A VERY good guy alert!!!!



Aug 15, 2009
Reaction score
MI 49203
For those of you who may have caught my thread about my wife losing her job.....you may know that we have been having a rough couple of months and her losing her job was the last thing we needed.

anyhow, our little one had been bugging us about wanting to see toy story 3 for almost the last year (he loves all the disney pixar movies) and we promised him as long as he was good and listened to us and kept his room picked up that we would take him to see toy story 3 the day it came out....we have a little toy story calender we have been marking down the days on for the last month (count down to toy story 3 day lol)....

well with my wife loosing her job, our already tight money situation was just made ALOT worse and we were not going to be able to take our little boy to go see the movie until our financial situation was on better standings.

So I get a PM from Dustermaniac saying that he would like to foot the bill for us to take our son to see the movie.....just the thought alone was enough to make me be at a loss for words.....so I check my paypal and see that not only is there enough to see the movie but he decided to toss in some extra because he knew we were having some rough times!!!

It really means alot to us to be able to hold up on our word with our son and know how happy he will be that he gets to see the movie.Even a little goes a long way and I thank you very much for the help and for thinking of others in need when you did not have to even offer in the first place.

I still can't find words to describe exactly how I feel.

I am glad that even in times where things just feel like they keep getting worse that there are times like these to give you hope and know that there are good people out there still..... I just hope that everything else starts looking up soon also so we can keep the bills paid and what not.

Thank you again and may many good things head your way!...your a stand up guy!!!:cheers::cheers::cheers:

Dustermaniac to the rescue :happy10::happy10:
Hang in there DusterDude72, I hope thing change for you soon
Thats awesome! Glad to know that there are still good folks out there.
Very nice gesture Dustermaniac.It's people like you that make up the very fabric of FABO.You "are" good people.Hoping for things to get better dude,and i hope your wife lands that job.8)
Thank you Dustermaniac, childhood is only a few years, you are giving a kid and his parents a great memory. This is why I like FABO. Jaded, cynical people reading this thread: take note.

Parts of Toy Story 3 will make a grown man cry, so I hear. l
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!

Dustermaniac: YOU DA MAN!!!!!!!
I just know the little guy is gonna love toy story 3.

Thank You everybody for all the kind words. As soon as I read his thread there was no question as to what needed to be done!!!!!!!!!!!!
HEY GUYS!!!!!!!

We just got back from watching toy story 3 at the imax in 3D.

HE LOVED IT!!!!!!!!! it was a very good movie and he was sitting at the edge of his seat and naming all the characters off and as soon as it was over he said I WANT TO WATCH IT AGAIN! and we said sorry bud we can't right now and he said LETS TAKE IT HOME!.

It was for sure alot of fun.

He even came all geared up in his toy story hat and his toy story shoes and his toy story shirt.....it was alot of fun for him and us

Plus with what extra Dustermaniac gave us we stopped at the hooters next door to the theater and my little buddy got him self a "girlfriend" lol.

He seen balloons and asked for one and the waitress went and got him two and she came back and gave them to him and on one of the balloons it said "To a cutie patootie (she used a heart instead of the letter P) chelsea XOXO

and we got into the truck and he pointed to the balloon and said "daddy whats this name" I said "chelsea" and he said thats my girlfriend? and I started laughing lol.

Just as we got there a big storm kicked up alot of wind and rain but by the time we got out it was all over with....so that was a plus lol

Thank you again Dustermanic....We all really appreciate it.....I thought the least I could do is take some pictures to show you that the money was well spent and much appreciated!!!






OMG! That is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All Hail Dustermaniac!!!!!!!!!!!!
..............Wow, i think im gonna cry, u guys had great fun, nothins better than that.....dustermaniac, my hats off 2 u ...............kim.............
man, that is just too cool! glad you were able to have a good memorable time with your family...just awesome! Thank you dustermaniac!!!!!!!
Nice Job Dustermaniac!!:notworth:

Thanks for sharing the pictures of the outing with us Jerrod, looks like you all had a great time.
Wow!!!!!!!!! The look on your son's face says it all!!!!! I am so very happy that you all were able to get out and enjoy yourselves and get away from your troubles for a while. It was worth it just to know that your boy got to see his favorite movie. No thanks needed. Thank You from me!!!! Tom.