A little luck happened tonight.



New to Mopar land
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
East Tennessee
Its early Saturday morning and I am driving home. Living in rural east Tennessee all I have to do is dodge (pun not intended) the deer and stay out of the ditches. This night was different! While passing a old house I noticed a odd glow. But I was driving to quick to see what it was. It was something out of place. So what the heck, I went to see what it was.

It was the peoples house catching fire.

Not good.

After getting the two people up, out of the house and calling the firedept. All we could do is watch.

They lost all they had.

OK people, make you home safe, your shop safe and check on your neighbors.


Damn. A lot of people would have just kept on driving. Sounds like you saved 2 lives! Good job man.
Its early Saturday morning and I am driving home. Living in rural east Tennessee all I have to do is dodge (pun not intended) the deer and stay out of the ditches. This night was different! While passing a old house I noticed a odd glow. But I was driving to quick to see what it was. It was something out of place. So what the heck, I went to see what it was.

It was the peoples house catching fire.

Not good.

After getting the two people up, out of the house and calling the firedept. All we could do is watch.

They lost all they had.

OK people, make you home safe, your shop safe and check on your neighbors.



You're totally "THE MAN"!:salute:
A real hero!!! Thanks for taking the time to check on your fellow man!:cheers:

I really think you were their guardian angle this morning.:angel9:

I hope your ready to be rewarded 10 fold!!!:king:

Good Thinking taking the time to check what was wrong, your action could be the reason they are alive

So many are self absorbed and wouldn't take the time to stop,

Your a good man. Job well done!!!!!
Thank you for taking the time to stop and see what was wrong. I am betting the people in the house sure appreciate it! You ARE a hero!8)

Check your smoke detectors!!!
Your good deed will not go un-noticed. That one selfless act will come back to reward you in the future. You are a true HERO. I wish you were my neighbor then I know my house would be.
Thank you Whip:cheers: It's good to hear there are folks out there that still are concern for others and take the time to be sure of there safety 8)
Ten fold will return to you for your deed of concern and care for other's :read2: A hero indeed :cheers:
thanks for stopping, that's a great reminder to all of us, not to be so busy and wrapped up in our own agenda but to take a minute to look around and help someone else out.
Change your user name to "The Life Saver"!

This world is running short of people like you theses days.

Did you talk to the owners on what they thought might have started the fire?
Great job, Whip!!!Heroic acts are those performed by ordinary people in an extraordinary time of need - exactly what you did. Those two people owe their lives to you.
Thank you for your selfless and heroic act.
You are another great example of the fine and extraordinary individuals that make up the vast bulk of the FABO family.
Thank God we still have people like you willing to get involved. I hope your good deed comes back to you.
Yes you are a hero.Don't be modest.You may have well saved 2 peoples lives.The world really does need more people like you.=D>