43rd Anniversary, Absolutely Amazing



Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2011
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Victoria B.C. Canada
My wife and I are the last surviving "couple" of our group of after high school friends..

I've been so lucky to have found the perfect wife..

We've had maybe 15 fights/arguments thru our relationship, most about the businesses, the rest because I was drunk and unreasonable.

The futures bright, and we're pretty healthy,

May you All be as lucky.

Season's Best to ALL, or Happy Festivus, if you must..lol

My parents' 43rd was yesterday; same deal with them. Congratulations!
Happy anniversary to yall! Merry Christmas too.

See how I did that? A combo just like the Burger King. LOL
A blessing in these rare times when you hear of a couple who live for each other!! Congrats to you both, one heck of a team!!!! Enjoy!!
My wife and I are the last surviving "couple" of our group of after high school friends..

I've been so lucky to have found the perfect wife..

We've had maybe 15 fights/arguments thru our relationship, most about the businesses, the rest because I was drunk and unreasonable.

The futures bright, and we're pretty healthy,

May you All be as lucky.

Season's Best to ALL, or Happy Festivus, if you must..lol


Congrats. I'm an over forty years survivor myself.
My wife and I are the last surviving "couple" of our group of after high school friends..

I've been so lucky to have found the perfect wife..

We've had maybe 15 fights/arguments thru our relationship, most about the businesses, the rest because I was drunk and unreasonable.

The futures bright, and we're pretty healthy,

May you All be as lucky.

Season's Best to ALL, or Happy Festivus, if you must..lol


"because I was drunk and unreasonable."

35 years for me. but mine would read

"because I was drunk and don't remember what got me in trouble".

Congratulations. It's beyond marriage now. It's now you can't imagine living without each other ever again. It's nice to hear about these stories.
congratulations!!!! it is a wonderful thing for the two right people find each other, and spend their lives loving each other.
Disclaimer: The following is to be read with a good sense of humor. Red Green I'm not. But I try.

It's my experience that people who are drunk are by definition unreasonable.
So to state that you were both is redundant.
43 years speaks to your character. Or maybe your wife's patience.
Or both.
I tell the young if they are going into marriage with the mindset that divorce is an option if things don't suit them.....well, they are already setting themselves up for failure.
Congrats you you two! Merry Christmas!
Congrats Indeed !!! I'm over 40 with mine if you include the dating years.
My wife and I had we 43th annv. on Dec. 16. As has been said, it's no small job to make it this long. Hope you make it to at least 50 and do it still in good health!!