5 Random Things About Yourself

1. I want my screen name to be oklacarcollector but FABO won't let me put the last "r" on.
2. I am legally Bill but locally everyone knows me by my middle name Scott.
3. I hate not having at least 3 of every tool.
4. I have been married 26 years to a wonderful woman.
5. I have more stuff than I have places to put it.
I believe in this concept as well but I also think the chick at the gas station or party store who is ALWAYS on the phone when customers come in needs to HANG UP and interact PLEASANTLY with her customers.

It's time for you, her, and her manager to have a nice looonnnnggg talk...
1. Visited Costa Rica 22 times since '96. Could have bought property for what I spent on so many visits. Commercialism has spoiled it to a degree but it's still a beautiful place.

2. Can tell what time it is within 15 minutes without a watch.

3. Loud people get on my nerves.

4. Skydived a lot when I was younger. I think it's cool that Man has attained the ability to fly like birds do.

5. Throw like a girl, sometimes. I've worked on it but it still happens :)
5 random things? About me huh? Hummm.
You mean like what you don't allready know?

1. I smoke to many cigs and not enuff tires.

2. I live, eat, crap, day dream and sleep dream MoPar Performance.

3. I sleep in 2 - 4 hour increments because there is no rest for the wicked and they torment me often. Busy busy busy!

4. Love to drive across the country, when possible, just to pick up parts that could have been mailed for less money. (Why? I get to meet people and see things live!)

5. I actuallly really really like my job.

(I'm outdoors inspecting, testing, fixing trains. Be the weather Crazy hot sun, raining like a hurricane, blizzar/white outs, I'm out there walking around my train thanking the Lord I'm not behind a desk pushing a pencil.)
Every time I come to this thread my mind goes blank 8)
But I will give it a try this time.
1= I have outstanding hearing and eye sight, or the people around me are half blind. :toothy10:
2= I am the first to leave if folks are talking negative just to boost there own personality :bootysha:
3= I don't eat anything white anymore so I can enjoy a cold one. Weight loss.=P~
4= I wake up in a new world every day and it works for me and keeps me happy.:-D
5= last but not least I believe that less is more in most situations.
Wow I finally did it :cheers:
1 - I adore B.B. King.
2 - I hate my job. A lot.
3 - I love my two children. More than anything. Period.
4 - My Dad and I were oil and water. He died in 2006. It bothers me sometimes that we never worked it out.
5 - When I was 37 a gas cooker blew up in my face. My wife drove me to the hospital. When I was walking into the emergency room this guy came out of the door with a cigarette and asked me for a "light". When I looked up and he saw my face he turned ghost-white. It was actually pretty funny.
16. I put money into old cars and am then scared to drive them
17. I have more fun at home than on vacation
18. I haven't talked to my mom or sister in almost 3 years and they live less than a hour away.
19. My father died 16 days before my fourth birthday. My first son died 4 days before my 21st birthday and 15 days after my second son was born
20. This is the most I've said to anyone about #19 in two years
6. I hate lier's
7. I have had more cars than I can remember
8. I am the black sheep of the family
9. Was told I am a sex addict by a psychiatrist (lmao)
10. My best friend is my 10 year old Cousin, we have been very close since the day he was born.
I'll take onther kick at the cat here.

6: I install ceramic tile for a living and I can't go anywhere without looking at a tile job to see the mistakes. My wife calls me an anal retentive bastard, but I'm good at what I do. ;)

7: I drive a 99 Chevy Venture mini van as a daily driver but it works well for what I do for a living and it was free. Can't beat that deal with a Mopar valve cover. :D

8: The small town that I live in has about 350 people in it, 1/3rd are crackhead losers, 1/3rd are retired, and the other third are hard working SOB's like me.

9: I can bend both thumbs back so far that I can touch my wrists.

10: I'm 49 years old and my Mom is 71 and I'm about half grey now in the hair dept. and she has only had one grey hair in her life when she was in her early 30's. She pulled it out and has never had one since. She does not color her hair and it just amazes me.
1. I met my best friend/wife at Pizza Hut.
2. I hate to read (except FABO) but love to learn (Thank god for Cable TV)
3. I belive someone should stay at home with the kids and take care of the house. (it doesn't have to be the woman either)
4. I love to prove people wrong when they say I can't do something.
5. I caught an 833 lb. shark last month. It has been a dream of mine.
Quote by Xcptshnl1...I am a redhead, but I joined the hair color of the month club a long time ago.

Why? Redheads are hot! I married one.

1. Why?? Because someone dared me to. That Redheaded-Irish-Temper has never let me back down from a dare.

2. I regret it now. I have tried to get it back, but short of shaving my head...
I was a blond for the summer. Now, as of two weeks ago, I have dark red hair

3. I deer hunt. I have killed 4 deer from 1990- 1995 and they are mounted on my Dad's living room wall. And before you ask, yes I can skin a deer and cook it too.

4. I've never had a speeding ticket. Never got caught anyway...:-\"


5. I Love My Boys!! Period.

** I was told at the age of 19 that I would never have kids. I had been date raped two weeks prior, and there was a lot of damage.:angry7:
please, don't feel sorry for me. The Ba$tard is in jail for the next 50 years**

But, at age 29 I found out I was going to have Gregory. Then, 5 years later, Luke arrived.
God gave my these wonderful gifts when He knew I was ready.

First Day of school 09 002.01.JPG

** I've never told any one else but David about this.**

First Day of school 09 002.01.JPG
1. i am anal about things being neat but you would never know that cuz it apears to be a mess. but i can tell you where a special nut to a bicycle is that i took apart 3 years ago and havent messed with it since.
2. i am in love with mopars and am slowly seeing how much cooler every mopar is compared to a cheby or furd
3. the first girl i ever kissed i have been dating for 2.5 years and we plan on getting married. she is still in highschool so it is really rare.
4. i am 19 and remember 12 cars that i have owned and i have paid for everyone by myself except the first that my dad paid half on and i paid him back within a year($500 lebaron lol)
5. i have to have a mountain dew before i go to sleep and when i wake up lol
6: I install ceramic tile for a living and I can't go anywhere without looking at a tile job to see the mistakes. My wife calls me an anal retentive bastard, but I'm good at what I do. ;)

for some reason i am the same way with the tile lol. i helped my dad do some tile when i was like 12 and showered in that bathroom almost everyday since and now i see every mistake and it bugs that crap outta me lol.
for some reason i am the same way with the tile lol. i helped my dad do some tile when i was like 12 and showered in that bathroom almost everyday since and now i see every mistake and it bugs that crap outta me lol.
Same here, I have looked at many hospital hall ways that was never ending :angry7:
I kept my helper busy mixing thin set and grout, I never had a good helper that could spread and sponge it down or wipe it down :angry7:
Mud bed's for shower floors and quarry tile was the worst :angry7: Broken tile floors take forever and mixing acid, water and sawdust :angry7:
Glad that part of my life is over.
I didn't know you were and old tile setter memike.8)

That's some nice work there homecloned.:cheers: I love the look of a job on the 45 degree but I hate doing it. ;)
1. I want desperately to work for myself. I hate the corporate BS.

2. I used to think the worst thing that could happen to me would be to lose my family. Then I lost my wife to divorce and son to a bike wreck. I was right. It is the worst thing that can happen to you.
I wish I had spent more time with my kids when they were little. I truly would trade all my tomorrows for one single yesterday.

3. I grew up dirt poor but I wouldnt trade the experience for anything. It taught me to appreciate what I have and to work for what I dont have.

4. My first car was a Chevy. My second car was a Duster. That is why I am a Mopar man.

5. I am scared for the future of our country. I love America and do not want to see it harmed or changed in any way.

BTW, good thread. I enjoyed reading it.
I didn't know you were and old tile setter memike.8)

That's some nice work there homecloned.:cheers: I love the look of a job on the 45 degree but I hate doing it. ;)

Thanks 55, I kind of spoiled myself after doing one job on the 45 and just said WOW. Oh yeah 16" or bigger are a must.
That top pic was an older couples house that I did a 45 continuous run through the whole house. Fun cuts around the walls. Especially with porcelain tile. Give me travertine anyday.
Thanks 55, I kind of spoiled myself after doing one job on the 45 and just said WOW. Oh yeah 16" or bigger are a must.
That top pic was an older couples house that I did a 45 continuous run through the whole house. Fun cuts around the walls. Especially with porcelain tile. Give me travertine anyday.

It makes the cuts a lot more "fun" when doing a diagonal layout. I charge quite a bit extra to do 45's because of all the extra cutting involved. I don't much care for working with any kind of natural stones though. I'd much rather work with ceramic or porcelan myself.

Sorry to get off topic here gang.

1. I put the Lord first in all things in my life.

2. I surrendered to Christ after the death of my youngest grandson in 2007 at the age of three. I will be with him again someday in Heaven. I still cry over him.

3. I really feel called to get a degree in a ministry field, maybe at Dallas Baptist University, but there's the mortgage, insurance, etc...

4. The Texas hill country to the north of San Antonio is where I wish we lived right now.

5. Been married 32 years and counting.
ok im goin again

1. i live in florida
2. i dont wanna die
3. i love hot sauce on eggs ?
4. i am in the 9th grade
5. i run hot and cold one day i want to sell my car the next day i love it and cant wait till its done??