63 Dodge Dart, now let me see;)

I would also check the rear seal as it looks like the lip is pointed to the rear. I do believe it should face into the engine. I cannot tell real well as I enlarge the picture my glasses cannot see as clearly as I would like.
You know what? I think you're right.
The red dot is the end of the seal and it's clearly pointing toward the rear.
rear main leak (1).jpg
I’ll check in the morning, but I thinks it’s an illusion, the true lip does face forward;)
I have a Pontiac buddy back in Mo. He has several old Firebirds, GTOs. He coats the trunk floors with used motor oil... No rust there!!! Smells a little "oily" though. :BangHead:
Oil keeps the rust off our old Mopars!! Too bad oil and dirt turns to uck!!:thumbsup:

I have a Pontiac buddy back in Mo. He has several old Firebirds, GTOs. He coats the trunk floors with used motor oil... No rust there!!! Smells a little "oily" though. :BangHead:
Oil keeps the rust off our old Mopars!! Too bad oil and dirt turns to uck!!:thumbsup:
You need to clean the bores for the freeze plugs to clean metal, I use simple 80 grit sand paper and aviation sealer but RTV should also work. Never had a problem.
Hi! omg, it was totally easy! If you ever need a reference of someone that's wants to ask, I'd be happy to tell my story;) Or anything I can do to help you sell some of your parts;) With my engine on my run stand, the engine is just so easy to play with :lol:
I’ll check in the morning, but I thinks it’s an illusion, the true lip does face forward;)
I do hope you look at that VERY closely, because I am almost 100% certain the seal is in backwards.
This is it;)

rear main sealaa.jpg

just following the instructions
sealing lip.jpg
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If the lip touching the crank is pointing backwards, it's in wrong. And it looks to be that way. Here's how it works. Any pressure put on the seal by the crankcase and oil pushes the seal against the sealing area of the crankshaft harder. If it's in backwards, that same pressure will push the seal open like a door. Lemmie see if I can fine one out in the shop and I'll take a GOOD CLEAR CLOSE picture, ok?
Can't wait, I've already installed the pan

this is the way I have it installed, red arrow towards the front of the crank, or away from the flywheel

crank seal.jpg
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See the red dot? If that lip isn't pointing to the front, it's in backwards. It's that your rear main seal in the last picture you posted? I've never seen a solid one like that.
nice seal! but the lip is towards the front
I agree now that you posted a good close picture, but I sure as heck don't like that seal. Sorry for the trouble, but I just want to see you be successful.
You know I appreicate you being here keeping tabs on me :thankyou:, I wish I had known about those seals. It's what came in the Felpro set. Well, let's see what happens~ still waiting on casting plugs. It's nice having the engine on the run stand; if I have to pull it again~ I'll put the seal in like you're showing. Thank you so much;
The problem I have with that solid seal is the oil cannot get to the lip and push it against the crank. That could well be why it was dripping. We're faced with crappier and crappier made parts these days. Mahle usually makes good stuff. OR finding older NOS American made parts on ebay.
Again, If it should fail, I'll go back with whatever I'll need. If there would be a time to re-do, it would be now while on the run stand :thumbsup:
But whatever you do, DON'T get this type. It is SLAP WRONG for the slant 6 and I don't know why they even come up for that application. Wrong crank journal size and the slant 6 doesn't use those made on "wings". I have no clue what that seal is for, but it AIN'T the slant 6. lol
Again, If it should fail, I'll go back with whatever I'll need. If there would be a time to re-do, it would be now while on the run stand :thumbsup:
I agree! I like pre running them out of the car, too.
This is about as close to you guys being here~ as messy as my garage is right now, I Love it. This is my "clean room", AC/heat, big screen TV~ gee, I'm spoiled! :lol:

my garageb.jpg

When it's time again to run the engine, I just open the smaller garage door and pipe the exhaust out there;)
my garagea.jpg

my garage.jpg
I really do miss a bathroom, I have to walk up to the house to go~ guys just walk behind the shop!