.....A guy buys a safe....



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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Guy buys a safe on eFray for 122.93, paid another 80 or so in shipping, but THERE IS NO combination.......................

So he takes it to a shop, cutting torch, big tools, etc, and RUINS his safe getting it open...................

to find...............

Twenty damn SIX thousand dollars inside!!!

'Stupidest idiot in the world' sells safe containing $26,000 on eBay for $122.93

WELL, he did say "no money back".
Now a Tennessee man is regretting his eBay sign-off after selling a safe containing $US26,000 ... for $122.93.
"I thought it was empty," he told WMC-TV. "I shook it and I didn't feel anything inside of it, so I figured, well, maybe it's just a locked safe, you know. So I put it on eBay."
Mr Labrecque said he shook the safe "thought it was empty". Now he's feeling "like the stupidest idiot in the world".
And yes, he asked for at least a share of the money back.
No dice.
A long email chain with the lucky buyer ended with cut-off quoting Mr Labrecque's own eBay seller policy: "What you see is what you get, no returns, and no money back."
"What you see is what you get, no returns, and no money back."

It's just not fair boohoo.. lol..

**** we could had brought it for $250 and blew the door open ourselves and not say a word about it.

That is alot of cash, would not be surprise if the police try to get involved and take the cash away. Say its stolen or drug money. Even if not look at all the tax you would need to pay on it.

Oh well, least I don't have to worry about it, ha ha
Yeah, one wonders why the buyer made the thing public. After the specific caveats on the auction, I'd'ha kept my mouth shut
thats a fantastic story. i am positive i would not have said a word about it. the guy really had nuts asking for a cut. seller beware
I'm still tryin to figure out if it was a Dart or Duster safe.....maybe Valiant?
The guy made 2 big mistakes - risking damaging the contents with a cutting torch instead of having a locksmith get it opened, and then running his mouth about what he found.

The guy who sold the safe was crying about the moolah being "life changing money". Only though if he had bought a stroker powered Mopar and thus putting him on the true path IMO. LOL. FAIL!
i would not have said a DAMN thing....i frickin bet ya a ben franklin the guvment wants there share.
There was a old safe on craigslist here a month or so ago. Antique and real cool looking, I wanted it bad but didn't even go look because they didn't have the combo to get it open. DOH! maybe I coulda been rich, probably full of double eagles:sign3:

This looks like an old drop safe that we used to have at work. It's a business safe, not some crappy home safe for your important papers. I would have taken a shot at it.

Locksmith would have been the way to go, then try to re-sell it after you got it open!!

First rule of found money, keep your mouth shut!!!! Once the news got a hold of it, I'm sure the IRS got a hold of him!!
If you were to give me $26.000, I'd have no problem paying the tax on it. Even if they took 50% I'd still be $13.000ahead!

I'd have taken that money, bought gold with it, bought another safe to put it in and buried it under my house.