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  1. Joeychgo

    [ATTENTION] I thought this would be of interest for some of our members.

    its a tablet -- big version of your phone
  2. Joeychgo

    [ATTENTION] I thought this would be of interest for some of our members.

    I thought this would be important for many of our members. Amazon has a sale on iPads and I thought it good enough to mention to you all. $200 - which is a considerable discount. If any of you are in need of upgrading your tablet, this might be a good opportunity...
  3. Joeychgo

    How to Change Email Address
  4. Joeychgo

    Questions on joining other forums

    You already have an account on FBBO --- Same email as here. Do a password reset and check spam folder for the reset email.
  5. Joeychgo

    BadSport AKA Bruce Chandler

    Damn................ RIP Bruce. Thank you for all your efforts and for being a good friend....
  6. Joeychgo Shutting Down

    Yellow Bullet Forums
  7. Joeychgo

    Where Are All The Pre 2010 Members

    Actually Adam founded the site and turned it over to me shortly after that.
  8. Joeychgo

    Found my password online in some kind of data breach for FABO.

    that will do nothing but make you login each time.. THIS
  9. Joeychgo


    So instead of sending me a PM saying - hey, look at this -- I'm sure you dont want this here... You instead make a spectacle of thing, posting a screenshot of it publically, in the wrong forum, then get into arguments with other members, make threats, and then delete your post. Am I...
  10. Joeychgo


    @4spdragtop I dont know - I can tag you no problem. Maybe it has to do with how long since he's been here? EDIT.... Yes, there is a 6 month limit built into the software.
  11. Joeychgo


    hasnt logged in since 2019
  12. Joeychgo

    Just another USPS rant post

    if your gonna send money in an envelope, always send it signature required.
  13. Joeychgo

    Cancelling PayPal Account tips.

    Oh I agree. I was not happy about it.. But reality is, ideas get tossed around and most don't get enacted. think about how many times you had to think of how to do something and considered doing something crazy to do it. Considering is not doing. As things stand now there is a little bit...
  14. Joeychgo

    Cancelling PayPal Account tips.

    I understand. And I don't disagree. I myself was concerned. However, the other side of the coin is that ideas get tossed around all the time and don't get enacted. Reality is, even if they had decided to actually try and do this, it would have been impossible for them to enforce and I strongly...
  15. Joeychgo

    Cancelling PayPal Account tips.

    You can pay with cc or debit card. Paypal is just our payment processor. Just an FYI - Paypal said a few days ago that the $2500 thing was a mistake and is not being added to their policy.
  16. Joeychgo

    I need a new printer, what do you all recommend???

    but you get many many more page prints out of the toner. I have a color printer and I go through a set of toner every 2-2 1/2 years
  17. Joeychgo

    I need a new printer, what do you all recommend???

    They use toner, which doesnt dry out, comes out dry (no smears) --- You get exceptional page counts out of toner cartridges. Laser is much much faster and generally has much better resolution as well as being considered generally cheaper per page in cost. The downside is that they are more...
  18. Joeychgo

    I need a new printer, what do you all recommend???

    What printer do you have, maybe I can come up with drivers for you. I've always had HP (like last 30 years) and been happy with them. Never broke. They have always worked well for me regardless of usage. That said. Regardless of brand you choose.... My advice is to get a laser printer, (color...
  19. Joeychgo

    New format

    First, I already increased it. Second, there is only so much I can do before I start to screw people who don't need it enlarged. Remember, the bigger the text the more scrolling people have to do. Trust me, I would love to as I have to wear readers myself.
  20. Joeychgo

    New format

    Exactly and well put. That's you. Nowhere does it say that on the site. Clear your cookies/internet history.
  21. Joeychgo

    New format

  22. Joeychgo

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

  23. Joeychgo

    Happy Birthday, Joey!

    Thanks All
  24. Joeychgo

    Happy Birthday, Joey!

    Thank you guys
  25. Joeychgo

    Replies disappearing

    We get over 1000 posts a day. We dont review every single post. Most of the time posts are reported to us and we deal with it. No crackdown, same as always. You know, that's pretty rude.
  26. Joeychgo

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

  27. Joeychgo

    Deleted thread ? Really ?

    I'll see if it's a browser thing. Maybe blocking pop-ups? Will post any discoveries. I gave you access
  28. Joeychgo

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Newegg, Microcenter, Amazon, Best Buy - there are a number of places