Is It Legal To Sleep In your Vehicle?



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
According to the article, more than 80 cities have outlawed sleeping in you car. I camped out for a month in the back of my '85 Dodge Caravan parked on a street near downtown San Diego once when between jobs. One night I forgot to lock the front passenger door and about 2AM-3AM some *** opened the door, saw me, closed the door, and kept going.

Is it really illegal to sleep in your car?

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Are you so bored that you create a new thread for everything you read or every new thought you have?

You have created 15 new threads in just the last 7 days.
Doubt it if its illegal in Commifornia. They don't even ticket or tow expired registration if your living in it anymore. What does the highway patrol tell you if you come too and find yourself drunk behind the wheel? Pull over, take the keys out of the ignition and put them into the glove compartment, lock the doors and take a nap. It could save your life. Far less punishment for sleeping in the car than being DUI.
Truck drivers with a sleeper cabs are in trouble??????????//
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Doubt it if its illegal in Commifornia. They don't even ticket or tow expired registration if your living in it anymore. What does the highway patrol tell you if you come too and find yourself drunk behind the wheel? Pull over, take the keys out of the ignition and put them into the glove compartment, lock the doors and take a nap. It could save your life. Far less punishment for sleeping in the car than being DUI.

I noted that this year at Springfling there was no homeless caravan vehicles parked along the street. LAPD must be cracking down
Doubt it if its illegal in Commifornia. They don't even ticket or tow expired registration if your living in it anymore. What does the highway patrol tell you if you come too and find yourself drunk behind the wheel? Pull over, take the keys out of the ignition and put them into the glove compartment, lock the doors and take a nap. It could save your life. Far less punishment for sleeping in the car than being DUI.

When I lived in CA I was coming home from a party and realized I was seeing two center lines in the road, so I pulled off the hiway in a town along the beach and took the keys out of the ignition and dropped them on the floor.
About 3 in the morning I woke up to a cop pounding on my window, and he asked if I had been drinking.
I told him I had pulled over to sleep it off and he wrote me a ticket for illegal camping.
The Judge dropped the charges and told me to do the exact same thing if that ever happened again.
Back years ago I would drive from NW Mo. to Nats, I would have to stop and sleep in my pickup behind a motel, for the quiet. Hard to do when you are 6 foot, and mosquitoes are hungry! Slept in the gooseneck man a time.
I had a delivery truck job back in 1985, we ran at night and would stop and take naps. We were awaken by cop's several times in different town's and told to move along. It's really sad that law enforcement don't have respect for someone tired and put them back on the road.
I noted that this year at Springfling there was no homeless caravan vehicles parked along the street. LAPD must be cracking down
ya right :rolleyes:. a couple more tax increases and it's going to mandatory
a few years ago I was driving around Alaska and Yukon and I slept in the van instead of my tent because I had seen a few too many Grizzlies with cubs crossing the roads :)
The amount of information on this site is staggering!! lol
welcome to the Peoples Republic of California . everything is illegal in California except drugs , illegals and guns