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  1. 6pakattack

    Farm Code

    A little boy comes down to breakfast. Since they live on a farm, his mother asks if he had done his chores." Not yet, " said the little boy ! His mother tells him no breakfast until he does his chores. Well, he's a little teed off, so he goes to feed the chickens, and he kicks a chicken. He...
  2. 6pakattack

    Little johnny strikes again

    Hell,I want to meet Aunt Gina !!!! (.)(.):D
  3. 6pakattack

    @ 1958 M-E-L 430 Tri-Power !

    Obviously someone who dares to be different and appreciate it for it's beauty !!!
  4. 6pakattack

    You Might Be Getting Old If.........?

    If it takes you all night long to do, what you used to do all night long !!!:D
  5. 6pakattack

    Man Hides 10 inch handgun in his Bottom

    Gives a whole new meaning to "get the lead out of your ***" !!
  6. 6pakattack

    Best CL ad ever!

    I'll take two for that price !!
  7. 6pakattack

    cute alligator

    Too funny !!:happy6:
  8. 6pakattack

    Duhhhhh !!!!

    Unbelievable! STELLA AWARDS: It's time again for the annual 'Stella Awards'! For those unfamiliar with these awards, they are named after 81-year-old Stella Liebeck who spilled hot coffee on herself and successfully sued the McDonald's in New Mexico , where she purchased coffee...
  9. 6pakattack

    Confucius Say

    Man with hands in pockets,not crazy,just feeling nuts !!
  10. 6pakattack

    watch the video -- entertainment guaranteed

    Dayummmmmmmmmmm !!!! Not even on a dare !!!:prayer::prayer:
  11. 6pakattack

    Funny pics i took, thought I'd share

    Practice makes perfect !!
  12. 6pakattack

    Fellas dont forget

    I didn't forget !!! Lord knows if Mama ain't happy,ain't nobody gonna be happy !!
  13. 6pakattack

    Test for Old Men

    I think that test is B(.)(.)BIE trapped from the get go !!
  14. 6pakattack

    The Nut Bra

    Do your balls hang low do they wobble to and fro,can you tie them in a knot can you tie them in a bow ....:angel2:
  15. 6pakattack

    Sheep hearding...

    Or at least share !!!:toothy2:
  16. 6pakattack

    Christmas decorations

    Don't get anything at all !!:sad10:
  17. 6pakattack

    12 Redneck Days of Christmas

    Gotta Love Jeff Foxworthy !!!:blob:
  18. 6pakattack

    Vote 2012

    Indian Wanting Coffee: An Indian walks into a cafe with a shotgun in one hand and pulling a male buffalo with the other. He says to the waiter: "Me Want coffee." The waiter says, "Sure Chief. Coming right up." He gets the Indian a tall mug of coffee..... The Indian...
  19. 6pakattack

    Christmas lights

    Damn,and I was going to say we started putting ours up back at Halloween time !!:D
  20. 6pakattack

    How To Speak "Woman-ese"

    I think you have this all wrong !!! You really only need two words in your vocabulary to get along with women !!! Yes Dear !!!
  21. 6pakattack

    The Pastor

    Ouch !!!! LMAO !!!
  22. 6pakattack

    Magic Brownies

    Gotta love Cheech and Chong !!!!Annnnnnd,of course Alice B Tokeless Brownies !!:blob::blob::blob::blob::blob:
  23. 6pakattack

    Smart kid!

    I'd like to get to know his teacher !!!:D
  24. 6pakattack

    Why you should never leave your dog in the car alone

    Gives new meaning to Package Shelf !! Least he could have done is wrap it !!:blob:
  25. 6pakattack

    if we all agree

    I believe it,NOW LET'S SEE IT !!!:cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:
  26. 6pakattack

    Breaking News!!!

    You'll need to cross the Lions off this list now !!Who'd a thunk ??