A pretty darn entertaining "development" for this old guy



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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Some of you know that for the "forseeable" moment, I have no teeth. Had to have the last few pulled a few months back. Due to a small investment package "going away" and some other mis-figuring on my part, I now longer have extra money "for now."

(I'm going, I guess, to have to take the person formerly known as "my sister" to court to get her to actually settle up the estate property in the family. She'd be happy, it seems, to sit on it until..........)

ANYWAY............AAAAAANNNNYYYYY.......way......one of the things I REALLY miss and have for quite a few years, is being able to eat NUTS. I LOVE nuts, and used to buy those little buckets

The other day I thought, coffee grinder? meat grinder? what? ......I'd already tried a blender and that did not go very well.........gummed up in a sticky mess

UNTIL I found on the dubya dubya dubya (YouTube) that you can "grind" nuts up in a food processor. Bought TWO of them at the thrifts for about 12 bucks TOTAL, and tonight I'm sitting on about 2 lbs of ground peanuts, brazil nuts, cashews, and almonds!!!!

I already sampled 'em 'o course, but when Carson comes on at 8PM, I'll have some ice cream and nuts!!!

how to grind nuts
Well good for you! Where there's a will there's a way.
how to grind nuts

That made me cringe. :(

Hope ya get some chompers soon. I was beside myself for a while, kinda waiting for the dentist to finish his work so I could get some partial George Washingtons myself. Man, one of the first things I went after was hard shell tacos, lol.
I will never forget...I had a coworker who only ate every other day
one day I asked him why and he told me him and his wife SHARE a pair of dentures
they would each take them to work, every other day
I'm still waiting to finally get my dentures. With any luck I may have them by the end of the month. I'm so tired of having to cut anything chewy into tiny pieces before I eat it. - Ya, I miss nuts too. Not that I can afford it but I'm likely to buy the biggest steak I can find after I get the new chompers.
I'm surprised at "how well" I can eat. There's a "more traditional" Mexican place downtown, I can eat their ground beef taco salads, and soft shell tacos---which are huge

About 1-twice a week I get Carl's.....two plain burgers with just light mayo and mustard. No problem.

I can eat fish and chicken, lots of spuds. Hash browns? Thing of the past LOL.

Eggs.....no problem. I eat more eggs now than ever, once I FINALLY realized that cholesterol is no problem "for me." I usually keep most of a dozen hard boiled in the fridge.
Eggs.....no problem. I eat more eggs now than ever, once I FINALLY realized that cholesterol is no problem "for me." I usually keep most of a dozen hard boiled in the fridge.

my six year old loves hard boiled eggs
he wont eat the baby chicken though...only the white part
Please don't waste your money on a discount denture. I learned this the hard way. My upper fits like it was cast from someone elses mouth. I still need to have 13 lower teeth pulled and buy 2 new quality dentures.
There are underground/bootleg denture makers scattered across the country. Very difficult to find. The one we found ( made the wifes new dentures ) did beautiful work, and I had intended to go there all along. He suffered a stroke and retired before I could get mine. :(

When I had a dental implant I used a processor for food and peanuts until I got a tooth put on the titanium stud.
If you run it too long you will end up with peanut butter just like a blender if you run that too long.
You probably either know that or want it.
I've got gold.
Eat your heart out.


With a stick.
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there is your answer "peanut butter" ! I love nuts too. I am a nut!

speaking of nuts, have ya ever had a southern thing called "boiled peanuts"???? they are unique in taste, soft, they are "green" peanuts boiled in very salty water for hours, or pressure cooker short time. some people NOT rasied in deep south, either love em or hate em! you can even find them in some stores in cans. but reboil them to get flavor back. if ya try them and hate them, DON"T blame me!!! ha
there is your answer "peanut butter" ! I love nuts too. I am a nut!

speaking of nuts, have ya ever had a southern thing called "boiled peanuts"???? they are unique in taste, soft, they are "green" peanuts boiled in very salty water for hours, or pressure cooker short time. some people NOT rasied in deep south, either love em or hate em! you can even find them in some stores in cans. but reboil them to get flavor back. if ya try them and hate them, DON"T blame me!!! ha

I'm a few weeks away from being 59 years old, and have lived in the south all my life. I wouldn't eat boiled peanuts with a dogs mouth! LOL. You're right...it's a love or hate thing with the boiled peanuts. Flat landers tend to love em, and us hillbillies tend to hate em! I guess if we were all the same, it would be a boring world. Del, I hope you can get your dentures soon and it will make life easier for you.
Runnin out of teeth here, too.
Sure hope you get some soon.
I have a long list of things I miss eating.
God bless White Castle.
if I was smart I'd be talkin to a lawyer right this second over my Parent's estate.
I thought you found all the nuts you wanted on Craigslist ads and wouldn't crave them anymore..........
Some of you know that for the "forseeable" moment, I have no teeth. Had to have the last few pulled a few months back. Due to a small investment package "going away" and some other mis-figuring on my part, I now longer have extra money "for now."

(I'm going, I guess, to have to take the person formerly known as "my sister" to court to get her to actually settle up the estate property in the family. She'd be happy, it seems, to sit on it until..........)

ANYWAY............AAAAAANNNNYYYYY.......way......one of the things I REALLY miss and have for quite a few years, is being able to eat NUTS. I LOVE nuts, and used to buy those little buckets

The other day I thought, coffee grinder? meat grinder? what? ......I'd already tried a blender and that did not go very well.........gummed up in a sticky mess

UNTIL I found on the dubya dubya dubya (YouTube) that you can "grind" nuts up in a food processor. Bought TWO of them at the thrifts for about 12 bucks TOTAL, and tonight I'm sitting on about 2 lbs of ground peanuts, brazil nuts, cashews, and almonds!!!!

I already sampled 'em 'o course, but when Carson comes on at 8PM, I'll have some ice cream and nuts!!!

how to grind nuts
that there is pretty crazy - - or is it just nuts...? :lol: WHAT?! I was going to say - aren't you kinda uncomfortable sitting on your nuts?
Had a nice big bowl watching Carson last night. Vanilla, big spoon of nuts, little chocolate syrup, and a ---(had to go check spelling)---maraschino cherry!!!
have ya ever had a southern thing called "boiled peanuts"????

Yeeessssss, I love boiled peanuts. I miss them since I moved back north many moons ago.

Once in a great while, there is a couple that come up from Florida in the summer and they set up a stand like down south and sell them. I always have to stop and get some.
Had a nice big bowl watching Carson last night. Vanilla, big spoon of nuts, little chocolate syrup, and a ---(had to go check spelling)---maraschino cherry!!!
sweet! no, I mean really - - sweet... where's the banana for that split!?
Herb, good luck with getting estate settled and back to enjoying food the way it should be.

I broke a tooth, #7 and had it pulled in March, just got the ok to get the stud in for implant, I missed eating apples whole. Had one everyday at break time while talking to my wife on the phone. So I tried cutting and eating them that way. Just not the same. After a while I tried eating whole again, had to be very careful and find ripe ones that are not as hard.

Hoping I can keep my teeth but it happens, don't know how anyone affords implants for their whole mouth. This one tooth even with insurance isn't going to be cheap by any means.