10 Sounds You May Never Hear Again...



Inland Mopars Car Club
FABO Gold Member
Nov 5, 2006
Reaction score
North OC, SoCal
Saw an interesting thing on MSN.com this morning and thought it would make a great thread topic here on FABO. Here are the 10 things MSN.com had on their list. I know many of us remember these, although our younger FABO members may never have heard some, or maybe all.

* A Television Dial - In the age of flatscreens and Hulu, the distictive click-click-click of a mid-century channel dial is strictly a thing of the past

* A Cash Register - the blip-blip-blip of barcode scanners rings hollow next to the sprightly cha-ching! that accompanied the opening of an old-school cash register

* Typewriters - a room full of typewriters made a mess of sounds, from the clacking of the keys to the zip of the carriage return. Not to mention the r-r-r-r-rip as the typist yanked a sheet of paper out of the roller. Sure, the MacBook Air is infinitely more versatile, but the cacophony of typewriters made for a much livelier office atmosphere.

* A Rotary Dial - Siri may be chatty and agreeable, but there's something strangely comforting about the once-familiar click-whir, click-whir of a rotary dial telephone

* Needle On Vinyl - These days you practically have to be a die-hard collector to enjoy the warm, faintly crackling sound of a diamond needle on a vinyl LP in your own home

* Chalk On A Blackboard - Say this for whiteboards: They don't set your teeth on edge. Still, the abrasive sound of white chalk on a blackboard resonates with anyone who spent time in classrooms in the '60s. It even has a nostalgic appeal - as long as the chalk doesn't squeak.

* Corduroy - The classic ribbed fabric still drifts in and out of fashion, but pinwale corduroy bellbottoms of the late '60s and early '70s produced a distinctive rustle that will never be duplicated

* An Old-School Pencil Sharpener - There was something oddly satisfying about the grinding noise as you put a perfect point on that yellow Dixon Ticonderoga No. 2 pencil

* Coffee Percolator - It produced a rich coffee aroma and an upbeat perky sound that you'll never hear at Starbucks

* Silence - With earbuds and iPhones everywhere you look, the absence of sound is becoming one of the rarest aural experiences of all

Let's see how many more we can add!
Actually pencil sharpeners are still in use. Had a class at a community college and sure enough, there was two there. But the rest? Definitely true.
The beautiful sound of the old Mopar starter, I miss that most of all!

Also, couldn't tell you the last time I heard an old-fashioned telephone mechanical ringing.
I remember back before radial tires you would hear squealing tires all day long from people panic stopping in traffic. Sometimes the squeal would last for several seconds followed by the noise of smashing body panels.
For me, an F-4 Phantom on engine start up.
A very distinctive sound, that i will never forget.
I really liked my Air Force years, working on them.
Chalkboards are still pretty big and will be for another generation at least. I graduated just a couple of years ago and most classrooms had a smart board and a chalkboard and even the young professors never touched the smart board.

Vinyl is also making a huge comeback with the hipster crowd. I dated a girl that was really big into them and I never saw her play music in her house on anything besides a record player.

The rest of them will likely be gone completely in about ten years sadly. Well maybe not the silence one. I'm not a fan of crowds or people and I enjoy seeking out silent places. Here in the Midwest it's very difficult but when I lived on the kentucky Virginia border it was pretty easy and when I was out in Colorado and Wyoming the only time I really heard noise was when I wanted to.
Their`s a National Guard air base in Martinsburg WV that used to fly, I guess c-130s? prop planes, We don`t hear them anymore.
Now they have those huge cargo jets, man they can be loud!
you know what sound I miss ?

the whir of fishing line as it is being cast out, followed by the small splash as the bobber breaks the surface

has nothing to do with times changing but still, I miss it
you know what sound I miss ?

the whir of fishing line as it is being cast out, followed by the small splash as the bobber breaks the surface

has nothing to do with times changing but still, I miss it

Two months ago you probably thought you would never hear it again!
Their`s a National Guard air base in Martinsburg WV that used to fly, I guess c-130s? prop planes, We don`t hear them anymore.
Now they have those huge cargo jets, man they can be loud!

I know what you mean, mopar head. I live between a couple of small airports (Fullerton and Chino) here in SoCal so we hear single-engine prop planes all the time. Occasionally, I'll hear a multi-engine prop and it always makes me look up to see what it is - and most often it's a cool older aircraft.
The "CLICK-thunk" of the 8-track player switching tracks right in the middle of the best song on the tape. Sometimes I still hear this mentally on certain songs.
Most have never heard the sound of a MA Bell step central office clattering as calls were dialed and connected. It would drive you mad going in one of these as I was an outside tech.
Pay phone and sound of the coins dropping for long distance call.
Dialing 0 to get operator to dial LD call before you could dial direct.
How about an elevator with the old mechanical relays....click(door closes)....click,click(car moves up or down)....click(car stops at floor)....click(door opens)......We still have 2 or 3 where I work.
How about city buses with 2 stroke Detroit diesels in 'em or the occasional Detroit powered bus with an air starter.
Proud to say that at only 22 years of age iv actually experianced all of these the majority of my life growing up in the backwoods of Alabama.
getting gas from an old mechanical dial pump-- where it would click off the cost & gallons.
an old style pop machine that had glass bottles in it
speaking of glass bottles
the sound of the cap being popped off (some import beer is similar now)
Air Starters on the old Mack diesel tractors.

Agreed that was one bad *** sound, a friend years ago had fleet of R-700 dumps
very cool to hear them all fire up

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1RLUxp3Gpo"]Mack R700 V8 Start up - YouTube[/ame]
Rotary dial phone, needle on vinyl and coffee percolator are normal sounds around here.
Air Starters on the old Mack diesel tractors.

really miss the air starters. Grew up in a rural area 200 people, had a trucking company that ran 100 trucks. they had terminals in New York and Atlanta but their home was Ruby SC . I would here these air starters all night long in the the 60's. I really miss that life!
I truly miss Modified Production Racing those high winding small blocks to me they where true Race cars !
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCFd2l_DPTo"]COMPETITIONPLUS.TV - LOOKING BACK AT MODIFIED ELIMINATOR - YouTube[/ame]