Having a problem after shipping a part

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He's a blowhard. He thinks he sounds more important than he really is. Stand your ground, he'll whimper away quietly.

FBI LOL, what a dope.

i would give him his money back - shipping and tell him go with what he has to..keep track of all your emails and everything..he told you that to scare you..whay do people try to take others for a ride in the times we are in...
Personally, I'd send him a small box with the following contents:
1) a money order for the amount he paid, minus shipping)
2) a tube of Vagisil
Petty, You are as honest as the day is long IMO. Refund the $$ for the part only and explain why it is his fault the shipping $ are missing. If he was dumb enough to give you the wrong address and be banned from FABO, he's not very bright :sign7:.

His threats are without merit bud.......Don't sweat that crap!
Thanks 6pk2go!Tomorrow I,ll e-mail him and make a offer to split the shipping cost,if he refuses?He,ll get his money back minus the shipping.It,ll show that I,m willing to deal and he,s not.Sorry about your loss Buddy!
Just do this…..

"Well instead of flying off the handle I said I will sent you a money order minus the shipping costs and be done with it."

Then let him do what he wants (which will be nothing).

You did try to get the part to him and you did give him a reasonable refund. If he reports you they will just laugh at him.

The feds don't have time for crap like this….. They are spending all their resources going after 17 year olds with half a joint in their pocket.
As long as you have proof he sent the money to Canada and you shipped the part to the address he provided ,send him a formal demand to remove his abandoned chattel goods from your property and pay storage of say $10 a day {or some similar fair amount }starting on the day the package was returned to your property , persuant to the warehousemens act or his "property" will be sent to auction to cover his debt - The FBI can't do Jack S@#t to you we're Canadians not subject to any US domestic organization .The transaction was completed on Canadian soil and not subject to any American small claims court , If he files which is doubtful since there is a filing fee involved and they don't take food stamps send the court a copy of the info you have and demand they remove the case from their docket as the transaction was completed outside their jurisdiction , Even if the judge is a real horses backside any judgement against you will have no force since the us court has no way to access your SIN # and hence no way to attach any of your accounts or property , this is the risk we all take when we do business across an international border so screw him
This guy doesn`t even know his own address? :scratch: I say send him a refund minus the cost of shipping and then wash your hands of this transaction. If the shipping isn`t that much, give him a full refund and then be done with him. Once done with this you`ll have peace of mind, and it`s all about peace of mind even if it costs a few dollars.
This guy doesn`t even know his own address? :scratch: I say send him a refund minus the cost of shipping and then wash your hands of this transaction. If the shipping isn`t that much, give him a full refund and then be done with him. Once done with this you`ll have peace of mind, and it`s all about peace of mind even if it costs a few dollars.

Shipping was $25.00 and that is too much to waist on someone elses screw up.
I understand, what does this guy expect? Should you spend all your money sending the part all over America? Ask him for three more wrong addresses so you can empty your wallet sending the part to places it was never intended to go....... I hate it when I`m sarcastic. Just refund his money minus the shipping, he has no grounds to pursue legal action after that. He paid for a service to ship the item to an address he provided and that`s what you did.
Do you have anything from when he gave you the corrected address? Photocopy anything you have that shows that he supplied you with the wrong address, Pic of the box with the address crossed out, etc. Then mail his money back minus the shipping. If he calls, tell him that the check is in the mail......if he asks for how much, just say " for the correct amount"..

Good luck on this.
Send him the part cost and a vibrator and if he dont like it he can screw himself.
The situation sux,Scott. I hear what your saying and and how you feel.It stinks that some dirtbag should pull a stunt like this. I would pay the the total refund and try to put the issue behind you and get no with your life and your build.It's not worth $25 for this thing to eat away at you.We all know your a great stand up member here and I for one would completely understand if you just paid him off. If it was me and I was a single guy on my own I would tell him to shove it but your situation is a little different.My .02 for what it's worth.Good luck whatever you decide,we're behind ya.
send him a refund for the whole thing and forget to sign the check......hey, he stressed you out with this whole deal and your just forgot to sign it......
Hey, tell you what, send me the box with his new address, I'll take a dump in it, mail it out and I will also give him a receipt and pay for the shipping!!! C'mon puuhleez let me do it!! Tell you what just give me his address and I'll send him a warm one anyway!! LOL
Scott, unless it was an extremely high-end item or his 'Attorney General' is his brother or something, no lawyer would touch the case or even bother writing a demand letter to you. They call it "cost/benefit analysis," and what it comes down to is that if the amount in controversy doesn't exceed the labor hours and the money it costs to try to collect it, it just isn't worth it to them. Shipping costs??? C'mon! Even Legal Aid will laugh at him.
I sold a part to an member(now banned)back in Dec./09,the transaction went fine.I was paid for the part and shipped it.Now here,s the problem,he gave me an address that was wrong so he never got the part.He then sent me the proper address,so the part was in limbo for 6 weeks and appeared on my doorstep yesterday.So I email him and say..send me some money to ship the part again,cause this is your mistake for giving me the wrong addy?He says..no way,and that this is my fault.Well instead of flying off the handle I said I will sent you a money order minus the shipping costs and be done with it.He says..no way,all of the money he sent(for the part and shipping cost)or he will be contacting his Attorney General,the FBI,fruad squad and report me as a fraudster?Now I had dropped the price of the part twice for him as it was Christmas time and I was feeling cheery.What would you do if you were in my shoes?I don,t want charges or bad name after trying to help someone out.Thanks for any advise!Ranting done.:stop:

Tell you what... Screw him.

He has to pay for shipping to get the part. Save the emails, and do nothing until he gies you shipping money. Just my .02
This guys full of crap and just jacking with Scott. I wouldn't send him squat just because he's a moron who thinks he can spout off about the FBI. Hell they probably got a wanted poster with his face on it, Reads "Wanted for being a dumb ***". If you insist on sending him anything then send him 100 Canadian Tire bucks and hope he chokes on it.8)
I like Demon Seeds idea I'll even dig through my drawers to pitch in whatever Crappy tire money I have { it won't be much I usually donate it at the till to the children's charity they sponsor } tho I really would send him a bill and watch how fast his cranial inversion gets corrected and he asks for his money minus shipping , the legal talk is all BS there is no way for him to pursue you in an american court and hope to collect .

PS 4spragtop he can't sue but as much as I'd like to contribute to your package as well they would probably CSI it and send homeland security after us for a terrorist attack with a "Dirty Bomb"
...............Dont sweat it scott, im pretty sure the fbi has better things 2 do..........like ltfao while rolling on the floor.....ur lucky the part came back.........what would u do if it didnt?...........send him the cash 4 the part.............kim................
In a case like that just the money for the part and a pic of returned box to show you sent it in good faith, you'd have to commit a crime to be hassled with it and ain't nobody gonna hassle with a claim on shipping charges only, the authorities that deal with this kind of stuff will do the same thing the "wagg's" did, They'll offer to help him out and ask which way did he come in! He's obviously hittin the crack pipe,did he use paypal? they will have record of the original address,try going to paypal and enter his e mail address on the send money tab and see if an address pop's up.
A Lil' detective work provides this thread showing a zip code from parts wanted section http://www.forabodiesonly.com/mopar/showthread.php?t=83389
a lil' more detective work show's this zip code Now I shall venture to the mod's forum and paypal and see what turns up Age:
Zip Code:
46268 <---------
I don't I just point
Engine type and displacement:
Flux Capacitor
Turbo + Nitrous
Tranny type:
Drag Radials
Race weight:
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