UPS Rant! Please all members read!



Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2009
Reaction score
Innisfil, Ontario, Canada
I'm only blaming UPS here so please beware and take care in shipping over the boarder. I just bought a part from a member and it was valued at $150.00. The member I bought it from paid $35.70 to UPS for shipping.When I received it today the driver,which I know well said..Craig sorry to tell you but I have to collect $63.86 for Brokerage/GST fee's :banghead:. I just about filled my pants!!! They are bloody crooks! Worse than the Government! So please a message to all members..when shipping try to use Postal service,and if you do use UPS make sure you value the item just under $20.00 if possible.That is what the driver explained to me.. So...I had to rant because I'm still trying to clean the Sh*t out of my pants!! Thank you for reading..:dontknow::drinkers::drinkers:
I figured this would be another "UPS destroyed my new anvil in shipping" post! That's the main trouble I've had with them. I shipped a NAG1 transmission to a dude in Canada, and he drove across the border to get it. I asked if he didn't have to pay fees, even doing it that way. He says "Let me worry about that,eh!" :D He e-mailed me a few weeks later, and said he got it back to Canada without extra fees. I didn't
Canada Post collects tax on anything coming in from a company with a declared value on the paperwork .Yes Craig we have discussed UPS many times when I first joined FABO I bought $100 worth of interior panels from Bobby Wilbanks ,he taped them all up in cardboard and taped them together as 1 piece valued at $100 they split the shipment into 2 pieces at the border and added a new invoice for another $100 in declared value , this was before HST here in BC so I had to pay $50 per piece in brokerage fees and 6% tax on the combined values of $200 for a total of $112.00 on parts I actually bought for $100 , I have never used them again .
I believe you need to be careful about the value statement too, that could cause problems as well. The best way to ship across the border is the Postal Service. I am surprised you didn't request the shipper to ship via the USPS.
I've always used USPS when shipping thing over the border. Only mistake I made was using the Shipping Assistant from USPS I had loaded on my computer. It was made for business so when ever I did the shipping labels it would also print out 5 copies of customs forms. I started to use the online personal version that only requires you to bring 1 form.
I believe you need to be careful about the value statement too, that could cause problems as well. The best way to ship across the border is the Postal Service. I am surprised you didn't request the shipper to ship via the USPS.
If he reads this..I think he will know what to do from now on! lol.. I still got what I bought,and I am greatfull for that.Just pissed at UPS!
Hi Craig, just wanted to let you know that the NOS spring bracket I bought from you showed of the other day, thanks!!

UPS really sticks it to you guys up there, I always ship USPS to Canada.
Learn how to self clear customs, even with UPS, it solves a bunch of $ issues.

Yes use USPS...
Hi Craig, just wanted to let you know that the NOS spring bracket I bought from you showed of the other day, thanks!!

UPS really sticks it to you guys up there, I always ship USPS to Canada.
Glad you got it! I was starting to worry..Craig.Yes I have found out..they stick it right up us!
Been there, done that as well. The problem is that USPS only takes certain sizes and some things must go by courier. Then you get the big one. If only I could go across the line..............:D
This should be a sticky in any/all automotive forums. I learned this lesson several years ago, and always try to pass the info along to others. No Ups to Canada! Sorry you had to learn the hard way. It sucks.
yeah, and if it's even remotely marked fragile they kick it and throw it around just to break it....
FedEx does it too. Sold a Mallory CD ignition to Canada and got backcharged brokerage fees to my Fedex account, almost more than the ignition! Sorry Canada....
Hi Craig, just wanted to let you know that the NOS spring bracket I bought from you showed of the other day, thanks!!

UPS really sticks it to you guys up there, I always ship USPS to Canada.

Yep got the hat with no extra fees or tax thanks
And for any of you ordering from the states and the company only ships UPS, you can send it to a few of us and we can reship USPS.
I'm an hour away from Ogdensburg NY, if anybody from Ontario has a big order, I can always pick it up at their Ups store, and ship it out to you.I've saved quite a few bucks doing it this way for my purchases. Alot of companies offer free shipping in the US. Food for thought.....
I'm an hour away from Ogdensburg NY, if anybody from Ontario has a big order, I can always pick it up at their Ups store, and ship it out to you.I've saved quite a few bucks doing it this way for my purchases. Alot of companies offer free shipping in the US. Food for thought.....
Thanks Mike, and I still have your front sway bar nice and black. I want to hand it to you with a cold one! lol..
yeah, and if it's even remotely marked fragile they kick it and throw it around just to break it....
When I first started in the Post Office I was told that "fragile" was an Italian word that translates to abuse me in English.....
And for any of you ordering from the states and the company only ships UPS, you can send it to a few of us and we can reship USPS.
I would be more than willing to help any one out by reshipping thru the USPS