1963 Valiant V200 Wagon

you may also consider keeping the engine from turning over while tightening the dampener bolt,also a little lock tite,
thanks for the help guys. i will be sure to go that route. here is a picture with the coil and alternator bracket mounted on. i bought stainless bolts for whatever bolts would be in contact with water. but i ended up liking the way they looked so much, that i changed alot of them over to stainless.

be sure to use a bolt prep such as anti sieez, and a good stainless bolt sealant in the water jackets,,some hard ware store stainless is very cheap,and will gall,with out anti seeeze,then next time you try to remove them they will break off,,always anti siez any stainless bolt,,
hey guys. i tried the 3/4-16 bolt trick today. it seemed to work well, went on smooth. i did notice that the pullys still dont line up perfect though. i tightened the bolt untill it wouldnt go on anymore, so i am assuming its on all the way. i included some pictures just in case you guys could tell. oh and i wasnt sure if there is supposed to be a bolt on there all the time. i cant remember if i took one off. other than that, i took apart my pcv valve apart and cleaned it all up because the guy at the store didnt have a listing for a new one. anyone know where i can find one? everything else is together. im just waiting on a solution for my torque converter. (whether i am going to buy a rebuilt one or just try to flush mine) then she will be ready to go back in the car.








As for the PCV valve just clean it up with some carb cleaner so that the ball moves good and call it good as that's all it does is let the crankcase burp vapor. You can only do this with the older metal ones not the newer designed to be replaced plastic ones. If you have a washer to fit with that balancer bolt I'd leave it installed just to help avoid it walking due to age etc..
Looks good! Can't wait to see that in the car either. You have given that wagon a new life. I sure hope you can join us going to LA in April.
once your sure its on all the way,,im sure you have the big thick washer,put clean the threads of the bolt,and put a little REMOVABLE lock tits on it,keep it from working its way loose,,
hey guys. well i went down to the junkyard saturday and look what i found. there was a 75 dart 4 door with an 8 1/4 and four rally wheels. i have been looking for a rear end for the wagon for a while now so i was pretty happy with the find. and suprisingly the the guy only charged me 90 dollars for the rear end and 15 dollars a wheel. i think it was more for an 8 1/4 there 10 years ago when i got my first one. and if saturday wasnt good enough, i talked to HKELLER sunday and he had a torque converter he said i could have! talk about a good guy. he didnt need it anymore and i have been looking for one. once i got to his house i mentioned the rear end i just bought and he asked if i needed a drive shaft for it. so he sold me a ball and trunion (i think thats how you spell that) drive shaft that has already been shortened for the 8 1/4 for only 50 bucks. thats alot less than it would cost to have mine shortened. i guess there are still good deals and good people out there. thanks again Harold!



well im ready to finally put my engine back in. things have been going a little slow, since work is slow and i have been trying not to spend too much money. i got my brand new warped headers back from the machine shop the other day. (i still need to talk to clifford about refunding me some money since i had to make their product right) i ended up having to clean the headers and repaint them since they got pretty dirty at the shop. then i had to file down the ears on the intake to match the headers. that was fun. it only took about 5 hours. today i installed everything but when i went to torque the last stud it striped and then i couldnt get the nut back off. i finally got it off and put a new stud on and reassembled it for the 4th and hopefully final time. i also made my transmission cooler lines. i originally ordered prebent ones but they were on backorder, so i canceled them. i didnt know how much this steel braided line stuff costs. i got all the fittings and hose i needed. when the guy rang me up it was 150 dollars! but it looks good and its done. and at least these wont rattle like stock lines. tomorrow i am going to test fit the tranny to make sure the lines will clear everything and i have been told i need to make a small dent in the tunnel for my lokar kickdown cable. well thats it for now. enjoy!





no. they are large bolt pattern. they came off the 75 dart that i got my 8 1/4 rear from. im also going to swap to large bolt patter disc brakes.
hey guys, i got my motor back in today. i also pulled my cracked windshield out and pulled my dash out. i spent about an hour trying to clean out the cowl of old leaves









Lookin good! The cars not bad either...

Seriously,she's pretty and turns Wrenchs. What more could you ask for?

Dont let her get away.

Nice job!
Life is good. Never had a woman that was interested in my hobbie. Looks like a keeper.
oh yeah shes a keeper. my dad said to let him know when i was going to put it in because he would help. but he is always busy and i told him i was going to do it this weekend, but he wasnt home when i i came by and he has no cell phone. so she helped me put it in. the rest of the car isnt too bad. i need to do floor pans and there is some rust in the cowl area. i think they all have that though. and then there is some surface rust here and there. but i was surprised how little rust there was around the windshield lip. just a little to fix around the bottom. today i am going to try to put the transmission in by myself because my girl has to work. it should be fun. i will post pictures later.
She sounds great! My wife cant stand dirt....my boy is only 4 but loves helping me. Had him help me disassemble some magnum heads a couple weeks ago. Cant wait till he's big enough for the resto of our Dart.

We had fun!

Cant wait to hear this beast run. I've owned several/6 cars,they all were great! Never rodded one though.

My niece is about 16 and just inherited my dads 83 1/2 ton Dodge with a /6.

I was hassling her dad ( My bro ) . I said she'd be the coolest girl in school if we slam it and add 150 h.p...8)
Get a transmission jack!!!! Those things are a blessing from GOD. Especially when you have to put the trans. in by yourself. But a regular large jack will work too. But sometimes it is easier to just get underneath the trans. and just man handle it up there.
Great job Aaron!! She is definitely a keeper! (the car too...) LOL. It's nice to see an engine back in that thing. Love it.

Keep us posted.
well i got the transmission in. it wasn't fun. it took me about 4 hours, but its in. i had to massage (beat with hammer) the tunnel for my lokar kickdown bracket, and i need to get a different fitting for my cooler lines, but thats about it. thanks for all the kind words guys. i know shes not the prettiest car out there, and its going to take some work to get her back in shape. but theres something about this car i love. i wasn't even looking for a car when i bought it. but as soon as i went and looked at it i had to have it. i had never rebuilt a motor before, let alone a transmission. and i don't think i would have attempted it before. but i think something in me changed and i have been learning what i am actually capable of. and its all thanks to this car (and my girl of course) she encourages all this and even helps when she can. i don't know what i am trying to say. i guess i am just glad i bought this wagon.






its looking great,keep moving forward,your doing fine,,and your girl is a keeper,,take the time to look carefully at the windshield channel,, wire brush it and look for rot holes,,now is the time to weld them shut,a lot of older A BODIES leak thru rot holes under the glass,