'70's life



Nerd Member
Jan 4, 2008
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Augusta, GA
Hey guys, I just watched 'Dazed and Confused' and was wondering if any of you old-timers (j/k, no offense) remember the '70's being at all like that movie. Because if they were, then the world is becoming a really crappy place. Now me personally I don't drink and probably wouldn't want to participate in most of the stuff in that movie, but it was still amazing seeing how much freedom they had and how little they had to worry about getting in any serious trouble. Was the world really like that back then?
I don't know about the 70's but mid 80's I was street racing every weekend in a 66 dart gt convertable.13 to 1 compression 750 holley torker intake fenderwell headers full manual auto trans with 4:30 geared 8 3/4 12 point cage and we got to run against florida's finest in their 5.0 mustangs ( had to let them win though )...theyd show up and check for drugs or alchohol and then they'd let us run at the old barge canal in inglis till the cows came home,we never raced for money just for the racing itself,had a few trailer queens show up wanting to race for $$$ but they did'nt ever get out of the trailer there were about 15 regulars with everthing from 283 4 speed gremlins to caddy powered nova's 429 mavricks to 70 chevelles a 65 belvedere four door with a tunnel rammed 440 my dart vert an a m c rebel machine that the guy who owned it liked to talk way to much smack about my old dart...He He he...gave him a rolling five car start and put ten on him...the maverick was the hot shoe he had slicks and could get out of the hole my dart had g 60 14's on it and he'd dump me about five cars out of the hole but you could barely squeeze a crushed toyota between us at the finish.last time i showed up to race the mavrick I brought a pair of pro tracs on ford wheels and asked him if he'd run me with em on his car, you know the deal..........that was the last time I brought my car out to racethat was about 20 years ago,I'm currently getting the duster ready to go to the drag strip will see how that goes

texas is NOT like that no more or at least houston isnt got pulled over for a 70 in a 65 on the free way:( i get hassled every time im out there badly last time i went out i was pulled over 7 times in the 4 days i was there i HATE tex-***
idk maybe they just pick on the out of staters......
This movie is exactly the way it was when I was in high school. This could have been a script for me. We even partied in the woods. To me, things were easier then for teens than today. We even had a guy like the dude in the chevelle, who hung around after he was out of school. The best line in the movie was when he was commenting about the younger girls I get older, they stay the same.
thats how i remember it but i was just a kid riding around in the back seat of a lime green 71 340 4 speed duster going from one party spot to another. man no wounder i had so many bad habits as a teenager exept for the mopar addiction LOL
Early 70's was great,there were actually good paying jobs,anyone got a time machine?
That movie pretty much sums up my junior and senior years of high school. The cars, the clothes, the music, the parties. Good times. I watch that movie at least once a year!
We worked hard and played like there was no tomorrow, It was nothing to take a ride in the country and find a big field and park or cars and play frisby and do some unmentionable drugs, and drink with out anyone telling us to get of there property, walk in a bar at 18 and order up a cold one.
I was in plant city Fla. when they had all the riots over the color of our skin
and walking in the Lakeland civic center or Tampa stadium with a few joints in our pockets watching Pink Floid Animals tour and did them there, they did not care. Long hair and head bands. Wear is that time machine at :-D
I miss the nights I would tell my mom I was staying over night with a friend and just walk around the small town of Dover Fla and Paw Paw Ill. all night long and wait for the girls to sneak out about midnight. Yes those were the days of hard work and earned the night out.
Know it seems the kids live at home and don't work a day in there life or don't move out till they are 30 years old, Not to say there are some that don't. We worked like men and we played like we where men =P~
That movie was based on me and my friends...at least thats what it seemed like. Every generation has their own movie to relate to: My dad can relate American Graffitti while my brothers can relate to Hollywood Knights.
I have never seen that movie, but I agree with Memike's assessment.
Well, looks like my gen got f@#$cked. You can't do anything now, people are out to get you nowadays...
That movie was pretty much right on target. We partied in the woods (Forest Preserves) and pretty much enjoyed life, made good money too. My time was '80 to '84 and life was good. I was working in a laundry plant making 10 bucks an hour. That was enough back then to live on my own, had a mustang and a motorcycle, no problem.

Everything started going to crap in the early 90's.

Now you understand why us "old guys" are so pissed off given the present state of our country.
rub it in :thebirdm:, lol, my father reminds me all the time of the stories when he was my age doing the things he did...boy, they must have been great times, now you can't make a decent wage doing hard work (college is a standard now) and breaks by the cops aren't handed out anymore.
I went to high school in the mid '80's in CT. EXACTLY the same thing as the movie, no exaggeration. I think it was the same everywhere and most people had very similar experiences, that's why everyone was able to relate to that movie.
I must have seen that movie 100 times! I was in high school in the mid 90's and it was pretty much the same for us bush parties and all cept the only muscle car was my buddy's 81 Z28. I had an 88 Dynasty and mostly everyone else had Honda's lol (I know we suck lol). People used to say I was just like Slater lol. For those of you that dont know that movie was based on a real group of friends from the 70's.

I'm not sure about the 70's, I was still a little young. But the 80's were totally like that. I remember racing my '68 barracuda all night long just thrashing chebies, and was drunk to boot. Getting pulled over and they just followed me home. No ticket no nothing. I was thrashed. Thats back when I used to drink and do stupid stuff.
Boy, today really DOES suck. That pisses me off. We (as in me and my friends) can't do ANYTHING today. You get caught with some BoulderChron and the entire society (cops, parents, relatives, school) rips you a new A--hole. Not to mention in school you can't even mention physically harming someone (such as freshman) or pull a SINGLE harmless prank or you get your *** suspended for a couple days AT LEAST. Oh, and I can't forget that being an "over-achiever" is all the rage these days. This type of crap makes me almost want to leave the country; I can't imagine how boring it's going to be for my kids. It's basically like the American public in general has become too stupid and f'd up in the head to trust anybody to have any freedom any more. Now all of this right-wing ranting that's so prevalent on FABO is starting to make sense... =D>
Boy, today really DOES suck. That pisses me off. We (as in me and my friends) can't do ANYTHING today. You get caught with some BoulderChron and the entire society (cops, parents, relatives, school) rips you a new A--hole. Not to mention in school you can't even mention physically harming someone (such as freshman) or pull a SINGLE harmless prank or you get your *** suspended for a couple days AT LEAST. Oh, and I can't forget that being an "over-achiever" is all the rage these days. This type of crap makes me almost want to leave the country; I can't imagine how boring it's going to be for my kids. It's basically like the American public in general has become too stupid and f'd up in the head to trust anybody to have any freedom any more. Now all of this right-wing ranting that's so prevalent on FABO is starting to make sense... =D>

Its the teens of the 70's that are todays law makers bogarding our freedom! :p
my favorite movie of all time... all i would've needed is 40 cent gas and a mopar to be happy ( who needs drugs when you have a mopar btw ?)
Thats how i remember cars,booze and girls...man we got away with a lot of stuff,they lock you up for it now...