408 breaking up

Guess what?I just thought of something,usually when I can,t figure something out,I,ll call up my old mechanic friend and he,ll come over and set my car up.Well last time he was here(he was in a hurry)We checked timing and my timing light wouldn,t flash(brand new)and we couldn,t set the timing.I,m betting now,that #1 plug wire is Farbooed,missing,surging?I,m gonna have to inspect this weekend,cause I,ve parked it and haven,t touched it.I hope this is it?
The issue with the plug was with the boot it had a small burn mark in it and was arcing against the valve cover I was pulling the plug wires one by one to see i had a dead cylinder and that one bit me I was using wire pliers too and it still got me The wires checked out in a continuity test but if I bent the boot a little it was obvious it had a problem. I dont recommend testing your wires that way my hand still hurts a little lol! As far as the flattening out I 'm gonna port the heads go with a single plane intake and a bigger cam in the future just to get a little more on the top end. Good luck with your dart PETE
Nice work Pete. And yeah, when a 4" arm engine runs out of cam/intake/carb it simply stops making power...lol. Like turning off a switch.
Yeah I guess I'm used to high reving 340's and I was so preoccupied with the breaking up that I didnt pay attention to the fact it was flattening out until I could get it to go to 6000. I'm just really glad I got it resolved thanks again to all who helped out. pete