273 short block repair

We're just having fun, as soon as the OP gives us good info we'll get serious. It's like a friend calling you on the phone saying that his engine is making a funny noise, you ask " What kind of noise" and he says, "Clicka, clack, buzz, buzz, buzz"...then he asks you what part to replace.
I have had this type of question many times. Replace everything but the gas cap. Unless itmakes a whoosh,then replace it too.
Yes, honestly, if its at gasket surface or just on the outside corner i may not worry about it.
I have had this type of question many times. Replace everything but the gas cap. Unless itmakes a whoosh,then replace it too.
Yea, Nephews, Cousins, Sisters, friends, etc, etc...........and not one of the funny sounds they made over the phone sounded anything like the actual sound when I finally went over to see the car for myself!!!!
Busie, busie, dacka daca, whiring noise, RRrrrr, murrr, clickity click (starter), tick tick tink, zeeerrrr, whomp whomp, zingy zingy, Shsssss, EEEEeee, tingy tingy tingy,....did I leave anything out???
if i had a vague question that couldn't possibly answered definitively, and was getting this many bumps by the good people of forabodiesonly, i think i'd be very happy :thumbsup:
Hi it is on the outside OF THE BLOCK when I put the head on it covers it .

If it's outside the block when the heads are on, it should be ok...

If you post a picture, we could give a more definite answer....
If it's on the outer edge and still has plenty of material to get the head gasket to seal it should be OK...but without pics it's really difficult to give a good answer?????
Hi pichers
Have the water jacket pressure tested. It is not a guarantee but it is a start. See if you can get a wire in the water jacket and try to judge how thick its wall is at that point.