A Marine's opinion of weapons seizure

Think that always makes me laugh about all of this gun law stuff is not all of us live in an area where 911 response is only a few minutes......which in a time of fear for you life is still to long. 911 response by me is often closer to an hour, in regards the law enforcement. We live in southern most part of our county. Believe the sheriff's department in this county is made up of 12 people. If you call them to report gun shots they generally do not even respond as damn near everyone shoots on there property. Hell, Mike up the road was setting off some tannerite yesterday. So they want to ban firearms.....if it ever were to get to the point where we were not allowed to own them at all what about us folks out here on the fringes? Banning firearms is not going to stop a criminal from getting one......it is just going to stop me from being able to defend myself in the slim chance that a criminal tries to commit a crime against me....
Why the Second Amendment is so important is that it protects all the others. The founders gave us this guarantee to protect us (the people) against an out of control electorate. Tyrants!
"Senator Feinstein has said, the legislation will be carefully focused to protect the rights of existing gun owners by exempting hundreds of weapons used for hunting and sporting purposes."

Oh great, now the government is going to tell me what I can use to go hunting. We must use only "state approved" guns.

And the next time there's another D.C. sniper incident, the outcry will start over. The gun control crowd will start demanding a ban on all hunting rifles because of their potential use as "sniper rifles."
Amen to this original post and all the support of our rights in this thread. As a veteran and gun owner, as well as a proud American, this is a cause that is very important to me, my children and grandchildren, and yours.

And... for my birthday last week, I received a two year membership to the NRA from my daughters, as well as some side arm ammo. How about that?!
The second amendment does NOT grant us gun rights, It AFFIRMS them. The Government has no power to grant rights. They come from ABOVE the government.

I would like to see everyone coming of age required to put in a stint in some public service (military, medicine, education, etc ) to EARN the privilage to vote. Then those who want to vote will be motivated to know what they are voting on.
I WILL NOT register any of my firearms with any government agency. I've owned guns since my parents thought I was old enough and responsible enough to have one. I have owned firearms of many types, but none of them are "automatic weapons". I like to hunt every once in a while, but am not an avid hunter. I enjoy target practice with my guns, but in a safe and secure area. I'm also with INK, I live out in the middle of nowhere and getting the local sheriff out here is a joke. I believe I have the right to defend what is mine and no one will take that from me without a fight. They will get my guns, when they pry my cold dead fingers off of them.
They are NOT going to take your weapons away!

Just like Obama was going to raise taxes for those earners over $250,000 it really became $450,000. I'm surprise he didn't settle for a million and up.

I'm not no gun lover but I've been around and know talk is cheap. Maybe a ban on new semi weapons MIGHT happen but the old weapons will be grandfathered in, just like last time.

Besides its not going to do much good. Its like trying to pump the water out of the Titanic to keep it afloat, not going to work. We need to stop medicating the kids so they "behave" and bring morals back. More then that needs to be done but it be a start. Lowering this 21 year old drinking age also might help. You can buy guns at age 18 but need to be 21 to buy a beer, what a joke. Least 20 year olds should be able to hang out at a bar if they please, Canada has a 19 year drinking age for most of the country and it works fine for them, Mexico and overseas its 18. The USA has the highest drinking age and the most problems. No talk about that-lowering the drinking age. Nope, 21 is here to stay. Ask yourself how old were you when you had your first few drinks. Things were different back then, the law was not enforced as tough as it is today. I feel sorry for these 19-20 year olds, they can buy all the guns they please but a beer, nope.
These are the same politicians that swore a similar oath, "to uphold the Constitution and laws of the Unites States" and balk at many laws that are on the books regarding a number of important topics which, if mentioned, would toss this right over to the politics forum, so I wont go there. But to bend and contort the 2nd amendment into whatever the "flavor of the week" is by these pukes that lock themselves into public office by drawing guaranteed districts is criminal on its face. Drugs are illegal, but that hasn't stopped them. What makes them think making certain guns illegal will do? How about making law breaking people have better guns than the population....Ask LAPD, who pack M-4's on the back of their motorcycles/cruisers now.
Gun control does not make for a safer country, they've already done the study once before. Gun control and gun free zones just make for a target rich enviroment for criminals. Gun control should only be about being able to hit your target.

I don't see anything about our Constitution being political, only politicians make it political. It's the fundamentals that our country was founded on and what all military personnel swear to protect.

This is from a few years ago, but still valid!

[ame="http://youtu.be/qyoLuTjguJA"]302 Found[/ame]
There is a feature on the NRA website you can write your elected officials about gun control. Put your zip code in and hit enter.

If you select the first option: Stop the Semi Auto Gun Ban. It will send a letter to the Pres, VP, Your Senator and Your House Rep. The letter is already drafted. Just put in your name etc hit enter and it will be emailed. You can do the other options but you can draft your own letters. Pretty easy. Worth 5 minutes to protect our 2nd amendment rights.

If you haven’t been following the anti-gun coaltition. The word “assault weapon” is very broad and isn’t just AR-15’s and Ak’s. Basically, the anit-gunners want any rifle other than a .22 with a tube magazine holding more than 10 rounds to be deemed an “assault weapon”. Will this make it into the acutal Bill who knows. Could all of this change? Yes and probably will!

Right now there is a lot of conjecture and not much substance. But, writing your electeted officials and letting them know you don't want your 2nd Amendment Rights taken away is your best bet.

Please join the NRA if you’re not already a member.

Thank you,

Thanks Cuda Chick!

Hopefully a few more members will do the same!
Scuba, I've signed every one of those I can find.

But wowwwwww ... a whopping 3 stars given to this thread. Pretty dayum sad if ya ask me.
Scuba, I've signed every one of those I can find.

But wowwwwww ... a whopping 3 stars given to this thread. Pretty dayum sad if ya ask me.

I sent in the NRA drafted letter than I created my own. I wanted to make it somewhat personal!

I hope it helps but it sure won't hurt!