15 min.'s of fame in a sad way

Poor poor woman ,mothers day is ruined forever. Every year she has a blatant reminder of what shes lost. My heart and prayers go out to her and her children.
This is sure a tragedy. I sure hope they hang him. Since he drug the cop it's a good chance he'll get it. Sorry you had to witness it Rumble but glad to hear you tried to help.
haha yeah it's kinda funny listening to Northerners talk, but then again with our slow drawl talk y'all probably think we are the funny ones lol.

LOL @ Mike beck as well. Good one.

I laugh and delight with every ax-cent I come across. While adding an old sterotype to it makes the fun a tad better, thats about as far as it goes.

The Southern drawl or twang, dependent on where your from can be a load of fun to poke at. But it would be twice as stupid to assume one would be based on location and one would deserve everything they get for being so stupid. LOL

Hardest to understand was a western N.C border of Tn. speach. I felt bad, I had to ask the nice lady to repeat everything twice.

(This is thread worthy....ax-cents. LOL.)

Long gone, daredevil, I heard he was in court today, but I missed the plea.
The latest update is the guy was busted driveing without a license, while violating parole and stoned stupid on drugs. Nice little additions to the mix.

In the paper, his arrest record dates back to '89. It didn't get serious until a few years later. It seems drugs ruined another.

Tonight was the second and final wake.
We had a case here in Va. Beach where a drunken illegal immigrant plowed into the back of two teenage girls at a stoplight killing them both. Naturally, he wasn`t hardly scratched in the crash. He went to court, pled out to avoid a death penalty, and will now spend the rest of his life in a Virginia prison costing us $14,000 a year. American justice???
Wow, those wheels of justice are barely turning.. how fricken sad for the family. I'm sure the last two years have been pure hell.

I just made my teenagers watch this video so they can see why I keep telling them to look way down the road both ways when approaching intersections cause you never know when some nut- job is going to blast right on through and kill you.

Just yesterday my wife and I were sitting in our Ram 2500 at the bottom of a freeway offramp waiting for the light to turn green so we could turn left. The light changed and I checked to my left just to make sure - only to see some dumb broad in a little car still under a full head of steam. She ran right through her red light at the intersection a full 5 seconds after my light had turned to green - would have T-boned me right in the door if I hadn't seen her first. She kept on going, probably still ignorant of what she could have done.
I all, I just heard from the counties Assistant D.A. on this old topic. Come May 3rd, the trial begins. She wants my story. I gotta meet here @ the local cop house for a chat.
Heres the old link from when I posted about it; http://wcbstv.com/local/Medford.Fatal.Crash.2.719775.html

Jeez one first saw this come up I was wondering why someone would have dug up such an old thread. I never would have guessed that this worthless meat sack would just be going to trial. Incredible.

Good thing you wrote it all down here so you can refresh your memory before you meet the DA. Were all behind you brother.
Thanks RC. I'm meeting her at the coppers club where I'll ask for a copy of my statment I gave at the scene.

It just sucks that the wheels of justice turn so slowly.

OC, I myself allways look both ways at a light when I get the green to go just for what you described. I've seen tomany T-bones to risk my car that I could barley afford to begin with to this possible huge pain in my *** problem.

Your right, she'll probably never know what she did.
thats just sad Rumble...just sad...do what you got to do to make that fool pay...

I hate dumb drivers. I also hate chronic offenders. If we know there gonna do it again, why don't we just shoot em. Waste of money. Yeah I know it sounds kinda harsh but come on. I wish Canada was more like Texas. We need the death penalty.Instead of killing them, we let them live in a facility that does their laundry, feeds them, and shelters them. In some cases jail is probably the nicest place some of those people have ever seen. I know my mom saw a bad crash a couple years ago. She was driving back from a friends cabin when a black honda passes them. Of course my mom and her boyfriend are talking about those dumb *** teenagers and how dangerous their driving at night. Sure enough a couple miles ahead they find the black honda had been in a head on collision with a truck. My mom was a nurse and her boyfriend a doctor. The 3 teenagers were dead, but thank god that innocent guy in the pickup wasn't hurt. I honestly don't even feel sad for those teens. If you drive dumb and dangerous it might get you. I mean its not like the pickup truck driver did anything. No excuse, besides the fact that the teen in the honda was driving like a dumbass.
How come it doesn't surprise me this is just now coming to trial!! Our judicial system at it's finest. I sure hope they send him up the river, or even worse. But it wouldn't surprise me to see what I saw on the news tonight. Some moron in St.Louis ran a red light (no apparent reason except he was in a hurry) and killed 3 people. 3 counts of manslaughter and he got off with 5 yrs. probation and time spent in jail while awaiting trial. He was in jail for 1 year. 1 lousy year for killing 3 people. Unbelievable.
i have been a over the road trucker for 25 years and seen a lot of death and also alot of passerbys who did not want to get or be involved thanks for your actions we should all try to help those in need