently" wouldn't have anything.